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Tarvaris Jackson


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hey here comes pier...the guy that wants tjunk playing when he does good but wants a different qb when he isn't!!

but i can agree with ya on no one wanting tjunk playing over favre except your buddy fishin58...so unless WE is you and the turd you have in your pocket you don't know what your talking about.


As always I'm not sure what your trying to convey but...

So I want T-jack when he's playing good and somebody else when he's not?????? scratches head repeatably...LOL.

No I want/wanted Favre or Cutler knowing full well T-Jack probably wasn't the guy to lead us to the next level for obvious reasons and I was one of ealry people pushing for them knowing full well they're a MILLION times better than anything we have k?

I'm sure that went over your head also but at least I tried!

Yeah, I'm just bummed about my Favre, Childress "NEW CONTRACT" Avatar.

Go Packers...LMAO!

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Could you please name the 12 teams? I'm pretty sure even the lions and Buccaneers would rather stick with the young QBs that they have.

Actually looking at the QB play around the league T-Jack would probably be starting on about 12 teams that I can think of...

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What would that have to do with T-Jack being able to start now on 12 teams?

Yeah' I would hope the Lions and other teams would want to stick with the their young QB's and the great monies they have invested in them for long term good of the team.

You certainly wouldn't be any worse off and more than likely beeter right now with T-Jack in both of your examples.

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Are you sure about that? Both of these QB's are being asked to throw the ball more than 3 yards downfield and no more handing off the ball to AP.

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What would that have to do with T-Jack being able to start now on 12 teams?

Yeah' I would hope the Lions and other teams would want to stick with the their young QB's and the great monies they have invested in them for long term good of the team.

You certainly wouldn't be any worse off and more than likely beeter right now with T-Jack in both of your examples.

What I am saying is that there is NO WAY that T-Jack could start on 12 teams. Maybe 1 or 2 if he is lucky.

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Yeah, why would a project QB like junkson who has shown little to nothing in 3 years start over the #1 pick in last years draft.

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I can't say I have seen every game the Pack has played this year but judging by the ones that I did see and all the highlights I've seen, it seems to me that most of the sacks are not the fault of the O-line but of Rodgers holding the ball WAAAAY too long.

Rodgers is:

  • 3rd in the league in passer rating.

  • 2nd in the league in passing yards.

  • 9th in the league in completion percentage.

  • Tied for 1st (with Drew Brees) in TD passes

  • Has only 5 ints (only 3 other starting QB's have fewer)

  • Has been sacked 44 times (10 times more than the next starting QB on the list) for 260 yards (52 yards more than the next starting QB on the list)

Some of the sacks may be a result of him holding the ball too long but watching a few of the games, from what I have seen, the GB o-line is terrible.

His stats would indicate he is a good QB.

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With 44 sacks that would indicate to me that possibly his elevator does not go to the top floor smile

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LOL...pier your a real sense maker aren't ya? so you didn't want junkson to be qb because you know he can't lead us to the next level and you pushed for favre/cutler....yet when junkson does good you want everyone else to eat crow like your this big junkson supporter and believer.

then you think junkson could be a starter on 12 nfl teams right now?

go packers is right about time you came out....you bet on the pack to beat the vikes twice this year...not only that you thought they were gonna murder us the 2nd time LMMFAO!!

didn't you just have an avatar of rodgers and favre not to long ago? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

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Some of the sacks may be a result of him holding the ball too long but watching a few of the games, from what I have seen, the GB o-line is terrible.

Here is the real reason for all of Aaron Rodgers' sacks! wink

Are Aaron Rodgers' Sacks Brett Favre's Fault?

by Ryan Thies |

The NFL’s best defensive player is on the Vikings, and it’s not Jared Allen. No, the NFL’s true leader in sacks blows away The Mullet’s measly 10. The NFL’s best sack artist? Brett Favre. His 43 takedowns are even more impressive because all of them are mental. Aaron Rodgers has been sacked more times than anyone else this year. It’s not even close. He’s been taken down 25% more than any other quarterback in the league. And it’s all Brett Farve’s fault.

Ok maybe it’s not all Brett Favre’s fault. The Packer offensive line deserves some of the blame, and yes Aaron too deserves his fair share. So it’s only 1/3 Brett Favre’s fault, but with 14.3 sacks each they are now the co-leaders in the sack department.

Have you ever dated a girl too soon after she had been dumped? She’s not really over the guy, and it’s even worse if they’re still coworkers. She sees him everyday--he’s doing really well now--and while she’s probably better off without him, she can’t really see that; or at least you don’t feel like she sees that. In fact, you really like her and want to make this work, you were going to be sure to not make the same mistakes, so you do everything you can to not be him. He was loud, so you speak softly. He was a risk-taker, so you are cautious. But you’re already naturally cautious, and the more you think about not being him, the worse it actually makes you. He’s in your head without ever trying to be.

Aaron Rodgers is getting Green Bay’s sloppy seconds and it’s in his head. He is fighting so hard not to be Brett Favre that he’s become the bizarro-Favre, I half-expect him to show up wearing number negative four next week. He’s already got a few things in his favor in the anti-Favre competition, namely he’s from Berkeley which is about as far away from Mississippi as possible. But not all of them are good things, like that cautious nature. Rodgers sat behind Favre during an interesting time in the legend’s career, it was when Favre was supposed to be the tail-end of his career (in the way that Look Who’s Talking was supposed to be the tail-end of John Travolta’s career) and all Rodgers heard while sitting on the bench was: “Favre takes too many chances…” We all remember those years--we know the reason that #4 is in the record books for interceptions thrown. And Aaron clearly internalized that- I’m not going to make the same mistakes he did. So now that it’s his turn in the pocket, Rodgers is making sure not to make that risky throw and instead he’s holding onto it too long and suddenly he’s sacked.

Just watch Rodgers when he drops back. Watch him look at the coverage, bounce a little bit, rev up…and not throw it. He’s not looking for how he can squeeze it in there, because that’s what Brett would have done. This dilemma is not new. It’s what Griese dealt with in Denver, post-Elway. It’s what every quarterback in Miami has dealt with since Marino. In fact Montana’s pocket presence is probably part of what what motivated Steve Young’s scrambles. Lord help the guy that has to follow Peyton Manning in Indy, what’s going to do to be the anti-Manning? Not think very well? Maybe that’s what Eli’s trying.

But following a Hall of Famer is not the only way to screw up a QB mentally, throwing a first rounder out there too early can also hurt. Vince Young needed to bottom out before he came back and just started being himself. Which is something that never happened for Tim Couch, or David Carr, or the dozens of quarterbacks who became damaged goods after starting too soon. Hopefully Jamarcus Russell can spend some time on the sidelines and come back better for it, maybe Mark Sanchez might need that time too. Because as much as you learn from the field, you might learn more from the sidelines. Of course, you can rot on the sidelines too. You can pick up bad habits, especially if you’re sitting behind the wrong guy. But things are even more complicated in Green Bay. Rodgers sat behind Favre, then had to replace him, all the while trying to figure out what kind of QB he wants to be. And now, with Favre gone, but still casting a long shadow, Rodgers is just as confused. And it’s that confusion that’s making him hold on to the ball because he doesn’t want to make the same mistakes as the guy before him- which leads him to make all new mistakes.

Simply striving to not be the last guy actually can sometimes be good enough. Heck sometimes it can win you the Nobel Peace Prize. But eventually, to really succeed, you need to not worry about the guy that came before and instead just worry about yourself. Will Aaron Rodgers be able to find himself while starting in a stadium that still has a lot of #4 jerseys? Is he going to know who he is when he faces his girlfriend’s ex twice a year? These are questions that only Aaron himself can answer, and maybe knowing (hoping?) that he’ll never face Favre again makes it easier. In fact he has shown improvement since that last game against the Vikings. But Aaron Rodgers needs to understand that even with Favre out of Green Bay, even when he’s out of the NFL entirely (assuming, you know, he ever does actually leave), that Brett will still be casting a shadow over Green Bay’s QB position. And hopefully that thought--that he’ll never really go away--will free Aaron up, will make him realize there’s nothing he can do about it. And we’ll know that he’s learned that lesson when he can finally step forward, out of that shadow in the backfield, and just let it fly.

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yet when junkson does good you want everyone else to eat crow like your this big junkson supporter and believer

Not everyone just you and James. wink It's my opinion that T-Jack is and can be quite a bit better than the POS you have him pegged to be....

I'm sorry there's a few of you that are so mad T-Jack is still in the league, let a lone a back up on your favorite team beating out Sage and playing quite well when given the chance that you cant deal with it. grin


T-Jack could start for, meaning he's as good or better right now then what they have going. of course he's not going to start for teams like Detroit because they have a promising young QB already but he's certainly good enough to start tomorrow for many team including Detroit.

In other words there are not a lot of good QB around the league.












And arguably the Titans.

Feel free to critique my OPINION.

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He wouldnt start for the dolphins, chiefs, broncos, or the titans. He wouldnt start over Trent Edwards in Buffalo. Is he really better than what the 49ers have? I don't think he is if you put him in that situation. A few others you listed are certainly debatable.

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i'm not mad junkson is a back up qb...he is who we thought he was.

the only teams in the nfl i think he could have a chance to compete for a job is carolina because delhomme sucks a big one and they have nothing else.

the other teams have options except maybe washington...he can't do any worse over there...he'd still have to win a spot he's not good enough or proven anything to be handed a starting job.

it sucks for junkson because he was givin an opportunity every other qb dreams of and he couldn't do squat with it.

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yet when junkson does good you want everyone else to eat crow like your this big junkson supporter and believer

Not everyone just you and James. wink It's my opinion that T-Jack is and can be quite a bit better than the POS you have him pegged to be....

I'm sorry there's a few of you that are so mad T-Jack is still in the league, let a lone a back up on your favorite team beating out Sage and playing quite well when given the chance that you cant deal with it. grin


T-Jack could start for, meaning he's as good or better right now then what they have going. of course he's not going to start for teams like Detroit because they have a promising young QB already but he's certainly good enough to start tomorrow for many team including Detroit.

In other words there are not a lot of good QB around the league.












And arguably the Titans.

Feel free to critique my OPINION.

But.........the question is.........how many of these teams would pick him up off the waiver wire if he were cut today? I still say it is only 1 or 2.

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Raiders would probably be the only team that would pick him up for sure...49'ers and rams miiiiiiight go for it. I still say he'll be playing for cleveland next year. They're gonna be dumping both quinn and anderson, and I just don't see them taking a QB in the 1st round.

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Rodgers may have good numbers, but I'd still take any of the 10 listed before him.

Rodgers or Favre-- ?? already proven on the field

....... or Rivers?? Rivers.

....... or Brees,MAnning/Brady/Ryan/Big Ben etc.. come on. That's not top NFL QB in my book.

Rodgers has the stats because they have no running game.

Rodgers is middle of the road, period.

Product of the system. Agst a good def, he gets Whisky Wade like.

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people are gonna hate on rodgers on this forum no matter what because he's a packer....just like 99% of them hated on favre.

you can't compare a 2nd year starter to the best qb's that have been the best for the past 8-10 yrs.

i think rodgers and ryan will be some of the best qb's in the league in a few more years....they are by far the best young talent at their position right now.

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Fair and valid point. (hard to come by on this forum). But Rodgers is not one of the best NFL QB's right now. Period.

Not even top 10. Middle of the road.

IN 3 or 4 years,, maybe, and that's a long time in the NFL.

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TEbow and MCcoy?? no way TEbow is a NFL QB. More like a splitback or TE. COlt 45 likely the best,, but when is the last time Texas put a passing QB in the NFL worth his salt??

I'd take Jimmy Claussen over all of them. Bradford?? forget about it. When is the last time the Big 12 put a QB in the NFL that has lived up to expections??? -- sage rosenfels is about it.

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When is the last time a Florida reciever was any good in the NFL? Aaron Rodgers is a good QB. Not great yet but he might get there, but i wouldnt mind looking at him as the future of our franchise.

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Id take aaron rodgers any day. Its amazing how low his ints are for what kind of protection he gets.

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At the rate that this game is going, t-jack should be in the game soon to rack up some yards and td's!!! Goooo vikes!!

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At the rate that this game is going, t-jack should be in the game soon to rack up some yards and td's!!!

Yards and TD's for the Defense?

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I never said any of the QB's that will likely be in the next draft will ammount to anything. I merely commented that I wouldn't be supprised to see the Brown's draft a QB in the first round.

I don't speculate on how a QB will perform once in the NFL. There have been a lot of 1st round busts and some drafter in later rounds that have done very well. Who would have thought the 199th pick (33rd in the 6th round) in the 2000 draft would have turned out as well as he has.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

i'm not mad junkson is a back up qb...he is who we thought he was.
Yes, you're mad because he's likely going to compete for the starting Vikings QB job when Favre leaves and then he will possibly make you eat crow AGAIN.

THAT THOUGHT creeping in the back of your minds is what REALLY SCARES YOU and JUST_WANNABEE grin

LOL, must be tough FG, JW and RRR watching Chili get him in for reps at the end of games smile

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    • VermilionGold
      Shamrock Landing and Grubens marina have both sold minnows/bait in past years, not sure about current season 
    • SkunkedAgain
      I am not aware of anywhere in the west basin to get minnows. Hopefully I am wrong.
    • chucker1101
      The only place on the East end (unless i'm mistaken and don't know of some semi-secret place) that sells minnows on the lake is the Casino bait shop on Everett Bay. Whether they have rainbows is hit and miss. I'm not including Timbuktu as East side   Getting off-lake, the best value for rainbow for me over the last 10 years has been Lucky 7 in Virginia.
    • knoppers
      was up at the lake all week, water temps 65-66 today, and the crappies are now spawning. did not try for walleyes this week, but got my eye on a couple of lakes.
    • smurfy
      well.........i'll be back up june 10th to the 16th. the 10-11-12th i'll be there by myself!!!!!🤗   i'd even be OK with meeting at a neutral place and go to the lake blindfolded!!!!!!!! 😊🤣   leech...he is over there.........just forgets about us FM  rejects!!!!!!!🤪
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   Good fishing this week with nice numbers of walleyes and saugers.   A jig and frozen emerald shiner again this week is the go to presentation for walleyes.  Rainbows and fatheads are also working and it is nice to see what the fish want each day.   Various areas across the south shore are holding fish.  Most walleyes and saugers are being caught in 17 - 24' of water.  Anglers are anchoring up and vertical jigging. A quarter ounce jig in gold, glow white, pink, orange, chartreuse, or a combo of these colors tipped with a minnow worked well again.  Pound the bottom, jig it up in the strike zone, hold.  Trying shaking the jig and lifting it off of the bottom.  Any kind of weight will be a fish hanging.  Set the hook! A mixed bag while fishing walleyes include pike, jumbo perch and a few crappies.  On the Rainy River...  Some nice walleyes caught  this week on the river in 10 - 15' of water.  Typical spots such as holes, current breaks, weed edges and rocky areas all can hold fish.  There are 42 miles of navigable waters from the mouth of the river all the way to Birchdale.    Sturgeon fishing on the Rainy River is closed until the keep season starts up again July 1st.   The river holds good numbers of smallmouth bass for those interested in bronzebacks.  A lot of bass are caught by unsuspecting walleye anglers. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing.  As typical with guests staying at the Angle, some fish MN waters, some slide over into Ontario waters.  Both areas are producing.     Points, neck down areas and bays with warming water have been holding walleyes.  With warming waters, fish are in transition and there are lots of fish.   The goto presentation is a jig and minnow.  Gold, glow white, pink and orange are good colors.  
    • Kettle
      I don't fish any secret lakes. I research the lakes on the DNR website with good walleye numbers. I spent a lot of time learning side imaging. I'll scan for an hour or two if need be to find the fish. Nothing crazy for techniques. Either pitching a jig or back trolling with lindy rigs. If either of you two ever want to go let me know 
    • leech~~
      Smurfy, you know where that Kettle guy fishes?  Might have to sneak over there! 🤫
    • smurfy
      nice fish bud!!!!!!!!👍 i was up last week and we had over 2 inches of rain.........but really helped the lakes!!!!!!!!!!
    • Kettle
      So much rain these past few weeks. I only seem to get days off post cold front. Made the most of it recently. Water Temps still in the 50s. Not sure the crappies have even spawned, definitely not the bluegills. Walleye still really shallow   
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