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I found sunfish heaven on Clear Lake in Waseca today with my kids in the boat. Corn, worms or artificial, it didn't matter as the fish would hit just as soon as you cast. The surprising part was the size-out of the 70 or so we caught, 25 came home for dinner.

I was on the east side of the lake up close to the pencil reeds in 3 FOW.

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Sitting at home today I thought I would hit a lake for some gill action.

Fished 4 different spots in 2-3ft of water. Used a plain red hook and a piece of crawler and layed the smackdown on the nicest gills I have boated in a long time. maybe 100 plus caught.

The I jigged some deeper water for some crappie and did well again.

The lake was busy and sowas I boating those very hungry panfish.

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With the big upswing in temps over the weekend and the next couple days, the bluegills are starting to spawn. Remember to leave the big males on the nest. Lots of fish in shallow at Hunt, Kelly-Dudley, Tetonka, and German that I've seen yesterday and today.

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No kidding on KD! I got off early today and spent an hour off my dock on KD. My daughter caught over 30 ..just sight fishing from my dock with a red gulp grub n a hook, and oh ya..it was 'her homemade' rod. a Stick and some power pro wink

Moments like that = priceless for her and me. smile

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That's awesome Matt. Good to hear the spawn is on. I wanted to try making it out today, but the temps kind of made me think twice before getting out for a paddle. KD is one lake I've yet to fish. Maybe that's where I'll head my next time out.

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Went out of Francis Saturday from noon to about 9pm... Didnt catch much early on but once 4pm came around the Northerns and Bass were hitting on just about anything you threw in the water. Didnt really matter the depth. Also brought home some decent sized crappies 10-11 inches.

Also, Dont forget the Sunblock... Got a lil crispy out there sitting on the water all day.

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Hit up West Jeff today for an hour or two after work. Just had the fly rod in the trunk, but managed about 50-60 gills before I called it quits. Good times. Biggest went almost 11". It was a hog. All fish went back, as there were quite a few big gills mixed in.

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Anyone been having much luck out on Tetonka? I went out last night after slaughtering fish on Big Jeff all morning, and ended up catching two small northerns. Fishing was SLOW for me. I didn't get out onto the main lake as there were a few to many pleasure boaters out there for my liking. I fished the south side of the lake mainly.

PS - If the jacka$$ that few by the BRIGHT orange kayak last night within 15 feet, driving a tan and green Crestliner happens to read this, please know that you are a complete moron. Next time, pay attention to where you're going.

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I got up early this am so I thought I might as well go to the lake.

I started out looking for gills and found them in water from 7-10fow. As usual this time of year, I used a lindy rig with a crawler harness and pulled it approx 1ft of the bottom. That worked well as I caught approx 16 very nice gills.

off to the deeper water in search of some crappie. I located alot of suspended fish in 32 fow but they were only 6-9 ft down. I rigged up a flu-flu and jigged over the boat. I tipped the flu-flu with a piece of crawler and had to work them hard but I picked up 7 pretty nice slabs.

I had about a 1.5# largemouth almost up to the boat ready to lift it into the boat and a larger pike took a swipe at it. The northern was about half ways out of the water. I think he was made I took the bass from him. I dropped the bass back in so the slimer could have a good lunch.

Now the sun went under and the panfish bite slowed so I thought I would hit a nice weedy location off a break by a sand bar. I was back to lindy rigging with a crawler harness and in 4 passes caught 4 eyes from 14-16.5 inches.

I sad thanks to the lake and left for home.

What more could a fellow ask for in one morning?

This spring and early summer has to be the best bite I believe I have ever been on and my neighbor's love it to as they get fresh fish once a week.

Sorry for no pictures but I have not replaced my camera yet.

Too busy fishing.

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I think you know the lake I have been doing Craig.

The bite has been very good and if you might go there, shoot me an e-mail and I will let you know where I have been getting each specie.

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Will do Tom. Getting the driveway done today and can't drive on it for a week. Kind of screws up the fishing for us. But if we decide to go I will figure out a way to get the boat out.

We went out the Monday after you called me and brought home a bunch of BIG gills and one bonus crappie. Went back out three days later and could barely buy a bite. Caught mainly bass. We were only out a couple quick hours each time though.

I will shoot you an e-mail if we do get out. Wouldn't mind going tomorrow but will have to see.

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Never tried that method for Gills ! This time of year I work the shorelines 4' or less with a small jig tipped with a small piece of crawler threaded on the hook and bobber. Jigs make for easy removal and no hook swallowing. These were typical of the 18 I caught on a lake up by Mankato. Jig color can be key at times. 1/16th oz. Chartreuse was the color I was using. Kept a few for dinner.full-607-9659-biggills.jpg

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We went out today and pulled some spoons near the weedline. The Northern Pike were hitting and we boated and released 19. It was a fun bite. Just about every one hit the lure 3-4 times before getting hooked. When we were casting we had one take a run at a spoon near the the boat and miss it clean while lounching itself 3 feet out of the water. With the way they were following the lure I don't think we Would have caught as many if we were casting.

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we were out saturday and sunday casting spinners with 6" plastic worm trailers from shallows to the deep edge of the weeds from 8-15 fow and caught a bunch of northerns as well, and some nice bass mostly 14-17 inches with one really nice kicker fish. Didn't have much trouble with short bites or follows, the fish were really aggressive. We tried a little deeper with some jigs and crankbaits on some suspended fish, but no takers.

hopefully this posts correctly. just joined up after reading your posts the past couple years since moving to mn, figured i should probably join in since my wife is tired of hearing me talk about fishing.

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Good to have you with us Dgr.

I hit the lake at 4am today and the gills were slower than normal but I did boat a nice bunch and 2 eyes. Lost 2 eyes at the side of the boat as I was going to just grab them instead of using the net.

I have gotten spoiled with the bite as of late and if I lose one I don't seem to get too upset. All the eyes came in shallow water pulling a crawler over the top of the weeds or through them. I hate going through the weeds as I foul to much but the bite seems better there. I fishe mainly 5-10 fow today.

Again all my fish came on a lindy rig with a craweler harness and a gold 3.5 colorado blade.

Rained like heck 3 times and then the big rain came at approx 8:30 am.

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Fished the river thursday night into friday morning, not a bite. Saturday i decided to fish Reeds lake to avoid the busy lakes..Turns out it got quite busy though i was the first on the lake at 5am. Only small bass were found in the weeds and along the weeds with one at 19". I was more interested in finding northerns, so i headed deeper. Spotted a nice school of fish suspended 15'down in 40fow. Pulled a large salmo hornet over then, and pulled 3 nice 19" bass....I think that concluded my bass fishing for the year laugh and i guess i'll have to go back to that lake in search of the northerns later in the year.

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It's that time of year again and all the Curly Leaf Pondweed is about to die off. Trolling will be tough so look out Bass here I come. wink After the weeds clear off the lake fish the stubble to find fish when the going gets tough.

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Went Fishing Up north this Weekend and Wanted to share maybe a once in a lifetime fish for all to see. a First for me. fish was measured really fast no tail pinch no weight no girth. he was wore out and wanted to get him released.full-32654-9775-walleye.jpg

what a experience!! Real Fast Measurment was over 27 but the feed sac was awesome and Got to share it with my Family! BAM!!! BUddies Cabin He was a Awesome Guide

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Nice crappie bite on Clear Lake this am. 10-12 FOW trolling a jig and motor oil colored leech powerbait. Not big fish, mind you, but big enough for dinner.

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Hit the lake this am and could not find my usual bite that I have been on for 2 weeks.

Traveling to another spot I marked a load of fish suspended in 25-28fow.

I dropped my trusty lindy rig with a crawler harness on and boy did the fish go nuts.

Caught probably 50 panfish and kept 7 for a meal.

I also boated 1 pike, 2 eyes and a few sheepheads.

The panfish were suspended form the bottom up to 14 feet. The eyes came right off the bottom.

I went through all the crawlers I had so I put a leech on and never got another hit in 30 minutes. That did suprise me alot.

Not sure why these fish were so deep as I have been on a hot bite for the past 2 plus weeks all in less than 11fow.

Water temp was 68.8 and that's down 10 degrees from 2 weeks ago.

Beautiful morning on the lake and it was pretty busy also.

I did notice after cleaning the gills that most of them still had spawn in them.

Could find nothing in less than 14fow.

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Hit kelly-dudley this morning and managed a few small northerns and a crappie pulling hornets. Went there to get a few for the frying pan but nothing nearly big enough to keep. Hit Roberds after that and tried the rock bars, but didn't have any luck. I would like to give a shout out to the D-bag that smoked my trailer in the lot, destroying my right tail light and metal housing, along with bending the wheelwell all to hell and in turn breaking the side marker light. Hopefully the axle is ok. Looks like they must have cut underneath it and lifted it totally off the ground. They did a fine job of picking up all the tail light pieces too, was only able to find a few. I'm guessing someone saw it, the lot was packed and not to mention a guy or two fishing off the dock and guys flying in to get out of the rain. I would have been fine with just a note or something on my truck from the guy that did it. I guess ill try to take up two spots next time so it doesn't happen again. Lol. If anyone saw who did this, please let me know. My number is 320-905- eight four eight two. Not a HUGE deal, just would love some people to fess up to their mistakes! Thanks

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One word, Three syllabols: Thermocline!

I ruled out all decent sized walleyes in shallow water friday night fishing 11pm to 5am, Caught one small 13" fish.

5am I started pulling leadcore deep on a sharp break and managed two walleyes 16". Moved to another hole about 6am, noticed the thermocline had showed up....Game On! I left at 11am with 10 walleyes caught and released.

Salmo got almost all the bites! Long lining. These walleyes were changing their minds hourly on which color would go.

2mph, Crank baits 18' down. 30-45fow.


I caught 19 walleyes this weekend. 10 saturday morning, 9 sunday morning. 5 of them 20-21 1/2", 3 13-16" and the rest at 19" and FAT!

First picture is me with a 21 1/2" saturday.


Called up a buddy saturday, told him the bite is on. 5:30am he shows up ready to fish on sunday.

We started off with a double, Here's jeremy:


Here's a few more:



And finally finished the day at 10am with another nice 21 1/2" fish:


My buddy hadn't fished in a few years, so i allowed him to take his limit home with him, i cleaned the fish and these fishes stomaches were completely empty! Not a bug or minnow.

Last year by june i had caught over 150 walleyes in this peticular lake, but none of which were over 14", I'm think they grew up!

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