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Lake Superior Fishing Reports

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Ya I see it as fishable but for some crazy reason the fish dont. frown

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How did you do at Baileys Harbor? We are leaving today and would love to hear a good report:)

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The water is pretty muddy, we have not done well out of Loons Foot on the south shore for pushing a month. We have however done quite well out of Port Wing recently. Been down there three times in the last week and a half and planning on going back Sunday. With the exception of one brown, they have all been lake trout of decent size. All fish are still coming from the top 30 feet or so on boards, downriggers, or dipseys.

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I got out on the big lake friday and it was flat and fairly clear water ,,,there was some dirty water close to the south shore but MODIS showed me that already ,,,did pick up a few cohos and one eater laker ,,,temps ranged from 57.6 to 62 for the day ,,,marked lots of baitfish in 30-45 FOW but picked up our fish in 50 fow,,,nice to know there are still a few salmon around after the mud settled


PS nice to run into you at the ramp Jarrid

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Went out last night for a few hours, we got 2 ho hos and a 20" walleye, 40' of water. No pattern whatsoever.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Got out this morning for a couple hours between Mcquade and Pumping station. So much for the NW wind.

One Chinook 40' down over 90' of water hit on Wonderbread.

2 Lake Trout 90' on bottom both on Watermelon spoons.

Surface temps around 57.

Didn't mark many fish

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anybody seeing the fishing turning around in the bay? the last time I was out, I had to run 22 #$%&&$!! miles to find fishable water.

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Fish in the bay are on the deep channel edges. 4oz. bouncers and silver or shiner colored spinners did the trick this am.

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Fished for four hours today. First time since mid June. Went 2 for 3 both were lakers. Out in front of Mcquade in 200 fow. 60 feet down. All were on a flasher fly. Trying to talk my fishing partner into coming back tomorrow.

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Hit the South Shore early this morning and didnt get one hit out there in 4 hours of fishing. Went from Dutchmans to Poplar in 15-45' of water and all I saw was baitfish. frown

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Fished Mcquade yesterday with Surface Tension and Junior. Brought home four lakers. Did not mark much. All were perfect eaters smile BC

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Sunday was a beautiful day on the lake or in it.

Flat and hot.

Trolling spoons on the bottom in 100-120' of water picked up two Lakers.

One Laker off a stacked rod 40' down and one laker off a dipsey set at 40'.

Jim's Flashbacks in Watermelon & Monkey Puke caught fish.

Pulled the lines at 1:30 PM and jumped in the lake.


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Fished a few hours later in the afternoon yesterday out of the cheesey side. Got out to 90' of water in front of the Amnicon and as usual it was slow. The waves made fishing a bit tuffer than I like. I wound up with 1 walleye about 27" and 1 small shore trout. I have heard good reports out 5-6 miles on spoons deep. Purples and pinks for colors but as usual keep trying new colors because it can change by the hour some times.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Just a heads up for those using the Two Harbors Burlington Bay Access, it will be closed this weekend (Friday-Sunday).

The Knife River or Twin Points accesses would be an alternative if your planning on fishing that area.

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looking to go out in the bay and go for some muskie. any tips what to use and where to go. Thanks

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Hi, everyone I'll be in the Duluth area this weekend with the family and was wondering if it was worth a shot getting up early in the morning for some shore fishing. I tried it early spring this year with no luck so I figure I'm all this way why not give her another try. Anyways I would love to hear what you locals think. Thanks in advance... Oh by the way I'll be using spoons or bait only.

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looking to go out in the bay and go for some muskie. any tips what to use and where to go. Thanks

If its the bay your talking of post in the St. Louis River post.

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Preety slow off shore these days. A lot of the fish have moved out but ya never know. Loopers always seem to be around shore even if the numbers are down these days.

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3 coho and 2 walleyes today. Found where the muddy water turned murky then clear and thats where the fish seemed to be hiding. Bite was early and died by 11:30.

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Ya there was a HUGE tree in the entry that had to be at least 3' around. The trees that were just out in the lake were almost as big. By the time I came back in at 11:30 I couldnt see them anyplace anymore.

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WOW!!!! I just looked at the MODIS satelite imagery of the lake and it looks bad out of both entrys ,,,,I wont be fishing out there for a while thats for sure

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Ya since yesterday morning the mudd really started moving. There was some clean water off PP last night but not much. I ran to the Lester and fished on top right up next to the mudd and got 3 lakers. All in the top 25' over 120' of water. My sister and her husband who are total rookies got 3 as well. 1 on a Storm wild eye jig with a twister tail trolled slow behing the boat. Funny how there are still some fish on top.

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I've been doing McQuade and Two harbors this year as of late with decent luck. Mostly on Dipseys, a few on riggers. None on boards in the last couple weeks

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Did a solo out of McQuade this morning. Wow, there's enough lumber floating out there to build a new house with! Debris was every where and the water was chocolate flavored for as far as the eye could see. Fish were thick on the graph the entire time. Put in five hours and had one release on the rigger and one serious bump on the dipsy. Tried using flashers that were white as well as white spoons, and anything else that stood out in the muddy water. Nothing. I suspect when the mud drops down fishing should be excellent out there with all the fish that were holding in the water. BC

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • smurfy
      yeppers......nuttin more aggravating the boat motor issues!!!!!!!   what was the problem the first time???????
    • Hookmaster
      Nice fish Kettle. Hope it's really "fixed" next time.
    • Rivergroup
      Our group will be returning in September as well. Wish we were able to be there now to lend a hand.
    • smurfy
      dang...tough to hear..........hope the good people up there recover soon!!!!!!!!!
    • MarkB
      We just returned this afternoon from 6 days on Vermilion. We arrived Saturday and enjoyed 3 fantastic days of walleye fishing. My cousin, our friend Greg, and myself fished several of our spring spots and found fish on all of them. Water temperatures were pretty much 65-67 degrees everywhere we fished. The wind was variable and made boat control a challenge at times. Bait was not an issue and we had success on crawlers(Tim), leeches(Greg), and minnows(me). If I had to pick one of those as catching the most fish, it would be crawlers. Our best day totalled 48 walleyes, 4 smallmouth, and 2 big JUMBOS. We ended up with over a hundred walleyes, 12 jumbos 11"-13", and 10 smallmouth to 18". Our biggest walleye was 24.5" and the balance went from 13"-22". There are lots of 14"-16" walleyes this year which are perfect eaters. The mayfly hatch was in full bloom in some areas but we found very few mayflies in the water column over rock reefs. We caught our fish in depths ranging from 10' to 32'. I didn't fish in any area where I could see mayflies top to bottom in the water column. Slow trolling in the .3mph to .6mph worked and we caught nothing using slip bobbers. Terminal tackle was a 3'-4' 10# flurocarbon leader, 2 lime colored beads, and a plain #6 Gamakatsu walleye hook . Snags are always an issue when fishing in and around the rocks and when the fish are biting they are acceptable. NOW, for the bad news.......Tuesday was a day I won't soon forget. The area suffered devastating torrential rainfall. Lightning was non-stop for several hours and when things settled down, flood damage was everywhere. We checked our rain guage on the side of the cabin and we got 7 3/4 " in a little over 4 hours! Breezy Point road washed out, Mud Creek road washed out as did several others in the area. Cooke business area was completely covered with flood water. I would consider it a disaster area and should be declared as such. We couldn't find a dock anywhere that wasn't covered with water. People were stranded behind flood covered and washed out roads. Dock decking, limbs and such were floating everywhere in the big water. My group sends our prayers to the people of that beautiful country that lost their businesses, homes, and suffered damage to their lake properties. The people of that north country are resilient and we have confidence that they will recover. We stayed our final 3 days but didn't fish at all Tuesday. Our last 2 days showed the effects of the storm. Water temps dropped to 64 degrees and our premo fishing became 10 walleye days. We did manage to catch a dozen really nice jumbos. We plan on returning in September and we pray the area will have returned to normal by then. I haven't figured out how to transfer photos from my phone to my computer yet so no pictures at this time. Good Fishing and God be with you. MarkB
    • SkunkedAgain
      Word is that the river has peaked and therefore the town can start the process of recovering sooner.
    • smurfy
      Heard that too. Also heard 38 was closed for a but north of rapids due to flooding.    I know the water really came up when I was up last week compared to when I was there in April. 
    • Kettle
      Someone said 4 inches in the past week, more expected this weekend. A few roads, including county roads that are asphalt ended up with sink holes. Lakes are the highest I've ever seen in the 30+ years coming to the area and now living here. Several people lost trees Tues night
    • smurfy
      Dang Kettle  that bites. Great to hear fishing was good though.   How much rain you get up that way?
    • Dash 1
      50 in 6 hours is great. Boat issues really put a damper on a great day though. Hope you get it fixed quickly.  
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