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I decided to take my 4 and a half month old pup ice fishing today. Packed up the fish trap and took off for fish lake. Stupidly i left my wheelers at home, pulling that X2 with all my gear in it down and landing and out onto the lake gets kind of exhausting! But I was barely able to fish, seeing as i had my pup with. She wouldn't sit in the bottom of the sled, and i didn't want her walking around inside the flip up(getting tangled in lines, falling in the hole or touching my mr. heater). So I had to spend most of my time outside watching her run around.

Do any of you take your dogs fishing, and if so how do you do it. Just let them wander around outside? I don't have a problem letting her do that, but i don't want her taking off and "visiting" others while they try to fish.

I guess I might just have to wait a little longer until she's old enough to be able to sit(not that it will happen anytime soon. she's a lab/beagle mix so she'll be hyper until she's old, haha).

By the way, had no luck today. Was barely able to watch the rods/Vexilar.


My family adopted a 4 year old lab this past summer. He goes out with me several times a week on the boat in the summer, so I was feeling a bit guilty at the thought of leaving him home on Saturday as I ventured onto the ice for the first time this season.

In the end I decided to bring him with...not having any idea how he would conduct himself. (he's a pretty mellow dog but not perfect). The biggest hassle was unloading all of my [PoorWordUsage] from the truck and hauling it all down the stairs to the lake meanwhile having to worry about my dog along the road. Thankfully I brought a rope with so I was able to tie him up to the tree.

He followed me out to the "spot". I setup the house fired up the heater and let him inside. He immediatly hopped over the bench and laid down in the sled on the blanket I brought with. He laid there the entire time I was fishing, never made a peep. Poked his headup occasionally to say high, but never fussed a bit. We walked around outside awhile for some fresh air, he crapped in the woods and all was joyous.

Long story short, the dog had a blast and I had a fishin' buddy. He definitely earned the right to go out on my next trip.

I too was worried about him trying to walk around in the portable with the rods/lanterns/heater etc. And also him "visiting" neighboring fisherman. All went very well though.


I generally don't take my dogs with me if I can help it. As mentioned above, they can be trouble with the lines in the house, and visiting the neighbors. However, I have (in a pinch) done what tsande00 does, having them sleep in the sled on a blanket, and just take them out for 10 minutes every hour or so. This does seem to work better and better the older (mellower) they get. Another trick I use is to just run the heck outta them right when I get to "my spot", with a frisbee, ball, whatever, for about 20 minutes. At least with my dogs, that makes them more willing to snooze in the sled.


We've had dogs all the years I've been ice fishing, and we've only ever brought them along once -- when my wife was along. So much depends on the dogs you've got. If they are very mellow and obediant and happy just to be hangin with you, it's good. If not, it's bad, very bad.

For me it was a matter of whether I wanted to concentrate on fishing or concentrate on keeping track of the dogs, because with the dogs we've had you couldn't do both well at the same time.

So the dogs have stayed home.


Good topic for my first post, (have been trolling for a while). I have only started to get into ice fishing, this will be my third winter and I am pretty sure I caught the bug. I have a 6 year old lab that I like to take with me, she is pretty good out on the ice, likes to wonder around and visit my friends. She is always in sight if she is outside and is well behaved, but if I don't know the people around me she stays in the portable and I keep her on a leash. One thing I have been looking for is any mods people have created for their portables as it relates to dogs and a place to get up off the ice to sleep. I recently purchased an Otter Cabin that has the bar going across the middle of the sled. I am working on creating a platform that will fit on the sled and the bar that will give a place for my dog to jump up on and sleep (which is what labs do a lot of). I contacted Otter to see if I coudl get just the seat base that connects to this bar, and I can build a platform on this. (edit) Talked with Otter CS, they will sell just the base parts for the seats now, so i have one coming, I will build a platform that will be a dog bed and also double as a heater platform when the dog is not with.

The other mod would be a skijoring harness for the dog so she could help pull the sled out, yeah right who am I kidding.


Good point on the dog pulling your gear. My lab is strong as an ox! Too bad she doesn't always want to go exactly where I go! She'd probably have a stroke pulling my gear the extra miles she puts on "wandering"!


I tried to put her in the rear of the sled behind the seat bar running front to back in the sled, but to no avail. She just tries to jump over me onto the ice. I'm thinking I'll just leave her home for now unless the wife is with and we can run her with the wheelers to tire her out. I might try building a platform though to keep her off the bottom of the sled and let her sleep once she does figure out what she's suppose to be doing out there....


I'm not really sure what types of answers you're looking for? Are you just interested in hearing from the folks that take their dogs with while ice fishing?

I own two dogs myself and would never consider bringing them with me while ice fishing. My reasons however could be a whole other topic.


I am just interested in if anyone does bring their dogs with, and if they do how they handle them(let them roam, tie them up outside, or keep them inside). I'm not looking for any advice, just interested in how everyone handles their does when they take them onto the ice.

I don't have a problem letting her roam around and investigate, but I do have a problem with her bothering other fisherman trying to fish. She's young enough that I'm sure most people wouldn't have a problem, infact they'd problably find her cute. But I don't want her running all over their gear or worse, ending up in their houses. Just wanted to see what people thoughts were about taking a dog on the ice.


I don't have a problem letting her roam around and investigate, but I do have a problem with her bothering other fisherman trying to fish. She's young enough that I'm sure most people wouldn't have a problem, infact they'd problably find her cute. But I don't want her running all over their gear or worse, ending up in their houses. Just wanted to see what people thoughts were about taking a dog on the ice.

I'm a dog person. Have been my whole life.

That being said, there are plenty of dogs/owners who should not be together on the ice. Really depends on the dog. Some dogs want to wander and be buddies with everyone, and that can cause potential problems because not everyone on the ice WANTS to be buddies with dogs.

And even though I love dogs, if one gallops up, says "hi" and then grabs my food or a packet of frozen ciscoes I've got set out for bait, it's going to get a boot in the ribs. That's happened before, and I've had to face down an irate dog owner a time or two who just didn't understand that their inability to or disinterest in restraining rover was a problem for other people when rover started as buddy and became pest.

Not to mention the possibility of dog fights. I've seen them happen on the ice, so that's one more consideration.

And I've seen lots and lots of very cool dogs out there on the ice. One way cool Lab in particular belonged to Surface Tension and pulled his sled out to Trout Lake on one trip and was a great dog to be around the whole day.

The real emphasis here should be in two areas. Knowing your dog, is it fair for your dog to be on the ice all day, and is it fair for other anglers? Questions only the dog owner can answer, and answers that will vary from dog/owner to dog/owner.

That's my $.02. smilesmile


Yes I do, but depending on how many people are around, she stays in the house.




yes i bring both of mine black lab and bassit hound and we stay in the 28ft fish for 3-5 days at a time


When I had sled dogs, they took me fishing. They also got picketed once we got to camp. I couldn't imagine letting a dog run lose on the ice just to mess up someone elses time on the ice. Bait, hooks, hooks in bait. These all seem to collect in a dogs mouth. I've seen it with folks who let their dogs run loose on the ice. Also, I think I'd come unglued if someone's mutt takes a leak on my gear. Like most the others here seem to have pointed out, if you can't control the dog without it wandering around, leave it at home.


I bring Oscar, my black lab, with. He does some work occasionally. He has pulled a sled six miles into the BWCAW to fish. He seems to enjoy everytime he gets out. I like bringing him with because I enjoy his company grin and he gets some exercise rather than sitting around the house all day.



Lots of good advice here. Here is my advice. Ask yourself, do you want to bring your dog along? If so, now is the perfect time to start taking her and you should do OK with all the input. It might be hard now, but after a few times, you will get a system down that works for you. I bring my my Lab all the time. I leave her in the truck while setting up. I run her for about 15 minute before I start, then take her out every couple hours. Usually when one of my buddies needs a break, they ask to play with her. I don't leave her outside unattended. She never gets tangled in my gear because she is used to it. Bring a bone along. That always helps. This will be my Lab's 4th season ice fishing. She is a great fishing partner!

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Walkin to Trout Lake.

Casey, Lonnie, Jerry, Steve(photoguy), Skeeter and myself.

If I'm fishing alone I might take the dog.


Or put them to work. Bring something for them to lay on or in and tie them up if need be.

I don't mind a behaved ice dog to come over for a quick and quiet visit then its time for them to go.


That's one nice looking lab caseymcq!!!!! You must give him raw eggs from time to time to make his coat shine.


I really enjoyed reading this thread. I just wanted to say that. Liked the pics too.


I should have added that my dog is 11 years old and I've had her since she was a puppy. She stays where she's supposed to (which is where I tell her to), but will wander when she gets bored. For that reason she stays in the house when there are ANY other houses around the area. I don't mind when a dog comes and says hello when I'm out there, but I don't know if everyone is as tolerable about that as I am.

To and from the ice she is on a leash and when I take her out every couple hours she's leashed as well. I like having her with me as much as I can because I know I wont be able to have her with me forever.


i was fishing on murphy lake a few years back and i had a bite on one of my lines,i was on my knees waiting to set the hook when a dog showed up from behind me.it lifted its leg and relieved himself on me,then ran back to shore before i even realized what he did.i guess he didn't like me fishing on his lake.


That's one nice looking lab caseymcq!!!!! You must give him raw eggs from time to time to make his coat shine.

Thanks. He gets an egg every once in a while, otherwise some oily fish or fish oil. I think the good food he gets plays a bit of a role in it too.

ST, Skeeter was an extremely well behaved dog when we were out(IMO). She was friendly and mellow. She was a trooper on that chilly walk too.

I typically just bring Oscar with when it is just me because he is usually too friendly grin. I definitely don't want to be that guy that brings the pup with that wants to be everybody's buddy... constantly laugh. He might do alright with a long walk to run some of the ... and vinegar out of him, though grin.


I bring my 4yr old lab with me. He likes to find his spot in the house and sleeps as long as we let him. He has the greatest ideas.


i enjoy bringing the dogs from time to time. our dogs have figured out when i go whether it be with the boat or on the ice. they really like going and its always fun when your fishing buddies get just as excited as you do about catching a fish. when you first get out they are always real excited, but getting them to lay down is pretty easy. unless it will be a pain having them, i say bring your best friend along! the buddies i bring always back me up on my big fish that got away stories grin


If you bring your dog take care of it and keep it with you. I hate when people let their dogs run around loose. Peeing on houses, steeling fish and barking all day aint fun for other people.

Now those that do take care of the dogs on the ice and keep them with them I see no problem with it.


getting a black lab puppy for christmas, can't wait to bring the little guy out in the portable with me, he'll have his little travel kennel filled with blankets though when we start out, and if he starts to be a problem, thats where he'll be staying, he's going to be learning to sit still though if he wants to come duck hunting next fall! PC120812.jpg


I do take my dog(siberian husky) with on occasion. Usually when I know it won't be crowed. She is a good dog that isn't going to steal fish or pee on someone's ice house, but pretty much won't sit in the ice house. She tends to be a social butterfly and likes to go visit other people. So if I know there will be a fair amount of people around she stays home. I hate having to go chase her down when she starts to make her rounds.


I usually bring my lab with when I go solo. But... One time she stepped on my auger after I had just used it and it was laying on the ice as I was setting up. She sliced up her foot good and bled all over the ice. It looked like a slaughter had occured! I bandaged her up good and the vet didn't want to do anything more with it. After a couple of weeks wearing booties she was good to go.

Yep, dogs definitely give you something to do while yer fishin.


I always bring my chessie with me when out ice fishing. Its either that or him sitting around at home. I will normally bring a retrieving dummy with and let him run around every once in a while. He can get a little annoying in the portable since he enjoys nothing more then digging slush out of my holes..even when there clean crazy, but normally settles down and will relax until I get a fish on and then he has to see whats comming up the hole. If I'm going to a busy lake I will normally keep him on a longer check cord to make sure he doesn't bug others. This year I plan on making him pull my portable around for me. He was just a pup last year.


We have a Blue Heeler who we bring with every time.. well I guess we bring him everywhere! We really lucked out with him and him just kinda catching on to things. We literally brought him every where, ice fishing, hunting, bird hunting, horseback riding, wheeling, etc. He listens really well and normally won't run around and be nosy. I guess we worry more about wolves being a problem when hes outside by himself then anything. Last year we saw a pack of about 8 or 10 in the middle of the day. They were running around some guys ice house and we just thought the guy was nuts bringing that many dogs, until they ran into the woods and never came back out. But other then that if we bring something soft for him to lay on or at least something to get him feet off the ice hes good to go.




I bring my golden retriever/ black lab every with me as well. She even climbs ladders into deer stands when we're preparing for hunting. She's about four years old now, but still loves to go visiting so I keep her in the house with me, she usually crashes on my carrhart and sleeps the whole time unless we're cooking lol. We did have a wolf incident on Snowbank last year, they were running all over the place. Koda sure wanted to go check them out but I kept her close to me.


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • SkunkedAgain
      Those are some nice lakers. Admittedly, I just hit BWCA lakes in the spring when they come up shallow - so I cheat!   I fished LOW two weeks ago and caught a good sized pike on an airplane jig. It swam around and collected one of my buddy's lines and then slipped the hook on the hole's edge as well. The fish that get away are always the ones to remember.
    • smurfy
      Highbanks just posted thos on book of faces.  Said there access is closed for the season. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  Ice fishing remains strong on Lake of the Woods, with resorts and outfitters continuing to offer both day houses and sleeper fish houses. The bite has been good in most areas, and ice conditions are among the best in recent years.    Some ice roads now extend more than 20 miles out, with resorts and outfitters working hard keeping anglers on schools of walleyes and saugers. With nearly 40 inches of ice in many areas, auger extensions are necessary for those fishing on their own. The March forecast predicts daytime temperatures above freezing and overnight lows below freezing, helping to maintain solid ice conditions through the month.  Resort guides and outfitters are on the ice daily monitoring conditions where they travel and fish. Anglers are sorting through smaller fish but are consistently catching limits of walleyes and saugers, along with jumbo perch, eelpout, pike, tullibees, and even a few crappies. The one-two punch of jigging and deadsticking remains the most effective technique. Jigging spoons with rattles, lipless crankbaits, and jigging rap-style lures are producing well, while deadsticks with a live minnow a foot off the bottom are catching less aggressive fish. March is prime time for trophy northern pike, with tip-up fishing proving to be highly productive. It was a great week for big pike and should only get better through March and into April. On the Rainy River...  As it has been most of the winter, walleye fishing has been best in the mornings and evenings using jigs and minnows. Sturgeon fishing has been solid, with some large fish being caught. Anglers should check with resorts before heading out, as ice conditions on the river can change quickly due to current and runoff during the day. Up at the Northwest Angle...  Fishing remains very good. Resorts continue to move fish houses to keep guests on active schools of walleyes, saugers, perch, and pike. Big crappies are still being caught just over the border in Canada, and those interested should check with resorts for the latest conditions and guide services. Lake of the Woods being border water with Canada has an extended ice fishing season, with fish houses allowed on the ice through March 31st.  In addition, the walleye and sauger season is open through April 14th. Pike fishing never closes, and perch and crappie remain open year-round as well. Whether booking a day house rental, sleeper fish house, or resort stay, there is still plenty of time to plan a late-season ice fishing adventure. 
    • JerkinLips
      Van Vac can be a tough hill to travel on.  I parked in the upper parking lot in 2014 and went out fishing in a snow storm.  I think we got about 10 inches of snow that day and they didn't plow at all.  There was no way my front wheel drive caravan was going to make it up the upper hill so I spent the night in my van.  I had prepared for that possibility so I was quite comfortable in the 0ºF night (just started the van up once during the night to heat it up.  I went out fishing again the next day and when I came back they still hadn't plowed the road to the parking lot (late March).  So I towed my snowmobile trailer to the top of the hill with my snowmobile.  Then I made a circular path in the parking lot so I could build up my van speed to go up the hill.  I think it was about 15 attempts to go up the hill before I finally made it to the top.  What an experience.
    • JerkinLips
      Burntside Lake is a beautiful lake and very convenient to get to.  I started fishing it in 2010 when it got to difficult for me to travel into the BWCA while I lived in the twin cities.  I averaged 1 laker/day up to 2018 when my success started to decline.  That was also when I quit going out on snowmobile and just walked to fishing spots.  That probably also contributed to my decline.  My average the last 3 years has been 0.4 lakers/day.  Now that I live in northern Minnesota I think I will travel into the BWCA more for lakers.   My longest Burntside laker was the skinny 33 incher shown in the 1st picture (2020).  This fish weighed only 7#-15oz, and I think it was at the end of its life.  My biggest BWCA laker was 34 inches and weighed 13#-3oz (2nd picture from 2008).  I also caught an 11 pounder in the BWCA in 1999 (3rd picture).   My goal is to someday catch a 20 pounder.  I had one up to the bottom of the hole once that I think was over 20 pounds.  I was jigging a large airplane jig near the bottom when I thought I snagged the rocks.  When I was able to finally move the fish I knew I had a huge one.  I saw its head at the bottom of my 7-inch hole and had a hard time getting it started into the hole.  I reached for the gaff hook but the jig caught on the bottom of the hole and the fish was gone.  Ever since then, I chisel the bottom of my holes to guide the laker's head into the hole.  
    • Wanderer
      Quite a bit a matter of convenience but it was pretty good in the late 2000’s; early 2010’s for me.   It’s fully outside of the B-dub, and expansive, so plenty of places to try.  But never go out there with expectations beyond spending time on one of the most beautiful lakes the state has to offer.   You should count yourself blessed to get 1 trout iced but 5 trout days can happen.  Biggest I’ve gotten out of there is 32 inches.  Average had been 24-27.
    • mbeyer
      Is Burntside "the Laker" spot to fish in the area? Is that a matter of convenience or is Lake Trout populations far better there than any other lake??
    • Wanderer
      It’s been all of 7 years since I’ve fished Burntside.  The last time I also brought my wheelhouse up and headed out of Van Vac.  That was a scary ride down the hill at 11pm when I showed up.  The switchback access road was iced up and the weight got me sliding like I was on a luge.  I intentionally put my rig into the snowbank before I got to the 2nd turn.  It was enough to slow me down that I could make that corner.  I left the lake out of Camp Van Vac and that wasn’t easy either with the double layer of ice.   The lake ice conditions you described are too familiar to me for this time of year.  I’ve  had a wheelhouse out there twice in my years of fishing it, otherwise it’s been sled or wheeler travel only - which is a way better idea!   Reports have been so quiet from there, I’ve wondered if the fishing got tougher or if it’s just the shift in social media that’s the reason.   March trips for me have always had that great expectation but honestly, most March trips for lakers have been a bust.  I’ve been in Canada the past 3 years at this time and only 1/3 were good laker trips.  No trip this year and I’m OK with that.   All this to say, I still miss ice fishing that lake!  I was looking over some of my old spots on my mapping app and thought how nice it would’ve been to have that back in the glory days!     Good luck and thanks for posting!   *6 years, 11 mos, based on a phone pic. * 😉 
    • JerkinLips
      This may end up be a quiet topic, but I thought I would share my results (and lack there of) because of my love for late winter lake trout fishing.  Went to Burntside Lake on Thursday, February 27th for my first time there this winter, and like my last 3 trips there last year I was skunked.   It was a very windy day so I fished in a spot next to a cliff to avoid the wind.  I found 4" of hard pack snow on top of 3" of water over 20+" of ice.  I was able to avoid the water (most of the time) by sitting in my sled portable and walking around very carefully.  I had no bites in 10+ hours fishing and only 3 "follows" of my pike suckers and jig.  Was still a very enjoyable day on the ice.  I saw a few other people out fishing, and was surprised to see that somebody had plowed a huge road out from Van Vac landing and plowed spots for wheelhouses.  Currently there were 8 of them on the ice.   My success on Burntside has definitely diminished in the last few years.  Guess I need to get to "10,000 jigs" to catch another.  Or maybe I will take the tough trip into the BWCA to enjoy the wilderness.
    • smurfy
      🤣🤣 i prefer fish that has flavor......... but thats a pretty funny one right there!!!!!!!!👍
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