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Big Sandy Lake Fishing Reports

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Fishing is real slow.

It wasn't "slow" last weekend. I doubt it's slow...it's only getting better as we get into March. It's going to be beautiful this weekend. BSL loves those sunny days!

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Originally Posted By: bsl..master
Fishing is real slow.

It wasn't "slow" last weekend. I doubt it's slow...it's only getting better as we get into March. It's going to be beautiful this weekend. BSL loves those sunny days!

Sounds like somone had a good weekend, it was kinda slow for me last weekend. Lots of works and hole hoping on sat for me, got my limit on crappie took me all day, only nine tullies. I think I only got my limit because I switched to the fl-18 that I repaired on the bootom zoom mode"boy what a diierence from the fl-8"

This weekend is going to be nice and sunny so the crappies should be nice, tullies will be running around but might be a slow bite, in my experience.

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Overall I put in 100's hours on big sandy this year, moving around spots and it has been a terrible year in general. It should get better but the fishing has been slooooooooow for about everyone I have talked to.

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Overall I put in 100's hours on big sandy this year, moving around spots and it has been a terrible year in general. It should get better but the fishing has been slooooooooow for about everyone I have talked to.

I'm not sure what to say BSLMaster. You must not be targeting the fish correctly or something. I have spent a total of 10 hours in the last 2 weekends and have done pretty well. I carry 4 rods all equipped with different set ups. If I mark a fish and it does not bite, I will throw something different at it. As long as it doesn't swim away, it can be enticed into sucking in the jig once and that's all you need to catch them. I tried six different spots today on BSL and caught fish at every spot.

Today, caught over 20 keeper crappies. Biggest 12.5" 1 pound 7 ounces. 2 Tullibee and a couple sunfish.



Kept a limit of crappies....


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I'm with ya CA...I have been getting limits...not that we keep them every time out. Caught 50 last Tues.

Here was the day on tues with a bunch of tullies and 10 crappies that we culled out for dinner.


Last weekend was great too....

We had many in our group hitting fish..








I sat with a guy on tues and he struggled with those crappies while I spanked him.Once I had caught several in a short period he downsized with what I was using...then he immeadiatley started to pop them.

Working the water column...driving those slabs to the ceiling is the ticket.

No hit on the guys not catching ,but I'm finding the bite is better when you can find some stacked schools...onesy-twoseys are harder to get to hit.

I've been tagging them all year...when others strugle and yes I log in hundreds of days not hours on the lake to pattern these fish.

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Weather has been great, even on our local lakes around here people are fishing in spots I've never seen them fish before, they seem to be more adventurous this year.

Keep up the great posts / pics Keith!


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where were you this past weekend???????? I heard you was out on a fishing contest? See you next week!

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CK, all your tips have helped everyone even the locals i would bet! Caught some crappies on hair jigs using your tips. 1st time on big sandy maybe I'll see ya next time. Thanks CK

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CK, all your tips have helped everyone even the locals i would bet! Caught some crappies on hair jigs using your tips. 1st time on big sandy maybe I'll see ya next time. Thanks CK

I'm happy to hear it...I'd take 1 story like this over 100 haters....

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Love your posts keith... im heading up there this weekend and am excited to try some of my small hair jigs I often overlook using. Have the crappies moved in shallow or are they still out deeper. Unfortunately my friends dont like to move around too much like myself... they usually shack up after about 45 minutes to an hour of searching. Any depths you could help me out with would be much appreciated. Were staying in my buddies cabin in bill horn bay. Would you recommend venturing else where on the lake or just stick to bill horn. Thanks for any info.

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Bill Horn is great late season.Just work around the point in 20-25 fow.Not only on the inside of the point but all the way around the mud bar will produce.

I'm onto tullies so I'll be on the main lake,but we will see crappies out there too.

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CK, what are the biggest hair jigs you'll use? I haven't gotten into using them yet as I've had great success with forage minnows for crappies this winter. I do have a couple 1/32 oz jigs, and am just wondering if those might be too big?

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ck, is the east side of the main lake a good place for tullies. ANy suggestions???

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CK, what are the biggest hair jigs you'll use? I haven't gotten into using them yet as I've had great success with forage minnows for crappies this winter. I do have a couple 1/32 oz jigs, and am just wondering if those might be too big?

100th or 80thoz if the hair is short enough.Bulk and length can kill you.

Once they start to come on it will not be so important,but last weekend it did matter.I started with an 80th cause that's what I had on for the tullies. When we moved for the slabs they wqould not touch it.I dropped with the same color and it was fish on immeadiately.

to post pics you'll need a photobucket account.It's free.Once you've registered you can upload pics from your putor into photobucket then you'll copy the img link and paiste it into your post.

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ck, is the east side of the main lake a good place for tullies. ANy suggestions???

They are all over the north end of the lake in 22-40 fow....look for the deeper holes next to a shallow flat.Look for suspended marks in that 16 fow to 8 fow.

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How I put picture this post?

Here's one of your pics from last weekend....nice crappies you caught.


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i went fishing yesterday and wow nice weather so i went to 4 spots and i caught several fish here is picture that i caught 13in slab


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Shadrapla, nice fish wink Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like bubba the love sponge from sirius satellite radio? shocked It's uncanny!

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Good work...I'm hitting her in the A.M.....it's tanning weather!

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BSL is sloooow. Don't waste your time.

Ya right and I am the next Power Ball winner. grin

Nice reports and pics Shadrapla & CK. Keep on those feeding fish. smile

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BSL is sloooow. Don't waste your time.

HAHA!!! Good try.

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It's slow out there. You will mark fish but it will take you all day to get a half dozen.

Very slow, don't waste your time.

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You know - some people catch fish and others, well .....

I've hit a few spots in the last week and they are definetly starting to turn on!

Now to hope the season lasts just a bit longer smile

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