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No more free accesses on Tonka

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I don't see much of a difference between their proposals and what Three Rivers does on Medicine and Independence - both public waters on which you have to pay $5 to access (trailer fee) and are closed at night to public access. Who knows exactly where that money goes? At least they are attempting to try to prevent the introduction of AIS into the most used lake in the Metro area. If you had to pay let's say $20 as an annual fee to use all the accesses including Medicine and Indy would that be so awful?? Also remember the fee will go to pay inspectors - kind of like lifeguards at a beach. Nice summer job for high school or college kids. Change the name from Lake Minnetonka Association to DNR as the proposing entity and I think you may have an entirely different sentiment.

That's the next step...Banning night access for Outsiders translated those Unsuitables that aren't able to own Million dollar lots and homes...

Access to Medicine Lake is restricted to Daytime only unless you own $5000.00 a foot shoreline... the Park access there is the only open water boat launching Access...you can rent a boat at the only other access- Hardy's, but have to be off the water by dark, and are not allowed to launch your own boat there...the DNR cut a deal with them to restrict access...this is a very serious Infringement of our Right of Equal Treatment and Access in regards to a Public Water...

In the Spring on the West side of Medicine there is Public Access run by the City of Plymouth for Lakeshore Owners only, open for a week or two in the Spring and Autumn so Only They can launch and retreive theirboats... and no parking of a trailer is allowed in the lot...skewed for the Big Wigs, and completely Unjust... sick

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I've said it before, Years ago the DNR had more money than they knew what to do with. Then some greedy politicians saw this and decided to balance the state's budget with our license fee's.

If we went back to this formula there would be funds gallore to help with stopping the spread of invasive species.

We just voted for money to go into these programs. YAH Right!

Those nit-wits in the Capiltal, can spend money faster then it could be printed.

They suck up our lic's. fee the pay for some B.S.

They total cut lics. for portables, they could have reduced it to 3 bucks. Perms, 10 dollars. Shacks that crank up, attached to trailer $25.00. You buy it, you can afford it. Some one please help pull their heads out of each others BUTT.

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Funding for inspectors? That's an easy one, double the property tax rate for Tonka lakeshore owners........ wink

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Duffman - they almost did mad Mine jumped 34% and my neighbors had similiar ones. If some of that went to maintaining Tonka I'd be fine with the increase.

Why is it most of you are OK with paying state park camping fees and so forth - all "public" land - but this proposal just freaks you out?? I know it is likely to fail but doing nothing for sure will fail.

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I have a friend of mine who does geese control on golf course and other venues with his dogs. It works wonders!

In regards to charging, provided there aren't any night restrictions, I wouldn't care if I had to pay a $25 annual fee to launch or something, just like many of the park district launches etc. Provided that money is used to maintain the launches and upkeep on the lake.

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I'm just funnin you and other lakeshore owner guys, I figured the property tax is already a sore spot with ya. laugh

The proposal reeks of elitism, we all have a case of the NIMBYs at times, but this takes it to a new level. Lake Minnetonka is a huge public resource located in the heart of a major metropolitan area, I think it's unfair to compare it to state campgrounds and most state parks. How many folks jump into the truck after work and decide to go camping on a whim?

The proposal has been called out in this thread as a way of reducing lake traffic, not to halt the invasion of exotic species, and in my opinion, that's what it looks like. Nothing more, nothing less. Everybody has an agenda. wink

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Park fees go to maintaining and staffing the park. We already pay our "park fee" when we buy our boat registration. That registration grants us access to all the DNR landings (or legally should). There is money that is taken from our boat registration to combat ES already.

I think that everyone would agree that if there was a plan to EFFECTIVELY combat ES distribution that they would be on board. Read what is being proposed and tell me that it will do ANYTHING except restrict access and increase cost at a very minimal benefit.

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It is too bad that the carelessness of one person can take away from everyone. I hope that the state and association can come up with some type of plan that balances the concerns of all involved parties.

One approach may be some type of statewide training or education program for boaters - paid for by boaters. Every lake has the potential to endure damage from exotics. Require everyone who licenses a boat to take an in-person class or online course. We already mandate training for other activities.

I prefer this approach because it treats everyone the same, no matter which lake(s) they use and might actually get some people to stop and inspect their boat/trailer.

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Many of you guys are sad examples of "sportsmen," putting your own convenience and wallet in front of doing what's right for the lake.

Minnetonka has a number of invasive species now due to poor use by boaters.

AMEN TO THAT! I know there is a lot of boaters out there that do care but I would say they are out numbered to the ones that do not.

Here is some of the things to empty before leaving a lake for those who do not know.

Basicly anything that has the lake water in it .... Minnow buckets , livewells, five gallon buckets ...etc. Do not forget to check your trailor for anything on it. The weeds always seem to like to get hung up right on your rollers way beneath your boat where you actually have to get down on your knees and pull them out.

Back to the question of the forum. If they do place fees what can you do . You have two options , pay or do not, and go somewhere else.

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Originally Posted By: blackdog1101
Many of you guys are sad examples of "sportsmen," putting your own convenience and wallet in front of doing what's right for the lake.

Minnetonka has a number of invasive species now due to poor use by boaters.

I know there is a lot of boaters out there that do care but I would say they are out numbered to the ones that do not.

Of course I hope that I am wrong!

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Duffman - they almost did mad Mine jumped 34% and my neighbors had similiar ones. If some of that went to maintaining Tonka I'd be fine with the increase.

Why is it most of you are OK with paying state park camping fees and so forth - all "public" land - but this proposal just freaks you out?? I know it is likely to fail but doing nothing for sure will fail.

State park fee's go to maintain the park, not aim to "Control" the lake it is a part of.

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Duffman - they almost did mad Mine jumped 34% and my neighbors had similiar ones. If some of that went to maintaining Tonka I'd be fine with the increase.

Was that because of Limited Market Value last year? Generally lake and upper bracket homes have benefited greatly from Limited Market Value in the past few years but 2009 is the first year in decades the state program will be gone.

There's no extra tax for living on lake shore, there's usually added value to the property which in turn yields higher taxes but they're not taxed with a higher rate or fee (ex. a $500k house on the lake pays the exact same amount as a $500k house 1 mile from the lake).

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Maybe this is why there is no Crappie contest this year.

Just thinking out loud.


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Will the bikers that use the snowmobile trails have to pay?

Maybe the city of Shakopee can start charging for their playgrounds? How about charging to get into the capital? How about a per book fee to check out a book at the library? Or a fee to use every landing in MN. This would be for duck hunters as well. How about we have a calculation that says how many boats can be on the water at any given time? This will control pollution, noise, crowding, drinking, etc.,??? Where will this [PoorWordUsage] end. Enough is enough. The problem with this is you are now creating another union government position which requires taxpayer money to support it. And well as a taxpayer I'm getting a little sick and tired of it.

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I think that if it's an annual fee, or a minimal ($5) fee per time, it'd be fine, as long as it's going towards a good cause. But I also think that every year the association/whoever we're paying needs to show exactly where that money's going.

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I live in Mound and am on the lake as much as I can be. To me the real issue is what in the heck does the city, county, state do with all of the money we currently give them? I think this has little chance of passing but I like the intent. If this does pass I am sure our elected officails will be taking any surpluss money from this for to build another parking ramp in Mound for the one guy who takes the bus into Minneapolis.

So if this isn't the solution what is? And what are you complainers going to do to implement this strategy of yours...Or are you just going to keep on complaining about the jobs that someone else is doing while you do nothing.

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You can rationalize the fee all you want but the bottom line is that they've realized an opportunity to make money from the use of Minnesotas most popular body of water. To consider any other reason is rediculous. Last time I checked, one of the great things about Minnesota is the access we have to free and public recreation. I personally believe that considering Minnetonkas size there isn't enough free public acess to the lake including parking. Moneytonka rite....

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It's the same thing the same people are doing using Al Gore's climate nonsense as the excuse: Lexus Lanes for 'us' and choo-choo trains for 'them'. You think a landing fee is bad, wait until "cap-n-trade" kicks in. You won't be able to afford to drive to any other lake.

Careful what you ask for on November Tuesdays. You're about to get it.

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You can rationalize the fee all you want but the bottom line is that they've realized an opportunity to make money...

Maybe I'm dense, but who exactly would be making the money? the LMA? What would they do with it?

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The beautiful people just want a little peace and quiet out there........I work for dozens of them in the lawn and tree care buisness and trust me, no one pollutes that lake more than the property owners themselves.

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You guys are only thinking about the fee. The major flaw in this is they want to require ALL watercraft launching be inspected. Can you imaging the line to launch on the weekend?!!! What if it rained the night before, is your bilge dry? It better be. They would also close down some accesses during off-peak times. So you launch out of Cook's in the afternoon, but then have to retrailer over to Gray's to continue fishing after dark. Or what if you want to launch at 5 a.m., now you only have one ramp to choose...Yeah, that sounds like a good idea...

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What about winter access? Would we have to pay then as well in the event our transducer might have a zebra muscle on it?

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You can rationalize the fee all you want but the bottom line is that they've realized an opportunity to make money from the use of Minnesotas most popular body of water. To consider any other reason is rediculous. Last time I checked, one of the great things about Minnesota is the access we have to free and public recreation. I personally believe that considering Minnetonkas size there isn't enough free public acess to the lake including parking. Moneytonka rite....

The part about public access is the way I see it, too. I think that money isn't the issue, though. This looks to me like a lake grab by people trying to keep the rest of Minnesota off what they consider to be private water, which it certainly isn't.

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What about winter access? Would we have to pay then as well in the event our transducer might have a zebra muscle on it?

The winter question would be where you would park either just your car if you walk on or your trailer if you use a machine to move around the lake. I would not be surprised that part of the plan is to close public inspection points when boating season is over rather than pay the expense to keep them usable, probably staffing them under some sort of seasonal contract with a third party which would not include keeping the lots or ramps clear in winter. That would also limit both winter vehicle access and outside parties putting out permanent ice houses to those who have access to private party lake front property.

Winter or summer this is a blatant move to privatize Minnetonka, to keep the rest of us "riff raff" to as minimalized a use as they possibly can.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where did everyone go?

I guess we should get all of our complaining out of the way now, because if it happens, we didn't do anything about it. So we can't complain then.

I would do it, but I need to go mow the lawn.

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It doesn't look like it's going to go through this year. Rumor has it the MLA has ponied up more $$$ for inspectors at the landings for this year.

All I know is that my friends and I are going to be looking for signs of ZM's in there this year. It's hard to believe that they could be in Prior and NOT in Tonka. I'm guessing nobody's ID'd them yet...

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