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What is up with sail boats trying to get so close to people fishing?!?!?! We were out on Detroit Sunday afternoon musky fishing and had one boat actually come within casting distance from us. Right before he came next to us my buddy casted past his bow and retrieved it under his boat. He said he should have hit his sail and let it rip with his 100lb test see how much damage he could do. We were drifting and this guy came in on us. I had to actually wait for him to past before I could cast. I did mention pretty loud how some people are richard craniums on this lake and it's nice that people have a whole lake to float around on but need to get within 30 yards of people fishing. His wife looked over at us now both waiting for him to pass and she told her husband you Pi**ed off some fisherman and they turned and went to the east side of the lake. I was starting to calm down and about 15 minutes later we had another one come with 40 yds of us again. He made the comment "How often can a sailboat sneak up on a musky fisherman?" Dude your in a 30 foot boat and stand 50 feet tall we saw you coming from the other side of the lake and thought you wouldn't be such an [PoorWordUsage] to get within 40 yds of us fishing. I guess when I'm relaxing and cruising the lake I leave 100+ yds between me and fishermen but these guys got within casting distance of our boat. I was not a happy camper on Sunday when we had company. Sorry for Ranting but I'm just getting tired of all these boaters who think they can come as close as they want to other boats a little common curtesy would be greatly appreciated!

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Take a deep breath!!! Yeah it sucks but you cant do anything about it. It used to drive me nuts but after dealing with it everyday I could hardly care less now. After all its a public lake and most of those people dont even no!! I had a sail boat come 5 feet from me one day and I just stared at him and finaly I said HELLO, and he said "Oh, I didnt see you!" I started laughing and casted behind him and hooked into a good fish!!!

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Last time I checked a boat doesn't need to be within 100' of my boat while I'm stopped fishing. Be nice if people actually would read the rules of the water and would respect others on the water. Why should I have to watch out for boats getting to close to my boat when I'm stopped?!?! Just cause you have a boat don't give you a reason to be an [PoorWordUsage]!

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I have had pontoons get within thirty feet of me a couple of times this year. I really don't think these people do it on purpose I just don't think they know any better. All you can do is shake your head and keep on fishing.

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I have had pontoons get within thirty feet of me a couple of times this year. I really don't think these people do it on purpose I just don't think they know any better. All you can do is shake your head and keep on fishing.

John, atleast they could of handed you a cold one off the party boat!!

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Code - 2 wrongs don't make a right even though you would like to teach them a lesson. Boats have registration numbers and I recommend contacting the dnr, if you can get the number off of the boat as it is passing, especially if you know there is a regulation on the books that specifically covers this situation. All sportsmen should know and adhere to the regs as they are in place for a reason.

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I agree with Cbek... this lake has and always will be one of the busiest lakes in the area. If you choose to fish it, you better have some patience to deal with other people.

Also, why is it so hard to wait for the sail boat to pass by? I'm sure it couldn't have been more than a minute or two.

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I will be glad when the snow flys and the temp is about minus 20 below, most days I have the lake to myself!!!!

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John, atleast they could of handed you a cold one off the party boat!!

Your right on on that one Levi. I would have been smiling instead of shaking my head.

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i'majigger I agree with you, This is another reason I don't summer fish anymore. I do have a Boat, and just pull the kids around on a tube now, But I go out to the middle of the lake or away from people fishing. You guys fishing will never get my numbers, I NEVER GET THAT CLOSE to even make waves for you guys. Good luck to you all and post some pics of them monsters.

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So tonight after tubeing on big C, headed to the dock to get off the lake, I see a large sailboat with its mast all put away and a guy tying it up to the dock. he then got in his vehicle and drove away. no trailer behind. there were 2 other rigs with boats leaving, blocking the area to get another trailer in anyway so we waited...for something to happen, finaly say heck with it and pull up to the loading side to load up, blocking that side of the dock. I then walk 2 blocks to my rig, return and still nothing changed. as I was pulling out, the boat cop showed up and was walking to use the biffy, I mentioned that the sailboat's owner left. and looking back to the lake there was atleast 4 boats ready to leave. I hope he had a chat with the feller...

this was at the North access, I can only imagine what it'll be like after they shut down the west side access tomorrow...with no parking to speak of on the North side.

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Ya I saw that sail boat last night before we pulled out but I wanted to get off the water before he got over there. It was nice when we were waiting a guy pulled up solo instead of pulling to the west side of the dock and tying he pulled onto the east side tied went to his truck got it cut infront of everyone else loaded pulled out and parked it on the ramp to tie down and pull plugs. Finally the guy yelled at him and he pulled out off the access and finished up by the road. Then boat two trucks infront of me I swear was more concerned about getting kids into the boat half in water still on trailer then getting unhooked. Then when they did launch and pulled out they wouldn't turn the boat over to the other side so when the next truck came he moved the boat then backed into that access. Wish they had two ramps at that place and a bigger parking lot!

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