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Annandale-Buffalo-Hutchinson fishing reports

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Anybody been out since the hurricane came through yet? Been pretty quiet these past few days..

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I made it out to a local Wright County lake today that I had never previously fished in search of bluegills and bass. I found plenty of bass, but most were small. I then went in search of some bluegills. It did take a little while to find what I was looking for, but I eventually found a nice pod of 7.5-8.75 inch bluegills, most 8-8.5 inches, catching around 30 of them in an hour. I found them on the outside weed edge in 6-8 FOW. What worked best was alternating between Gulp Alive waxies on a plain hook seemed to work best today.

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Haven't been out for a few weeks around here. How has the bite been? I am guessing the walleye bite has slowed down, but the panfish action should be good. I hope to get out this weekend and try my new Hummingbird 798 SI/DI. Look out crappies!! Here I come!


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Made it out on Saturday with my dad.

We didn't get going until 8:00am and started fishing about 9:00am. We casted whistler jigs and minnows over the deep weeds and picked up 12 nice crappies in the 9 to 11.5 inch range. Also had a few bonus pike and bass mixed in.

We then found some bluegills still on the beds in 6ft of water. That was insane fishing. They were hammering hard. Most were 7 to 8 inches. Just using ice tackle and worms. I sorted out the bull gills and released those and kept some of the smaller males and females. I know it is hard for people to do that because the bulls are the biggest, but that is what is best for the lake's population of bluegills. That will ensure the best genetics for the young fish. Those smaller fish eat very well!!

Got to work with my Hummingbird for the first time on the water. So far so good. I definitely need more time to adjust everything, but think it will be a true asset in the long run. Got to learn to read the side imaging screen easier.


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Got to spend the day with my two little boys today fishing and playing in the water!

We hit the water this morning about 9:00am. We started out slow, but ended up burying the boat in the Lily pads and fishing little pockets in them. It was about 5 ft deep and the bluegills were stacked under them. My five year old had a blast!!

I couldn't even fish. Had to take his off. My two year old was having fun, but a little too young to handle a rod.

We ended up with 22 for the well. All about 7-8 inches! Great eats!


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Sounds like a fun day Adam. I did the same with my 2 granddaughters a week or so ago.

Best fishing there is with the kids.

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Went up north last weekend and fished a really clear water lake. Heavy recreation during the day. The lake has good numbers of walleyes. I figured it would be an early morning or night bite. I fished Saturday and Sunday morning. Started about 5:00am and it was light pretty good already. I worked some mid-lake structure with rock on it. My new Hummingbird indicated to me that many fish were present. I was using long snell's with a plain hook and crawler. I was able to pull four walleyes on Saturday and 5 on Sunday. The biggest was a 19 inch. Had a few 18's, a 17, and the rest around 14 inches. Broke off twice on fish. Darn rocks are tough on my line, caused weakness in it. I use 10 lb vanish for snells, might have to go heavier. Should have limited both days, but snags and missed bites prevented that. Can be frustrating feeding line with crawlers. The bite was best from 5:30 to 7:00am.

Point of this report, on clear lakes, get up early or stay late, use long snells and you should catch fish.


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I'd drop to 6 lb Vanish, keep the long snells, smaller hook, and an air bubble in the tail of the crawler to keep line/bait up a little off the bottom.

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Was going to be at belle this wknd camping at pepinberg park going to bring the boat and fish hard but have no idea if the lake has been any good this year. Anybody had any luck there this year ? Looking for crappie and walters. I know there are good fish in there since i have had luck before. Any information would be great. I will be fishing there regardless since we are camping wish me luck.

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went out the last couple nights with decent results right away, then nothing as it got darker. went out about 630, and the first spot we tried, we caught a couple nice bass both nights,4lb or so. tonight we fought the wind, trying to stay on a wall, but was tough. same with both nights after the first couple bass, the bight stopped, so we moved, hit pan fish, some really nice sunny, even tho we weren't keeping them, and then as the sun faded, bull head... oh, all on jumbo leeches... just wondering how other people are doing? locations, depth, what your catching and on what. we caught all the nice bass towards 24, sitting at like 16 casting into a wall, shallower, with leeches. besides that nothing else was worth talking about lol.

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I haven't been up there in a while now but the pike were really active at the time, although they seem to have been crazy on all the lakes this year. I'm not sure I can recall a season where I've caught this many.

After all this hot weather I have no idea what you can expect on Belle now. Hope you have a good time nevertheless.

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  • 1 month later...

Was out over the weekend.

Fishing was pretty good for panfish and pike. We caught quite a few crappies and a few nice bluegills. We also has had some nice pike. We pretty much used small spinners and minnows or jigs and minnows. We found all our fish in 6 to 10 ft along weedlines or breaklines.

The lakes we fished were all pea soup. Kind of gross, but normal for this time of year.

Haven't caught a walleye around here in two months.

Water temps are starting to come down from summer highs. About 74 degrees most places. Walleyes should start moving shallow again and can snag a few.

Has anyone else gotten into a summer pattern for walleyes right now?


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Fished on Lake Francis over the weekend-caught my biggest bass of the season Fri night 20" and 4.91 lbs.Caught on a white double willow spinnerbait in 8 ft. of water.Glad I had 15lb invisx flouro on the reel-had to lift it out of the weeds.It was a thrill!

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Has anyone been fishing Sugar this summer? Spent a lot of time fishing for walleye there this summer, after finally fixing up the family's ole johnson 6 and had practically no luck. Just one small walter in between the point and the reed island on the north end. Any tips for a rookie walter chaser? I know it is a difficult lake for eyes but that is where the cabin is and I don't have a trailer for the boat anyway. So I am dedicated to Sugar Lake, walleye (because I enjoy the torture) and would love any and all help! Thanks

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Fished Beebe. Caught numerous Pike (one 30 incher), handful of Bass, and only one crappies. Water was 76 degrees on 8/20.

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Been Chasing panfish with the ice gear the past few days and have had some good results. All the Bluegills you can catch and then some and they would literally light my flasher up like a Christmas tree!! It's fun to see in August!! You really have to upsize your baits to keep the little guys off and just by using a little Bulkier plastics did the trick. I have been releasing all my fish except for yesterday I kept a few 8" gills..

I have been getting a few crappies mixed in here and there but haven't really patterned them but the gills have kept me occupied. My Powernoodle has been getting a nice workout lately paired with a 4mm Tungsten jig and a micro nuggie in various colors. On my Fenwick I have been using MB Troo Moos, 1/32oz Crappie tom jig and a 1" Power Nymph, Impulse Waterbugs, and Mister Twister Micro shads. They all have been producing fish but the Nymph, Waterbug, and the Troo Moo yielded most of the bigger fish. Key depths have been 8-14'..

Here are a few pictures...


Powernoodle in action!


School of Bluegill


And a few more...

This pike tried to get an easy meal ended up spitting it out at the surface


This guy hammered my Radical Glow Tube!


I would like to find some more of these guys!


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I picked up a few pitching spinners with minnows along the inner weedline for pike and bass. I was shocked pulling a 16in. From 6 ft of water during high sun. Has anyone else notice the pike population on the lakes this year?

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I have noticed and heard the same thing from people!

Pike everywhere!!! Not sure what happened! High water in spring does make for good spawning habitat for pike. We had high water two years ago. Maybe that correlates.


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Awesome pictures. Really like the one of the Northern, almost looks like a big cobra with its mouth all flared out.

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I've been out a few times in the past couple of weeks and the bass are going crazy now. On one morning had three bass in three cast before 6:00AM. If the ones you're after aren't cooperating then switch it up to something else and enjoy the fun. The ones I'm catching are ranging from 10" to 19" and I'm having a blast.

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Fishing was good this weekend. Fished the north side of the lakes I was on because we had consistent wind three days in a row. Worked the break lines in 6-12 ft of water with small silver or pink spinners and minnows. I use 1 oz bottom bouncers and troll about 1.2 mph. Caught lots of crappies, pike, catfish, one walleye and a few bluegills. Water temps 74-76 degrees. Stained green water.

Find a lake that has good numbers of fish you want to catch and go get them.

Pretty simple!


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Wow! It has been awhile since I posted on this site. The summer has been hit and miss[alot of miss].

On Aug. 17 my daughter and I went out in the morning one last time before she left for college,she caught 4 largemouth bass and I caught 9 largemouth bass I also caught a 34" pike and a 13 pound carp[all fish caught on x-raps].

On Aug. 19 I took the wife's nephew out fishing what a tough day,he got blanked and I got a couple small pike,he did get to hold a pike for the first time.

On Aug.22 I met my dad at a lake looking for a better bite,WRONG!!!!,he got blanked and I caught 1 small bass.

Aug. 25 I had a couple hours in the morning to get out,so I hit the first lake to the east of me,only to find the landing washed out. I guess 8 inches of rain will do that. I put in anyhow and caught 3 pike and a bass.

Aug. 27 Dad was looking for redemption from the "goose egg" of our earlier outing so he was at my house at 7 am. We went to the first lake west of my house.Started slow[got bit off]after 2+ hours we started trolling deep and fast.He landed 1 pike and had a couple other hits[still not what I was looking for].We then went to a hump,I tried for panfish and he casted a crankbait,he caught a few more pike and a bass.I switched to crankbait and on my third cast set the hook into a snag,which turned out to be a rope with an anchor on the other end.Things were slow so more trolling,we went not very far when dad said he had,"a fish on".I seen it was small so I launched a cast toward the direction we were headed,he released his small bass and I set the hook into a 17.75" walleye.He said,"I like to see you do that again",so I launched another cast to the same spot and set the hook into a 23.5" walleye. After releasing that fish I looked at my watch the time was 11:30am. Two walleyes at midday,eight feet of water,bright sun and no wind.Must have something to do with the color of the water.We left shortly after that[i had to go to work].


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Had a very good outing Monday morning. Haven't fished the lake this year yet. I watched the weather the past few days and paid attention to wind direction. It was consistent from the south, southeast. So my thoughts said to focus on the northwest side of the lake. I landed the boat about 6:00am. The great outdoors seemed to be really alive. I headed to the northwest side of the lake and looked for my trusty first breakline in about 5 ft of water. I put on the old bottom bouncer and gold double hook spinner. I didn't make it very far and had my first crappie. I then boated a nice bluegill. I ended up finding a couple areas with some rock and gravel in about 5-7 ft. It was maybe a 50 yard stretch. I worked the area a few times and was getting crappies and nice bluegills each pass. The crappies were ten inches and the gills were between 7-10 inches. Yes! I did say 10 inches. I caught a bruiser bull gill that was just over 10 inches long. I didn't weigh him, but my guess he was over a pound. I took a couple pics and let him go. What a fight they can give!! That is two gills over a pound this summer around home!! Very surprising to see, but cool!

I also ended up with four bass, one 16 inch and one 14 inch. Had one smaller pike and a few perch.

I caught just about everything, but that elusive walleye. One of these outings, I will get into them!

The lakes are going to quiet down until good ice now and the die hards will have the fall bite to themselves. I look forward to it! Should be good! I suspect the bite will be shallow for awhile until lakes hit water temps into the 40's. They are about 74 degrees right now.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on how the fall bite transitions? I usually do good until water temps cool down into the 40's, then it can be kind of tough. Maybe I am not fishing deep enough?

Have a good day!


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I was out this morning and hit the lake at 6:30 just before sun rise. The bass were going crazy hitting everything from wacky, craw and curly tail in various colors. You couldn't really keep them off the hook. Just fish the outer weeds and have fun. I started to check my walleye spots and there are starting to be a few showing up so it won't be long and it will be time to hit them up.

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Weekend report,my weekend started at 2:30am friday when I punched the time clock.I got home hit the shower,packed something to eat and drink,hooked up the boat and I was off.Spent 7 hours chucking lures for muskies on Waconia and all I caught was 2 bass,so I spent another 2 hours trying for bass and only got 1 more.

Saturday morning my middle daughter and I went out to catch bass and after an hour of nothing we switched to panfish which were more cooperative,we ended up with 11 crappies,2 bass,1 sunfish,3 pike and some perch.

Saturday evening I headed to Swan lake solo,but when I got there a young man and I talked alittle and he ended up going along in the boat with me.Neither of us had a bite.

Sunday morning I was to meet my oldest daughter at 7:30am at a lake between home and college,at 7:45 she called to say she just got out of bed.I fished while waiting for her,but the fish seemed to be waiting for her also. we fished together just over an hour and caught 1 crappie,1 smallmouth bass,3 pike and she put a 22"walleye in the boat.

Monday evening my dad came over and down the road the boat was going again.We fished for 4 hours and ended up with 1 crappie,1 largemouth bass,1 smallmouth bass,4 pike and 9 walleyes[of course most of the walleyes were 7"-11"].

I ended the long weekend this morning by hitting a sixeth lake for a couple of hours,I caught 2 pike and 2 smallmouth bass.The smallies were 17.75"and 18.5" man do they fight!

Not the greatest weekend,but who can complain if I can get out that often?

On the last three trips most of the fish were caught either trolling or casting shad style crankbaits.

And Avid when the water gets that cold all my open water fishing reflects icefishing [verticle with minnows or jigging spoons].


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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it isn't fall technically, but the fish are acting like it is. I finally caught some walleyes yesterday. They were feeding on a rocky point in about 6-8 ft of water. The crappies were also on the chew. Had a nice 13 incher. It was a beautiful afternoon and just enough wind for a chop. Was using a jig and minnow. Hope you all can get back out!!

Love this time of year!!


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Hit a lake yesterday and fished about 3 hours.

Tried the East and SE shoreline. Used spinners. Caught one small walleye and a few nice perch. Pretty slow.

Thought the fish would be stacked on that shoreline because winds have been consistent, but was not the case. Water temps about 57.


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Thursday I fished some shore spots and I managed 3 walleyes.

Friday I hit a small lake for bass and pike,it was slower than the last time out,but I caught 10 bass and 7 pike[some nice fish,but no donkeys].

Saturday I went to one of my new favorite multi-species lake.The fish came in bunches,nothing for the first 45 minutes or the last hour,but in the middle I caught 1 walleye,2 largemouth bass,3 smallmouth bass and 6 pike. Most all the fish came on a #5 shad rap and only if I was making lots of contact with the bottom.

Sunday I hit a little lake that should be decent,but I did not do very well out there.

With the full moon coming and the cooling water I am getting pumped up!


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