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was also on mazaska today. managed one nice 9" sunnie and a 22" pike with a bunch of smaller sunnies and perch mixed in.

on a side note, whoever was racing around on the 3 wheeler and drove within 12 feet my shack going about 30mph on sheer ice, i could care less if you hurt yourself but you need to be more careful and have a little respect for the other people on the lake.

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On Mazaska this AM. Caught dozens of 4" perch in 15 FOW by the park. Came away with a nice walleye and northern.

Welcome to HSO!

Where there is perch there's Walleye smile

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Put just an hour in this afternoon on French so my kids could ice skate. Hit one of usual spots and instantly started marking fish. They were VERY aggressive crappies, but non of any real size. 7 to 9". Cold hands and me not wanting to set up the shack led us back home early. Whole minnows on a pink tear drop worked for me.

9 to 9.75" of ice everywhere I drilled.

I counted 5 perms on the lake, and wheelers everywhere.

Also, FYI - Hoys now has an 'honor' box, of $3.00 for use. Please respect theses resort(and all) owners and drop some cash in. wink

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Anyone have any reports from the Mankato area lakes from the weekend? Only have heard crappies are biting. Anything to add about crappies or pike anyone? Whats the hot bait for pike thus far? I have had some luck on suckers but some days they either don't want them or just not biting.

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I have not. They die so easily and im a huge believer in live bait. But I shall give them a try.

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Hey JosMN I have thought about trying Mazaska for pike I've never fished the lake. I was wondering if there are certain depths to key on to get started anyway. I don't need exact locations.


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Your best bet is to hit bullrush bay with tipups. They should be all along that western shoreline where the reeds are. There is also a nice finger that comes out about halfway up that shorline. I have caught quite a few there during the summer just walleye fishimg. Anything from that point and to the south should have pike roaming. Take a peak at the lake map for depths

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If you want to catch some Pike they are going pretty good over on Cedar in Rice county..the old man couldnt keep them off the line when he went looking for walleye. That lake used to be sooo good for walleye and crappie....after they put all those chemicals in to kill milfoil(along with every other plant)all you can find is stinking bass and sm/med pike....not for me. some of my best fishing days on that lake came during the height of milfoil infestation! 8# walleyes and a few HUGE crappie's...talking Red lake size....oh well im sure it will eventually cycle back to the good ol' days...i hope

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Yeah cedar was full of crappies a few years ago we did very well (an epic day) but no size what so ever. But I've heard the bass and northern fishing is awesome there and with no walleyes and crappies there and a lake with awesome pike numbers along with good numbers on bass with size to them = my kind of lake smile Trophy bass and good pike numbers = a great sporting lake with fish that put up a fight for your money

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Fished Washington today from 9 til 1. Again lots of sniffers and chasers but no biters. Some small sunfish was it. Moved to Duck Lake later looking for numbers for the kid. Caught some small perch and the sunfish got hungry at sunset but again were small. Couple 9" crappies at dark.

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Put in a long shift on Washington yesterday. Lots of Fish in about 15' of water, but not much for size. Like Courtland said, they were nosing at the bait and not biting real easy. Wind picked up at about 530 and blew us off the lake in a hurry, so we didn't get to try much at the night bite. No crappies. Just sunnies

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Fished Reeds lake from about 2:30 - 6:00 with my son last night. Bounced around to quite a few holes in 20-40 FOW. lots of 4" sunnies, no crappies. They were stacked in suspended from 12-20 FOW. was hoping crappies would move in at dark but no luck for us. Wind was howling and my son got cold, so it was a good time to call it a day. None the less it was entertaining. Also, found about 12" of good ice everywhere we drilled.

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Anyone seeing enough ice to drive out yet? Only been on Washington and there was open water out there yet.

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Anyone seeing enough ice to drive out yet? Only been on Washington and there was open water out there yet.

Off of third point and the north access it was about 50\50 on driving VS. walking on. I have roughly 10" of ice...maybe 12... just gussing by sticking my hand in the hole and measuring that way. I will say people were pretty anxious to get their big houses out there and when they went by that ice was makin some scary noises.

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Fishing was decent saturday with a mixed bag of crappies and gils, as always hole hopping was the key. Fish seemed to prefer spoons and silver wigglers. Color was definately glow red. Fish were off the bottom of the basin 22-24 feet maybe the snow cover had something to do with it. I cant wait til the end of February it should be a great late season with the lack of pressure these fish have seen compared to years past. One more warm up will make me very happy

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one crappie and one northern on madison lake. fished in 20-24 FOW marked fish all day but nothing wanted to bite. Tried about 10 different lures and never could find what they wanted.

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Slow day on Madison Lake = hittin up washington lake tomorrow anyone wanna give a report on how the fishing is on washington or FOW preference. Sounds like on most lakes crappie fishing got real slow. correct me if I'm wrong im sure a few people found the fish.

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Fished the south side of grassy island in about 18 fow caught a bunch of sunnies with them being 50/50 when it came to size. One good crappie later in the day. The bite seemed to be earlier in the day from 1-3. I'd like to try and get out there earlier but can't ever get the roomies up in time.

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I'd like to get into some pike around the Mankato area. Any suggestions??? Depth, time of day, lakes, andy suggestions would be good, only been able to ice one pike on duck with no size to it, but would like to get enough to pickle.

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an often overlooked lake is loon in waseca....that lake used to be LOADED with pike, not sure what it looks like nowadays but it used to be awesome.

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I've heard that was winterkilled like 4 or 5 years ago and there isn't really anything in there anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong

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