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No more free accesses on Tonka

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Where did everyone go?

I guess we should get all of our complaining out of the way now, because if it happens, we didn't do anything about it. So we can't complain then.

I would do it, but I need to go mow the lawn.

Get a petition, i'd sign off on it, all this is in one more reason why i will avoid that lake.

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  • 17FishMan


Questions about zebra mussels:

I looked on the DNR website and they have a list of lakes with zebras. Pleasant Lake in Ramsey has zebras, but it is closed to fishing since 2001 and the DNR uses the lake to raise fish for stocking. If the DNR has closed the lake since 2001, who is causing the infestation? Sucker Lake in Ramsey does not allow boats, but has zebras. How are they spreading to a lake that doesn't allow boats?

Infested Waters List: http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/invasives/infestedwaters.pdf

Pleasant Lake: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/showreport.html?downum=62004600

Sucker Lake: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/showreport.html?downum=62002800

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I agree with the previous replyers..the fees, "Zebra mussell Invasion", boat check etc is nothing but veiled attempts by the beautiful people who have bought property on Lake Minnetonka to make it more private and keep the regular folk who just over crowd the lake, bring in Zebra Mussels, Milfoil, etc off the lake. Fact #1 This is NOT the Soviet Union..The lake if public property..my taxes and license fees go to help pay for the DNR, and boat launches, etc..you don't want to live on a lake thats popular and by a large metropolitan city..its a free country..move. Fact #2 I fish ALOT in a lot of diffrent lakes (rarely and then usually only during the week on Minnetonka) and I can say I have never seen as much law enforcement, rules, etc as on that lake (can you say morale/fun suppression teams) whos paying for all this law enforncement presence? I'm sure there are other lakes in the state/areas that could also use that kind of law enforcement presence. I realize that Milfoils a big problem but it has also contributed to Minnetonka becoming a premier Bass and Muskie lake (gives them more places to hide, etc) kinda hard to do that when people have destroyed all the natural lake shore habitat. Anyways, I'll get off my soapbox now..and oh yeah I have lots of friends who actually live or have lived on the lake and have fished many of the tournaments.

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so how much are the fee's?plan on hitting it on opener but if its ridiculos might have to head north. thanks....


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no fees at all at this time. Doesnt sound like any of it acutally went through at this point

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To answer your question mid lake rock, the zebra mussels got into those lakes because they are connected to the mississippi through underground water pipes.

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