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Bad news, Elysian is the next lake to fall victim to winter kill. It's open to harvest with spears, nets, etc... Too bad, because it was going to be a good opener this year. Even worse news, Lura is next according to the dnr. Unless we see a miracle.


Is there a way to pull the walleyes out and take them to another lake or is that illegal? A shame to see them wasted.


I heard the dnr had taken some, but I'm not sure. I agree, it's a shame to see them all die.


Where do you find out this info? Can't seem to find it on the dnr website.



Most of the walleyes are gone. But if you like carp, suckers,bullheads,northerns and perch try near the open water. 90% of the fish are carp and suckers but I did manage to spear a pike. It is still a fun time spearing those carp and suckers.Good fishing!!


Yea...I took a walk down there, not much going on really. I saw one dead walleye, a few pike, and tons of suckers and carp. I didn't think it really looked like it was worth buying a spear. Maybe if there are more northerns or walleyes showing up in the next few days, ill make the drive down that way again.


Snag1, if you go to the DNR home page you will find a "search" box. Type in "liberalized fishing" & you should see the page that tracks the lakes in trouble. L2f


Just spoke to the DNR, the oxygen level of Lura was checked last week when the aerators were turned on it is at 14.5% the highest level in any southern Minn. lake to date. He assured us that it would be rechecked this week, and that it should survive. Lets keep our fingers crossed, it would be a terrible loss for anglers in our area...


Where on the lake are these dying fish located and is it accessible? I was thinking about taking a drive over that way to check it out. According to the DNR website, that lake has suffered from winter kill offs before, and was a likely canidate for more. Sad to see though thats for sure. Might have to bring some waders and a net with, a walleye dinner wouldn't be bad, much better than letting them rot.


How many lines can a guy fish on this lake now? Are there any crappies or gills worth catching or is it pretty much spearing only?

How did there get to be open water? Is the ice safe everywhere or very thin in spots?



The water is openm where the lake has its aeriation system. The ice should be good everywhere else, as we have fished on it many times this season. Jsut be careful on that open water spot.


the only thing swimming is a few northerns and suckers, the rest is pretty much dead. the dnr waited too long to open it. other people said it was dieing a week before.


I talked to reliable sources that were out on sat and said fish were thick in the open water. One person in a boat had ~40 pike. Since the rain and warm weather the pike have been more active, hope some survive. I still haven't seen a walleye.


If the lake has an airator you prolly want to wait as long as you can to open it. All it takes is a switch in weather and a few warm days for some run off. Just my 2 cents.


i am not blaming the dnr for not opening, i quess i am more upset with the setup for the airrator being to small or are they just looking for the cheap way out. yes it cost alot of money to run, but it cost alot of money to replace the fish too. there was alot of nice fish lost again. how many times is this going to happen before they get it right???


Probably won't ever get it right. A lake that big and that shallow is hard to keep alive when the water is low and there is no run off and when we get all the snow there isn't much they can do.


The big thing is not the money, but the liability. Last time a person died on the lake, he went through the open water. The family was looking into sueing the sportsman association that pays to run it. The president said the court could've handed the family his house and every members. Worst case scenario of course. Everyone talks big, but nobody will sign their name to the dotted line and take control of it.
The lake was doomed this year with low water and the snow/ice. The lake needs multiple systems, and then limit motor vehicle traffic on the lake. I wish the dnr would take sole responsibilty for everything, including the insurance.


Then your fishing license would be $200 a year. The DNR always seems to need more money, but I guestion whether it ever helps.


When I was a kid and my family had a cabin on Elysian, it was one of the best lakes in southern MN. It was a quality lake for many years in a row. Now every 5th year or so something like this happens.

If the DNR can't do their job and figure out a solution....get rid of the lake....and fill it in with backfill...and make a strip mall or apartments or something. I'm extremely upset with how the DNR handles this lake.


Has anyone considered this....how about they quit pooring money into this lake and put a little more into other lakes. Or they could put the money they have into restructuring the lake towards waterfowl. It seems to me that trying to stock and aerate this very inefficient and I would rather see the money spent on something the DNR can control. They certainly can't control the weather.

If they were to remove the fish population they could introduce vegetation impove that habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife. Don't get me wrong, I love to fish as well as hunt, but pouring money into stocking walleyes into a lake that freezes out every few years seems wasteful. What does everyone else think?


I think a strip mall is little drastic!
I do think the waterfowl option is a good thought. A six mile long slough with cattails would be nice.
I also wish they could dig some deeper holes during a dry year, and add a couple systems. But I know I'm dreaming here. I guess I don't mind my money going to stock a lake that is close to home, even if it fails occassionally. I get more out of than I would hearing how mille lacs or red lake has responded to stocking efforts.


I think the waterfowl habitat idea is a great idea.

There a plenty of quality fishing options available in the immediate Elysian area.

Rather than stocking this this lake with fish (that die every couple years)the DNR should introduce fresh water shrimp, a variety of vegetation and declare an area or a few areas as Wildlife Refuge.


Who takes care of the 2 aerators on Lura Lake? Elysian needs 2 aerators just as Lura does. This is such a shame to see this lake die again. When walleyes are put in this lake they grow faster than they do anywhere else in SE MN. They are true footballs. 8 lb bodies with 4 lb heads. Can you imagine if this lake were able to get through about 15 good years without a dieoff? The fishing would be rediculously good.


It is always easy to place blame on others but truly believe were all as guilty as the next person in this situation. How many times have we myself included been members of the sportsman club or offered them a hand with maintenance or other things assosciated with it. I believe this lake has a future and we all are the answear to it. This wont be an easy task but I believe it is acheivable with some hard work and the right people. Since this situation came up I have been doing some investigation on what this may take. I think this lake needs all of our support. I am willing to take on this challenge but I cant do it myself. Are there any other volunteers? I am not trying to be a jerk just gets frustrating hering about how its always someone elses problem


During the last ten years I can remember this lake suffering from severe algae bloom during hot summer months. I think this lake has bigger problems then a couple more aerators can solve. The lake became almost toxic!!!!


I don't know how they operate these aereators, but I do know that where I used to ice fish 'eyes' exclusively froze out a couple years ago, and it wasn't because it happened so fast, but the time it took to put the paper work through to have it turned on.

I know it's expensive to run, but I wonder if they would be able to rig something up with a windmill or something that could generate the power, used to subsidize the power, or actually do the stirring of the water its self.

Any engineer types out there know if that would work or not??


oh yeah - does this mean they won't be having their annual bullhead days with fried bullheads?

Man them were tasty.


The cost isn't the bad thing here, but like I said the liability and the fact the state is in charge of turning the thing on. I was out helping put the signs up 2-3 weeks before the thing actually got turned on. The lake went from just fine to dead in a short amount of time. Truly a sad deal.


I thik using windpower is a good concept but not feasable because of the cost involved. If they already made 'em it wouldn't be so bad, but the cost to design, test, manufacture such a piece of equipment would be high. Plus I don't think you would find too many lakes association that would care to have some big hunk of metal stickingout of their lake...just my $.02

I would like to see if anyone can add any input to gloweye's post (welcome to the forum gloweye!) I don't know much about the area lake programs but maybe someone else does. I agree that if people want a quick resolution we are going to have to participate to accomplish anything in a reasonable period of time.


It IS someone else's problem...it's the DNR's problem. They are in charge of maintaining this lake....and honestly....they suck at it. I was just kidding about the strip mall idea...but it's so frustrating to watch this body of water with so much potential go to waste every 4th year or so. You are going to have a very difficult time getting a grass roots movement going for this lake UNTIL the DNR puts their collective brain cell together and figures something out.

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    • leech~~
      When it said. "The foolish man, builds his house upon the sand"? 🫣   Just got back from 10days on the golf of America.  By Panama city Florida.   
    • smurfy
      Venny backstrap and the fixins!
    • SkunkedAgain
      Running on empty at dark on a sled is definitely stress-inducing. Been there, done that. Glad that you made it out.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Eagle swoops are always a hoot to watch.   The snow is mostly gone on the lake. Ice melt made things pretty wet but the ice is obviously still very thick. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  The big question:  "How is the ice up at Lake of the Woods?"  That is for each individual resort or outfitter who operates an ice road or trail to answer, but overall, ice conditions are still very good and ice fishing is going strong!  As always, stay on the marked ice  roads and trails for safety.     Being up on the Canadian border, the colder temps Lake of the Woods enjoys vs much of the region combined with three feet of ice makes a big difference.  Fish houses are allowed unattended overnight through March 31st and it sounds like a good number of resorts will be fishing through the month, but ultimately, Mother Nature will determine that.     Regarding the fishing, overall, very good reports for walleyes, saugers and perch.  There is a strong population of smaller walleyes and saugers in the lake which bodes well for the future, but in the meantime, anglers are sorting through them to catch their keepers.   The one-two punch of jigging and deadsticking remains the most effective technique. Jigging spoons with rattles tipped with a minnow head or a lipless crankbait on the jigging line is the ticket.  On the deadstick, a live minnow a foot off the bottom on a plain red hook or medium sized ice fishing jig is catching a lot of fish.   Using electronics is super helpful.  Many nice walleyes are swimming through suspended, keep an eye out.   Anglers tip-up fishing for pike have had a great week and it should continue to get even better.  Suckers, frozen alewife and smelt are working well. Putting baits 1 foot under the ice or right off bottom seems to be effective this week.  Most common depths, 9 - 15 feet. On the Rainy River...  The Rain River is still frozen with no signs of open water yet.  Every year can be different, but on average, the Rainy River will start opening up around the third week of March.  The first boat ramp suitable for larger boats is Nelson Park in Birchdale.  We will keep you posted.    As of March 1st, walleyes and saugers are catch and release only on Four Mile Bay and the Rainy River.     Make plans now for sturgeon season.  Once the open water appears, the fish are super active.  Here are the seasons...   -Catch and Release Season: May 8th – May 15th and October 1 – April 23rd. -Harvest Season: April 24th – May 7th and July 1 – September 30. -Closed Season: May 16th – June 30th.  Up at the Northwest Angle...  Fishing remains very good up at the Angle and the ice is in good shape as well.  As on the south end, resorts monitor ice roads and trails daily and there are still some great ice fishing opportunities available.     Walleyes, saugers, perch, and pike are showing up in good numbers.  Those targeting crappies are reporting good numbers of fish.  Work through a NW Angle resort for ice fishing opportunities on this part of the lake. The walleye and sauger season is open through April 14th. Pike fishing never closes, and perch and crappie remain open year-round as well. Whether booking a day house rental, sleeper fish house, or resort stay, there is still plenty of time to plan a late-season ice fishing adventure. 
    • Wanderer
      Looks like a shallow lake with some potential.  Keepable crappies, decent bluegills and some nice perch according to the last survey (2015). Susan Lake   With a max depth of 10 feet, I’d want to know a little more about it before I’d start drilling holes.  Could be a nice little adventure though.  
    • Brianf.
      Jeff and I fished Saturday and half day Sunday, targeting whitefish, ciscos, crappies, and perch.  The bite was tough for us.  We ecked out a few, but nothing special.  Highlight of the weekend was the sled ride into Wolf Lake and having an eagle swoop in and eat a rock bass we had on the ice.  All in all, not a bad way to waste time.    
    • monstermoose78
    • smurfy
      Smoked polish sausage with some beans!
    • smurfy
      just below the ice???? i was pulling crappies from 30 ft over 43 ft and 23 inches of ice this past weekend.   nice going!!!!!! 👍
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