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4 day youth deer hunt state wide during teachers convention


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"Now please correct me if I'm wrong, as there are still some unanswered questions in there, but the way it sounds to me is the DNR is planning on "simplifying" the regs in regard to youth deer hunting. I am all for this. Reading and understanding the regulations as they pertain to the different seasons has become a nightmare. Just the regs on youth hunting are confusing - as this entire conversation gives evidence to."

Dang! I had just gotten to understanding them.

How many DNR look at this site? Instead of paper surveys that cost money they can see the many different opinions on here for free....

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Thanks GoBlue. You might have noticed, I enjoy writing.

Actually lungdeflator, I do know that a few DNR officials are quite regularly monitoring this site. Not necessarily for opinions as much as trying to ferret out folks bending or breaking the law.

Honestly, the opinions and meanderings expressed on this website are only a drop in a very large bucket. It's fun to share thoughts and ideas on this topic, but this proposal is already awaiting approval or disapproval as an addendum to a bigger bill at the legislative level. Our sage wisdom here won't mean squat as to it's outcome. Oh well. Such is life.

I hope to see it pass.

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Which addendum you talking about. The DNR at present starting Feb. 22 was asking for opinion on this subject. What is the bigger bill it will be attached to? You saying this is a done deal?

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My kids are all in on this one. We have a wreathmaking business we operate every fall and over MEA I work these kids like a couple of Hebrew slaves from sun-up 'til dark picking balsam boughs.

They both know that if this passes, there is no chance whatsoever that I would deny them the opportunity to participate.

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The DNR has the online survey and Regulations Changes in a power point presentation up and running now.

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How many DNR look at this site? Instead of paper surveys that cost money they can see the many different opinions on here for free....

thing is, you want surveys to be unbiased. opinions on a specific thread in a specific forum are about as biased as they get

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dogs, wish I could help you out. Are you looking at getting into the Minnesota State High School trap league. I was just doing some research on that this week.

The way it looked for some of those schools that have trap leagues, they get some of their loads donated by the big shell companies.

When we buy shells for our trap range we try and find a good price on cases of good, but cheaper shells, then sell them at cost. It can get spendy.

or am I reading your post wrong?

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If I'm mistaken about my earlier post - my bad. The article states, "The license simplification plan is contained in the Governer's supplemental budget bill, which must be approved by the legislature."

I interpret that to mean this proposal is an attachment within a larger bill - the budget plan. I think this is how many of these minor issues are pushed thru the process - as smaller pieces to a pretty large puzzle.

Admittedly, I am not very politically savy. I don't want to be. Politics, and the whole political process make me blow chunks.

Glad to hear there's a survey available. I'll have to fill that one out.

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Wow, that is so nice of you dogs, let me see what I can get set up with the local sportsmans club. My email is nashasticker @ yahoo.com send me a message and if this gets going, I will get back to you. Just the thought is greatly appreciated. The generosity of the sportsman on this site is amazing.

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Naw trigger, I think he means he wants to send me a donation! Thanks so much dogs! You can send that to:

Sammy's Kids Hunting the World Fund

PO Box 69

Too Many Bills, MN 55555

All denominations are accepted. Thanks again. smile

Now I can afford to take my kids out during the youth hunting season!!!! Har har har.....

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This has been a great discussion with many well mannered view points on how to get youth into the outdoors. Bottom line is-land and water space of quality has to be available to enjoy this resource. Than we have to have dedicated people who want to teach and take the youth outdoors on more than a one time excursion.

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This is a going to far, I have mentored many kids to get them invovle in hunting but to give them a special 4 day season that disrupts the tradtion of hunting with your friends and family is crazy, all you are doing is teaching them that they need/get speciall treatment to go hunting and that you can go kill a deer. What they need is to go hunting with other hunters and eperience the full deer camp hunting tradtion.

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I agree mnhunter2. I know many things in life you appreciate more if if they learn the tricks of the trade and earn the privilege of hunting by going thru the family tradition. Hunter Safety, respect of nature, maybe start out on small game etc.. But always be ready to encourage them and give a helping hand. Go the extra mile and have he or she to just enjoy the outdoor experience and its not how big the G-2 or bucks horns are and anything less is failure.

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This is a going to far, I have mentored many kids to get them invovle in hunting but to give them a special 4 day season that disrupts the tradtion of hunting with your friends and family is crazy, all you are doing is teaching them that they need/get speciall treatment to go hunting and that you can go kill a deer. What they need is to go hunting with other hunters and eperience the full deer camp hunting tradtion.

I agree with some of what you are saying, but like I have said in this thread and will say again, I don't think this hunt is aimed at the kids who have those opportunities. I think this hunt is for the kids whose family may not hunting or doesn't have the chance to hunt. Say you are a mentor and a father of 2. You have your tradition of taking your kids to camp with you and giving them that experience. In that 'camp' you also share some sort of lodging, the land, hunting locations etc. It may not be that easy for you to bring a 3rd child along to introduce to hunting. However, given a special opportunity, during a different part of the year and many more folks might have the opportunity to take a kid or two hunting.

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Completely unnecessary! Hunter recruitment can just as easily happen during the normal deer opener. Also, the deer are under enough pressure.

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I keep wondering when all of these special regs and seasons add up to age discrimination? You just can't keep making different regulations and seasons by age group or whatever else.

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I think anyone over 65 should get a discount-just think of all the dollars they have paid for license. Oh I forgot this is just to get the youth envolved so they will buy license in the future. They can then hunt the public land that other people have paid for.

If you have to give someone something for them to do anything they probably won't do it in the future unless its free.

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Fighting a loosing battle. Kids and the way most are raised are beyond the point of trying to raise like past generations. A special season will not change their regular habits. They will park themselves back in front of the xbox the same night the season ends. Global warming will melt all the ice, flood the world, and kill the deer anyway right?

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Good to see a lot of down home common sense thinking here in these last several posts!

Enough of the coddling. Raise kids to be ready for the real world. Work for it.

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Agreed. Went to a Mite hockey tourney (5-8) year olds and they were fighting over their gift bags, rarely spoke a word about the game when it was done, just what stuff did we get and what's the new boy or girl toy at McDonald's in the happy meal. Then you each get a puck as well and they weren't all the same so they fought over who got the cool ones. The way I see it especially in old zone 4, we used to get 2 or 4 days or could multi zone it, now we get 9 days. Adults can sacrifice some of their own hunt time to spend with their kids or a kid they know that shows interest in hunting. For lots of us we have 4x the amount of days we can rifle hunt now, plus I think it would be better to get these kids on Turkey's,Pheasants,Grouse,Geese,Ducks or whatever learning recoil, how to handle a bigger gun, a hunt where being stone quiet and being still doesn't have to happen. But, I'm not like totally opposed to the idea either, it's just I think a progression toward big game hunting would be a good way to go.

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A portion of the news article by Dennis Andersen Minneapolis Tribune. Also the President of the Minnesota Deer hunters came out opposing it.

DNR is chasing Legislature in a hunting 'Bad Idea Derby'

Proposals for a four-day youth deer hunt and an earlier starting time for duck hunting should be abandoned.

Dennis Anderson

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My first experience in the deer stand..

was in `91 after the halloween snow storm. My dad taught me how to not only get to my stand, but how to stay warm. I think it was about … read more -10 opening morning. I learned to HUNT, not go out and shoot something. Yes, there are lessons that need to be learned and coddling young hunters with a special season will not help them when the time comes to do it for real.

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The purpose of MEA is so that teachers can go to seminars and learn something! However, due to their strong union and the Bravo Sierra that it perpitrates they are not required to go! Still, we as tax payers pay them to go and goof around. I vote not in favor! Tehn again it would keep them off the duck ponds! Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Do we really need a special deer hunt for youth? NO WE DON'T! I can remember back when I was a young kid and waiting for my parents to come home after a day of deer hunting to see if they got anything. It didn't matter if it was a buck or a doe. It didn't matter if they had not shot a deer. What mattered was that they were home with stories of just being outdoors and what they had seen for wildlife and how close they got or how wet ,cold or windy it was.It was seeing the look of enjoyment they had in their eyes from being able to do something they loved. So with this being said. I was anxiously awaiting when I turned 12yrs old so I could take gun training class and receive my certificate that would enable me to hunt,and capture my own memories and stories to tell others. Sure I had shot guns prior to being 12 with responsible adult supervision. The issue I have is whats the point in having a gun safety course taught to 12 yr old's if they are allowed to possess a gun for the purpose of taking game when they are under that age requirement! They are already allowed to hunt deer with an adult at their side during regular firearms season. Isn't this enough! Especially while pheasant season is open. Something to think about. a couple yrs ago a young girl lost her life when her younger brother was unloading a gun in the house and it went off hitting her just a few days before he was to start gun safety class. GOD BLESS YOU NATASHA!

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I'm kind of conflicted on this one. Especially since my Son just turned 10 years old. I most likely would not take him with during the regular hunt due to limited hunting space and cold weather but I would seriously consider taking him for an earlier youth hunt. If you look at what happened to duck hunting many people blame the early youth season on the poor openers. Personally, I think when they allowed early goose season on water is when it really made duck opener pretty much another regular duck season weekend with ducks flying a mile high at sun up. One thing you could not convince me of is that it would have no effect on deer hunting. There is no doubt in my mind that you would have people that cheat and it would definitely put more pressure on public hunting areas. Archery does not seem to change deer habits much but as soon as you get a shotgun or rifle season involved, things change quickly.

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However, due to their strong union and the Bravo Sierra that it perpitrates they are not required to go! Still, we as tax payers pay them to go and goof around.

I'm a teacher, we are NOT paid to go, they are not in our contracted days, just like the summer months. You don't pay for anything other than the contracted days. Just thought you should know. I dont go online and rip your profession. I would appreciate it if you didn't come on here and make false statements about mine. It would show a little class if you deleted your post.

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Agreed trigger, definitely not paid to go, and look at what summer has turned into, most work into June, most have summer workshops or staff comes in to work on things, many are back by mid-august to start up the football program or by contract must put in so many hours before the 1st staff day where all come back, many are involved in grants that have summer pieces attached to them, many schools are linked to AYP, and many schools are or have looked at freezing teachers wages agreed upon by the local ed associations. Many are looking at 4 day weeks, some are either dissolving the district or trying to merge with another financially strapped district, and how many out of contract hours, how many hours are put in where your wages are fixed, but the work has to get done, plus how much money comes out of teachers pockets to provide like prize boxes, snacks, the holidays, even school supplies where you don't want to have to deal with the paperwork/credit cards etc. so you forgo that. Education has changed greatly since the George Bush No Child Left Behind, summer break isn't like it was in the 70's,80's,to the mid to late 90's. And then some eh trigger ?

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • knoppers
      when I was guiding for Dan Gapen on the river, we kept the smaller smallmouth for shore lunch. they taste like any other fish.
    • leech~~
      Church is tomorrow, you may want to go get that mind cleaned out!🤭
    • CigarGuy
      Leech, let's try to keep this site PG!😂
    • leech~~
      I've never kept and eaten a small mouth and have only kept 2 large mouth my whole life.  One I mounted and the other I eat just to see what they were like.  But that just me. Well, I've never eaten a rock bass or dog fish either! 😆
    • EyeWannabee
      After 15+ yrs going to pike bay lodge every June I have noticed many more bass anglers in the resort.  Also notice many 15-18” smallmouth in the cleaning shack.  I would estimate on a daily average 4 of 5 buckets of entrails are of smallmouths vs walleye or pike.  Not sure how it is at other resorts but if folks are taking the larger fish for fish fry it could explain the smaller average size of smallies being caught.  Just my 2 cents.  Largest smallie brought in my boat this year was 19” but fewer 17-18” fish than past years.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Sounds like it's time to start keeping the smaller smallies for lunch.
    • SkunkedAgain
      With two muskies under my belt, my best advice is to fish for pike and bass and then let a giant muskie come chomp down on said pike/bass as you reel it in. 🙂   Unfortunately I have no other good advice.
    • gimruis
      The guys in that tourney aren't permitted to use live bait though.  That makes a substantial difference.  Clear water and pressure with nothing but artificial lures makes for a difficult bite.   I don't have a theory as to why the average size of smallmouth on Vermilion is declining.  The common explanation would be too many smaller fish are gobbling up resources and there isn't enough for bigger ones, but that doesn't seem like a plausible answer in a big lake like Vermilion.  Certainly people aren't keeping plus sized smallmouth either.  That far north, it takes a bass about 10 years to reach 5 pounds/20 inches in size.
    • Rick G
      St Cloud has a good access at Wilson park,  Sartell has a nice access off NE River Rd,  another access above Blanchard dam on East side off Hilton Rd  and at Lindbergh state park...Little Falls  has a access right above the dam.   Water is pretty high and dirty.  Crayfish colors have been good again this week.  Smallies have been using anything available that breaks the current so finding them most days has been pretty easy
    • Brianf.
      Interesting...   You're doing better than most.  The biggest bass weighed-in during the recent MN Bass Federation tourney was only 4.33lbs.   The winning bag was less then 20lbs.  To have several over 5lbs during your trip is pretty special.   Congrats!  
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