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Minn. could see antler-point restrictions in 2010


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  • james_walleye


All that Horn-Porn on TV is making people dillusional. For Gods sake, can't people just go out and hunt and have fun? No, it's to be g-2 this, cull buck that, Pope and Crockett ,blah blah Blah. I'm waiting for S.D to implement a tail feather restriction on pheasants. If you want to shoot a big buck, great! Put in the time. If you want to shoot a small buck or a doe, great. Just make clean, ethical kills, be curtious to your fellow hunters and be safe. As long as the deer arn't starving, are healthy and arn't overpopulating, I'd say were in fine shape.

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"a biologist with the Quality Deer Management Association, said about 60 percent of its bucks harvested in Minnesota are yearlings"

Seems the Pro Antler point people cant even get their stats straight. I've been reading the posts for several months and everyone has been throwing out 90% as the number of yearlings harvested, now a Biologist says its more like 60%. One would think that before cramming this scat down peoples throats by force of law they would at least try to get their facts straight.

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We can only wish/HOPE for this to come about. I believe that after a hunter(no matter what their age) has harvested a buck, from then on it should be a 8-pt minimum. There are plenty of tasty little does out there to eat. LET THE HORNS GROW!!!!!!!

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sounds like you don't value the quality of the deer population. all you care about is shooting a deer. thats great, but don't cut my opinion tree down because you think i am a 100% trophy hunter, and could care less about the meat. If you ask me, i personally believe that donating meat to the food shelf isn't ethical.

their, i said it. I personally believe that the whole venison donation is a bunch of bologna. some hunters don't actually go into the season thinking I am going to donate a deer this year. its because they shot more than they needed. and how many backstraps actually get donated??? If you want to donate meat to the shelf, buy 1/2 a beef and give that away.

How about another suggestion. Why don't they make the only legal way to harvest a buck with a firearm, is to be successfully drawn in a lottery, and make party hunting for buck illegal. seems like a better idea, maybe just more tolerable, than AR to the people who who don't favor seeing bigger bucks

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i can only hope we dont get an antler restriction. its hard enough hunting up north west of two harbors. every one that hunts up there know's how hard the winters can be. S@#t im sure this year will be a hard year with all the winter storms they got. im sorry our deer dont have corn fields or whatever to run out in and feed in. some of us would rather hunt and not have to count antlers. most of us that hunt up there are lucky to see a deer during the weekend. thats just my .02

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I have nothing against trophy hunting at all. I think it's fine, it's just not my top priority when we deer hunt. I also value the the quality of the deer population. Right now we have oportunities to shoot big ones, little ones and everything in between. It's a choice. Obviously from all the photos in Outdoor News, there are plenty of big boys out there. You just have to put in the time. What I don't want to see is a few trophy bowhunters make rules for the majority of all deer hunters. It would be like me saying the only way a grouse, woodcock or pheasant could be shot is over a pointing dog. Thats MY opinion, but I sure wouldn't want everyone else to have to comply.

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last year i shot a deer in a mbrb metro bow hunt just to donate. you know what, the butcher was telling us they wont take a deer if part of its been cut out just because of risk of diseases or something. they have the right to turn down any deer they think isnt acceptable to the standards. they check everything on the deer before they agree to take it, then the state has you sign some paperwork.

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The article said they were meeting in mid March? Does anybody know the out come of the meeting? We hunt in northern minnesota and north of Brimson, MN. We continue to fill 1.5 chest freezers with venison every year and by august all of it is gone. We eat what we kill and have never given any away to food shelves. To us, a 4.5 year old buck doesnt taste much different then a doe fawn. I would agree with the antler point restrictions down south but there needs to be a group that gets out of the concrete jungle, aka twin cities, and sees what is really going on. Southern MN is so much different then Norhtern MN its really too bad that more people dont realize that.

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Vister, if you were talking to me, you were way off base. I hunt for the meat more than the kill, but there is nothing like a short blood trail. My family alone (3) eat at least 3-4 a year. I believe that if you don't eat what you kill, you should't hunt. Go play BUCK HUNTER at the bar.

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I think those begging for AR are selfishly hoping for a big mature buck chanined 20 yards from their deer stands with a little "you're welcome" note from the DNR.

Making me apply for a buck tag to shoot one with my shotgun and then telling me it has to have 8 points is unacceptable when you don't have to apply for a buck tag to use your bow. If you want the DNR to become that stringent, then lets take a 3 or 4 year hiatus on all buck hunting, think of all the mosters running around in 2014. Better yet, I would really like to see NO ONE HUNTING from 2nd week of october until the 1st week of December. No firearms, muzzloaders or bows.

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I hope we never see an antler point restriction. I've done enough hunting and get to spend enough time to pass on small bucks, not everyone has the same opportunity. My good hunting buddy basically gets 2 days a year to dedicate to deer hunting. If some folks want to shoot big deer, good for them. Let them put the time in and work for it. I just don't think the need for big bucks should impinge on people who would be happy with any old deer.

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Anyone read the commentary in this weeks Mn. Outdoor News? The title is Hornography. Good read. It's nice to see those stand up and not be intimidated, even when people start calling names. Like Bambi killers.

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I wasn't talking to you. by the way, currently, with bow or muzzleloader, you automatically get a doe/buck tag. lottery areas only need doe applications for use of a rifle. if some of you would have read the original post in this thread, you would have read the first line, talking about BLUFF country. I'm not saying making it statewide. just use it in zones where it is more applicable. but it would be nice statewide.

but why not apply for a buck tag to shoot one with a rifle. if successful, then shoot any horned deer ya want. how is that any different then having to apply for an anterless permit, when 1/2 of them are slapped on bucks anyways?

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Why make just the rifle hunters apply for a buck tag? Everyone or no one!

Yes, muzzleloaders and archers should have to apply for a doe tag with the regs we have now, but special interest groups interested in their own hunting, and not groups interested in the overall health of the herd, control(or at least adjust) our regs.

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I think those begging for AR are selfishly hoping for a big mature buck chanined 20 yards from their deer stands with a little "you're welcome" note from the DNR.

Making me apply for a buck tag to shoot one with my shotgun and then telling me it has to have 8 points is unacceptable when you don't have to apply for a buck tag to use your bow. If you want the DNR to become that stringent, then lets take a 3 or 4 year hiatus on all buck hunting, think of all the mosters running around in 2014. Better yet, I would really like to see NO ONE HUNTING from 2nd week of october until the 1st week of December. No firearms, muzzloaders or bows.

Wow!!! PBW, Pretty clueless statement... and coming from a moderator?!

I'd say that those in across the board opposition to any attempt at managing for more than a shooting gallery are going to need to take the blinders off and learn a little more discretion and patience. You guys all act like it's your god given right to shoot any animal that walks along without regard for the the health of the herd or the satisfaction of your neighbors hunt. It's pretty obvious we all want different things from our hunt. Some want meat, some want trophy's. The problem is that the state management policy is right now geared toward the Non quality contingent 100%. There needs to be a balanced approach to management that takes into account the wishes of all camps, not just the brown it's down point of view.

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CSTPETER,those are my opinions and feelings....clueless? that's your opinion.

wanting to change state regulations to make your hunt for bigger bucks better? That is not selfish?

What is the old saying, you can't make all of the people happy all of the time?

I hunt SE MN where the deer population is (I can only imagine) different than up around Bemidji. The whole goal of AR is what? Bigger bucks! some try and say a healthier herd or a better age structure, but when it all comes down to it, big world class bucks are what they really want.......I call that selfish.............

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...I'd say that those in across the board opposition to any attempt at managing for more than a shooting gallery are going to need to take the blinders off and learn a little more discretion and patience. You guys all act like it's your god given right to shoot any animal that walks along without regard for the the health of the herd or the satisfaction of your neighbors hunt. It's pretty obvious we all want different things from our hunt. Some want meat, some want trophy's. The problem is that the state management policy is right now geared toward the Non quality contingent 100%. There needs to be a balanced approach to management that takes into account the wishes of all camps, not just the brown it's down point of view.

so what's the solution? Antler restrictions don't let the guy that only shoots spikes, and lets all the healthieast 2.5 to 5.5 year old bucks walk, hunt the way he wants to hunt.

What's the solution????????? Best I've seen posted on this thread are buck lottery, no hunting for X number of years, and no hunting during Oct. 15 thru Dec 1.

What's the solution?????

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I agree picksbigwagon

Why should the satisfaction of my hunt be compromised so the ar peaople can get what they want

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I'd be happy to see an antler restriction in place. I'm an avid bowhunter and have only shot less than half a dozen deer with a rifle. I hunt in zone 170, Grand Rapids area. My dad has 120 acres and a friend of ours has another 40. We see a big buck (120" or bigger) every couple of years. I still hear alot of people ask, "Did you get your buck yet?" When it should be "Did you get your deer yet?" I know people around here that would rather shoot a spike or forkhorn than a doe. Granted I've done that too, but am now at the point where I'd rather shoot a doe and let the little buck grow. Which is a double edged sword, because there's a good chance the little buck I pass up will end up in someone else's freezer. Which is frustrtating, but it is what it is.

I think people are fearful of change for the most part, but honestly believe if people give the antler restriction a chance, they'd be happy with the results.


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My grandpa, dad, and uncle built a cabin at the end of the west branch trail in 1973. We got 14 different bucks and countless does on the cameras, but only saw one during the season. its rough up there.

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Are we really going to need to satisfy a coningent of hunters that refuse to shoot a mature buck and antlerless deer? Doubtful. So the balance needs to be split between Trophy guys and meat guys. In an area that holds a huntable doe population I'd say APR or Buck Lottery and No crosstagging would be in play. This provides some degree of protection to 1.5. y/o bucks and allows a meat hunter to harvest anything but a 1.5. y/o for the freezer.

In areas where shooting a doe is not an option I think the solution becomes the no crosstagging rule. Although compliance is low (I think Lou quoted a 6% decrease in the harvest of immature bucks), It's something.

In my opinion Jameson, those are viable solutions. It's gonna have to be about compromise...and my crystal ball tells me neither side will be happy when changes are made.

Originally Posted By: CSTPETER
...I'd say that those in across the board opposition to any attempt at managing for more than a shooting gallery are going to need to take the blinders off and learn a little more discretion and patience. You guys all act like it's your god given right to shoot any animal that walks along without regard for the the health of the herd or the satisfaction of your neighbors hunt. It's pretty obvious we all want different things from our hunt. Some want meat, some want trophy's. The problem is that the state management policy is right now geared toward the Non quality contingent 100%. There needs to be a balanced approach to management that takes into account the wishes of all camps, not just the brown it's down point of view.

so what's the solution? Antler restrictions don't let the guy that only shoots spikes, and lets all the healthieast 2.5 to 5.5 year old bucks walk, hunt the way he wants to hunt.

What's the solution????????? Best I've seen posted on this thread are buck lottery, no hunting for X number of years, and no hunting during Oct. 15 thru Dec 1.

What's the solution?????

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Now no cross tagging of bucks, I could agree to that....not eliminating party hunting, but me NOT shooting 5 bucks, I can agree to that one. See, that would be middle ground.....Not sure how or if it is enforceable......I also want the seasons closed during the Rut......

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I agree picksbigwagon

Why should the satisfaction of my hunt be compromised so the ar peaople can get what they want

MOSSY...listen to yourself man. Right now your preferred management practices negatively influence my hunt.From my perspective You're already guilty of what You're accusing me of.

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Minn. could see antler-point restrictions in 2010

If this happened, IMO that would bite big time~!

You are telling me that if I miss count threw the scope one tine I could be fined and you would have to double make sure of the tine count, while making a precise kill shot? I see more wounded deer verses killed deer if this happens. I mean come on?

A hunter brings the scope up to the rack, checks it out, move it to the vitals, double thinks their self, move back to the rack to recheck and then back to the vitals and hopes they counted right? crazy

Personally if the DNR gets involved with QDM, I see my deer hunting days coming to end soon in MN. Next thing you know, 10 years down the road we will be restricted to paint ball guns with cameras on them, taking an instant image of the deer as the paint ball hits it grin.

IMO, I personally feel the deer population around the area I hunt is fine and if you want a trophy buck, you just have to hunt better! wink

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