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plannin a fishin trip

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I am planning on going fishing this weekend with my Pa, if the weather holds eek. I am thinking of going down to the Miss or some place on the root. Is it to early to catch suckers? I was thinking of Eagle Bluff, is it open this time of year? Any good access piont s on the root. I know it's trout opener this weekend so it will be busy.Just looking for a place in SE MN for some generally good action.

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how mobile is your pa? the root is pretty accessible anywhere.. its slow and low too.. so fording it is a piece of cake... i've had pretty decent luck so far this year at EC... the water is definitely not as swift there as it has been in the past.. so i don't know how well the suckers will hold in there this year.. can always try lanesboro area as well.. the dam is a good place to start... and the area where Camp Creek flows into the Root in preston is a nice little spot as well

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He gets around just fine. Thanks for the advice. We are thinking of just heading east on 16 and just staking out a place early in the A.M. Our plans may change though.

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well.. can't go wrong being on 16.. since it rides along the root almost the whole way... the island just west of EC... dunno if you know where im talking about has produced some nice fish.. all my trout have been minimum of 13-14".. caught a lot of hog suckers out of one of the deep pools there..


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A buddy and i caught 96 lbs of ruff fish last weekend down by peterson rushford area on the root we took fifth in a tourny if you are looking for ruff fish head down that away

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Wow. I would have thought 96 would take first. I am not sure where EC is. Can I PM you and ask.

- Alex G.

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Wow. I would have thought 96 would take first. I am not sure where EC is. Can I PM you and ask.

- Alex G.

EC = Eagle Cliff

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Ahhh. Duh tired! You would think a person who has been there a few times would figure out the acronym

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it's all good... if you are gonna fish EC.. wait til later in the day.. like 4ish.. last week i saw about 20 red horse sittin along the shore around that time.. the other day i was out there but didn't see any.. didn't stay long enough.. was a horrible day fishing.. broke 2 brand new PMs trying to bend the barbs down.. and lost 3 others.. all within 30min.. horrible horrible day frown

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broke 2 brand new PMs trying to bend the barbs down.. and lost 3 others.. all within 30min.. horrible horrible day

Man that sucks. Did you happen to lose them to fish? I spent a good chunk of change on fishing equipment. 5 PMs may seem like a small amount of money but after a while it adds up.

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broke 2 brand new PMs trying to bend the barbs down.. and lost 3 others.. all within 30min.. horrible horrible day

Man that sucks. Did you happen to lose them to fish? I spent a good chunk of change on fishing equipment. 5 PMs may seem like a small amount of money but after a while it adds up.

trees and rocks... it was just not my day.. pretty sure i was lucky i didnt drown in the root that day

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Well me and my dad got out today fishing grin. We were on the Root from 8-1. We started at the canoe landing just outside Chatfield. Unfortunately, the water was really low there. Next we headed to Rushford and found a canoe entrance next to a small 3ft dam. The river was really wide there, and it was hard to cast to the current seems. I think if I had some sandals and shorts I could have waded to a nice spot confused. However I had jeans and street shoes. After about a 1-1 1/2 hours I had only caught 1 Shorthead. So, we decided to head to Eagle Cliff Campground. We spent the rest of the day there. I caught quite a few fish but my dad caught only two. I did get some new life listers. I caught a silver Redhorse, 2 Northern hog-suckers, and perhaps a golden wink. Those hog-suckers are some fascinating critters; with the black ring around their lip the look like they're wearing lipstick. I was surprised at how few people there where at EC. We did see a lot of cars on the side of the roads and plenty of fisherman on the Root. All in all a great day :), I just wish my dad had caught more fish and I wish we had a camera smirk.

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yea.. them hog suckers are awesome fish..

glad all went well in the end...

were you catching mostly suckers out at EC?

not many people fish EC... there are no fish out there wink

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Mostly suckers. Thats what we targeted. On other stretches of the river we saw people with stringers full of trout. Me and my dad are C&R fisherman. We really don't know how to clean or cook fish, and w don't have the urge too. We just enjoy the thrill of the fight and for that reason suckers are hard to beet. We even had some acrobatic ones jumping out of the water. Thanks for the tips.

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Glad to hear you had a good day out there. I have been thinking of heading out somewhere with the 4 year old, and I have to say that this post may put EC right up there with places to go.

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