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2020 - Upper Red Lake Fishing Reports (URL)


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Our morning bite was nonexistent. We had our best luck over night (midnight-1 a.m.) on rattle reels, and in the afternoon between 1 p.m. and sunset. What I would consider the "golden hour" on most walleye lakes was dead on Red. Still caught plenty, though. If you're in the right depth and prepared to fish all day, you'll catch fish.

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close without a house... up to the power head last weekend out of the house. if in any kind of rough ice, you will need them. I put it on... not a fan of running it right to the powerhead.

Good Luck!


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Hey Kip...

Suppose to bring Hunter and one of his buddies up this weekend. Not too fired up about setting up the wheelhouse in minus 17 cold Friday night... I'm getting to be a Pansy!

Then Scott-Z and I try and meet every Presidents day weekend up there. I think that one will pan out out...

How about you? Would be great to see you again. I heard the Mrs. got the crud. I hope that she gets over it quickly. As I learned several years ago from some honorable men that you know, put some tobacco in her window sill so the Great Bear can find her and help make her strong!

Good Luck!


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the negitive degree weather is nothing to ffol around with.. last wknd we didnt get set up till 1am long drive from cities.. opened up my auger case proceeded to grab my auger.. i let go instantly and looked at my hand.. it turned all wrinkly didnt go away for a day... hurt a little.. i should have known better but wasnt thinking..

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Oh it's there!! Don't know for sure yet, looking at the 7th into the weekend but it all hinges on mama.

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We'll see ya out ther friday night Labs:) fishing thru sunday early afternoon, heading home in time for the stuporbowl.

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Just wondering what's the lastest fishing report up there? Any insight is well appricated. Thanks.

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Yesteday was slow for us, but the house has been on the same spot to long. I will be moving it today and plan on having the wife,mother inlaw and wifes brother fish in a new spot

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Is it still possible to get around with a four wheeler after the snow was up last weekend and had no problem.

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Its funny how hard it is to get honest fishing reports now.. A report is posted every few days seems like.. I would like to hear more reports.. I know one wants to brag about not catching as much fish..but.it is what it is.. Just want to hear others experinces

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I moved minnesota on to fresh ice and the wife and I fished from 3 to 6. I landed a 22 incher on a rattling flyer tipped with the biggest fathead in the bucket. I also caught a 18 on a gold gemneye. The wife got 6 ish total 5 to small to keep and 1 17 incher. We both missed a couple and the wife lost a couple at the hole. My friend Ken and his buddy Bruce landed a 43 inch pike around 11am yesterday when i was plowing around the roads I have created by my houses. He caught it on the smallest demon you can buy a glow white and orange.

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I am out here now. We got our limit with three guys last night from 1:30-7. Last night we got two 22" on the rattle reels. Red glow rattlin flyers, perch rattlin flyer, and perch frostee spoon have been the ticket. Forage minnows on the rattle reels. Size of the fish have been 16-22". One tully and one perch. Fishing in 10' water out of West Wind.

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Heading up to red lake for the first time tommorrow. oh well will miss the super bowl but very excited. we have went to millacs before with no luck i hope at least we can catch something so we will be back year after year going to stay two nights any helpfull tips would be great going out on jr access

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We were out of JRs Sat. to Sun. got a 19-15 limit,and 10 nice perch. We were at the end of there road past center bar, we were the most Northwest house. I did put chains on and do some cross country. :-)

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My wife and I were up Thursday to Sunday and the fishing was great. We went out of Hillmans to 3 mile and caught small walleyes and perch. After a couple hours of that we moved to 1.5 miles 9ft and got into the bigger fish. What a fun time!

Thursday the wind was brutal and our propane froze up at 4:30 am Friday morning at -31. Swapped out with warm tank from inside and all was good. Friday morning was calm and actually didn't feel that cold after being out and about Thursday.

We had best luck on set lines with a red glow bead and hook. Rainbow chubs did best hooked thru back in the middle of the minnow. The perch bite was a real bonus.

We got checked by the DNR. These guys were very nice and I wish there were more CO's like those two.

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great report . Hillmens has not seen the traffic like they use to? Still plenty of fish out there for the taking and catching.

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2/9. I fished 2-4 pm out of Beacon Harbor. Followed the road west to cross into the lake then followed south and east. I was going to try a spot from last winter but when I tried to get there off road out of one of Dean's many turnouts, I got stuck in a rough ice field. I set up there and between catching my limit and digging the truck out, I was on the way home in two hours. The fish were very active with lookers on the jig most of the time. I pounded bottom 8-10 times then used high-lift jigs and they came in. Ended up with exactly half the fish on jig and other half on dead stick. "bigger" fish on the jig. The roads are excellent and they were plowing them wider. Lots of room out there.

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Finally made it back for my second trip in one year. Big deal for me. Thanks to Jonny P and Dean at Beacon for pointing us in the right direction. I had 3 first timers with me and they had a blast. We caught easy limits of walleye and had a great meal and they even brought some home. Several different year classes represented. The future looks good.

We were also lucky enough to hook into a couple crappies. They measured right around ten inches. We didnt get any big slabs. Not much for perch action where we were. And one decent slime that got off at the hole.

I ran a couple tip up outside with plain hooks, a bead, and fatheads and they did really good. We got four on the tip ups that didnt even trip the flag. It was a lite bite for us. We didnt catch a single keeper jigging. The only bad part about the trip was it had to be cut short cause of the weather. We stayed from thurs evening until Sat morn. Oh, and we saw a big timber wolf run across the road about 5 miles south of Waskish on the way home.

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Big thank you to Kelly & Jonny P this past weekend!!! I took my two teenage boys and it was their first time to Upper Red Lake and sleeping out on the ice. We had a blast catching fish, joking around and eating jumbo perch fresh from the lake. Kelly P said the house we were in was hot and it was, the boys and I were catching fish all weekend, on all colors, rattle reels and jigging. The schools would move around and when a big northern moved in the bite would stop. My eldest set the hook on the northern and worked it close enough to see the head almost in the hole, but it ran straight into the camera and snapped the line, all on camera cool. The boys learned the hard way how to land a fish through the hole and some never made into the house! But we had a limit when we came home and now they're putting the filets in the freezer bragging on who caught more or whose walleyes were bigger.

So thanks again to Kelp & Jonny P for setting me and my boys up in a great house, with excellent fishing and coaching. My boys will always remember this weekend, and that they need to remember to check their lines for bait!


Northfield, MN

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Be up in about 10 days and we are wondering if we need 2 extensions or if one is enough. Any thoughts?



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I measured 31" of ice where I fished last weekend. I made it through just fine with one. With all of the snow I dont see them making more ice now.

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North shore or South, that is the question. Also what type of minnows? And preferred baits? Thanks for the tips folks...

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I would go to the north shore, more space, less people and fishing has been pretty consistant. Hillmans or Beacon Harbor. Fatheads will be fine, rainbows have been good also. Glow demons with the verticle bloodline has been hot on a deadstick or rattle reel. Rattlin flyers in glow red and slick jigs in perch have been producing best for us jigging. Plain red hook next to whatever you are jigging will get the neutral ones to bite. Good luck!!

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  • The title was changed to 2020 - Upper Red Lake Fishing Reports (URL)

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