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Moving the Firearm Season


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And that's just it, Tedl.

The only reason this conversation is happening is because deer populations are as high as they are. People are spoiled and CAN choose what deer they want to take.

It wasn't too long ago that the whole state was a lottery zone. And with a few good winters, or even one harsh one ( which we're off to already) and that's exactaly where we would be again.

This whole arguement is also based sooooo much on the habitat where you hunt. It seems there is an over powering majority ot implement QDM in the farm and bluff country, where it seems deer a a dime a dozen, for some strange reason..

However, you don't hear form guys like me that hunt the Degaba Systems of the North country!

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  • Musky Buck


  • 96trigger


  • Big Dave2


  • BeezeHound


I think those that hold out and wait for the chance at the big guy can be more in tuned as to what a true hunter is. Often, he or she spends countless hours in the woods waiting, and often not getting, the chance at a nice buck. Compare that to the other extreme, they go out to the stand, hung over from the night before, shoot that stupid little fork looking for love, that walks into the scent they hung out. After shooting it right away, the spend the next few days, hunting half heartedly, and more time at the bar or sleeping in.

What part of that is illegal?

What part of it makes you better than me?

I myself am sick of the term "true hunter" a true hunter is probably not any of us. A true hunter was someone who lived probably 100 years ago and had to kill any animal just to survive. I doubt that the native Americans or the first settlers to this area cared if a deer even had a rack let alone what size it was when they were trying hard to survive and make sure that their family was fed for the winter.

Hunting is what each individual makes of it. If you only value a deer for its horns then so be it. That is your choice. I personally put the same value on EVERY deer, not just big ones or ones with large racks.

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What part of that is illegal?

What part of it makes you better than me?

Do you even read the posts? When did I ever say it was illegal. When have I, ever, said that I was better than anyone, ever. I'll save you the time and having to read, I didn't, ever, nor will I.

That post was in response to some of the statements about "trophy hunters or true hunters" just wanting to go out and see trophy deer and not wanting to put the time in. BigDave2, you have kind of a problem with putting words in peoples mouths and totally misinterpreting statements. It gets old.... I'm probably done on this topic, we are just going to regurgitate all the same info all over again. I'm sorry that it is crappy where you hunt, we get it, OK.

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I like the beat your chest trophy guys. When it comes to bucks who wouldn't rather take a larger one vs. a smaller one. Don't go into the meat is better or whatever, it's so seasoned up and marinaded or pork or beef is added. All I've been eating is mature bucks and yes the steaks are tougher, but the rest I can't tell the difference, it provides all the burger my family eats for the year. Cross tagging is bad, yes the illegals will still get the wife with 10 inch fingernails a tag or whatever but it has to end with the buck population. That has eliminated thousands of bucks over the years and lots of guys not shooting a buck they are willing to tag, but shooting it for whoever else. I think if we don't curb this one first, moving the rifle date later won't do much other than freeze out the elderly hunters and some younger hunters will be turned off.

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What part of that is illegal?

What part of it makes you better than me?

Do you even read the posts? When did I ever say it was illegal. When have I, ever, said that I was better than anyone, ever. I'll save you the time and having to read, I didn't, ever, nor will I.

That post was in response to some of the statements about "trophy hunters or true hunters" just wanting to go out and see trophy deer and not wanting to put the time in. BigDave2, you have kind of a problem with putting words in peoples mouths and totally misinterpreting statements. It gets old.... I'm probably done on this topic, we are just going to regurgitate all the same info all over again. I'm sorry that it is crappy where you hunt, we get it, OK.

Fair enough trigger, All I want to know though is what is wrong with the guy in the second scenario? He is doing nothing illegal so why do you hate him so much?

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True hunters barely exist anymore, it's sitting in a stand and bang, same for fishing, it's 2008 and times have changed. We don't have the room to be true hunters anymore, lots of people are on a small parcel today.

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There's no hate, just different beliefs on deer hunting. The guy who blasts the fork opening morning complains about what to do now that their tag is filled? Can't just sit around camp or chop wood... no way. That person feels compelled to continue to sit and blast yearling bucks for the rest of his party. Hopefully it won't be legal too much longer.

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Fair enough trigger, All I want to know though is what is wrong with the guy in the second scenario? He is doing nothing illegal so why do you hate him so much?

Last one, nothing is wrong with those guys. If that is there idea of hunting than so be it. Right now it is legal. I know plenty of those guys. All the talk about passing on small bucks will never effect those guys. I think that is why some people want it legislated by the DNR. Maybe if more of those guys would get on board, and pass up some of the small ones, we wouldn't need to be asking for legislation and having these discussions. Again BigDave, I never said that I hated anyone, I think some of the terminology you use, really makes it seem like you are putting words in our mouths. I just have fundamental differences from "those" guys, thats all. Its not right or wrong.

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Cross tagging is bad, yes the illegals will still get the wife with 10 inch fingernails a tag or whatever but it has to end with the buck population. That has eliminated thousands of bucks over the years and lots of guys not shooting a buck they are willing to tag, but shooting it for whoever else. I think if we don't curb this one first, moving the rifle date later won't do much other than freeze out the elderly hunters and some younger hunters will be turned off.

I agree, hunting the rut keeps the youngsters entertained and gets them hooked which is what we need. The future always lies within the younger generation so keep 'em intrested and keep them in the woods. I see the same inexperienced 1.5 year olds running around the woods the whole season before the rut so why would it be any different two weeks after the rut? Many things would need to be done other than just setting the season back two weeks.

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Right on boozehound, I saw 4 yearling bucks this muzzleloader season at 30 yards or less. I enjoyed watching them, but I have taken 6 yearlings, but none since 1994. You should just kinda outgrow the need to drill a yearling unless you actually need the meat and the guys I know that need the meat can't afford to deer hunt. If we can still cross tag what will moving the season back do ? It won't stop the wolves or poachers and it won't stop the deer from being more nocturnal or cross tagging. It would lead to a more fit society of deer hunters here because driving deer would become a big part of the hunt. Listen to the bellyaching already of people not seeing deer during the rut, imagine what 2 more weeks of nocturnalism would do. Boozehound is right, putting the season a couple weeks later is like a bandaid on a cut jugular.

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I think to our liberalized hunting method. Remember when you had to declare yourself a rifle or muzzy hunter. Maybe we should have to declare what we are and no more hunting all three seasons. Pick either bow, rifle or muzzy. DNR could just raise the price tag on each of the three. I just feel bad for the traditional musket guys that never rifle hunted, now they don't get the experience they used to get, they might as well rifle hunt now.

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Reading my own jibberish, if we move the rifle season, when would musket hunters go ? Before rifle ? After ? ie. zone 1 rifle is 16 days ? I know, no easy solution.

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That is why everything should just be left alone!

The best weapon the QDM'rs have is EDUCATION! The more evidence you have that this theory is the best possible way to manage our deer, the more ammo you have for those of us who question the real objective of QDM. And presented properly, you could be very convincing. However, in these post a lot of you lack that kind of tact.

I have learned a lot reading and arguing in these posts. I am FULLY against changing anything and forcing anything on anyone else. I fully believe that hunting should be left up to the individual that pulls the trigger or releases the string.

I may come off like the type that shoots anything and everything. And when it comes to where I hunt during the rifle season, I more then likely will knock it down if it's brown if I don't have a deer yet. But I bow hunt and early season I let little guys walk and wait for something bigger. But like HE!! do I want to be denied a deer just because a special interest group passed a law telling us that it has to be so big to shoot at it. To me that crosses a line!

If I want that particular deer, then by all means I should be entitled to take what ever I want, as long as it's with in the law!

As this wheel goes round and round, something to think about is we are all pretty much on the same page. Where the argument comes from is passing laws and regs. We have enough of those, and in reality, no law or reg is really going to change anything. It all boils down to edumacation! wink

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Some of those regs have changed things a lot brule, when our area went from zone 4 split weekends to a straight 9 day, things drastically changed where I hunt for the worse. I'm trying somewhat to speak for the little guy, yes I have taken a 14 pt. this year and a bruising 8 pointer last year so the zone change hasn't affected me one bit. I have quality land. The other 19 hunters in our group have not had much luck the past 2 seasons. It could be a lack of mature bucks because that is it for our group or a doe or doe fawn, no buck fawns or if in doubt do not fire. We charge each hunter a dollar for every bullet fired, goes to our processing costs, poor uncle hammering at a coyote cost him a lot. You are right, it is up to individuals and their hunting party. Let's just hope some guys that have shot lots of yearlings bucks get tired of gutting yearling bucks, to them it isn't about hunting, it's about shooting, getting "my" deer, not going home to the wife empty handed without horns, going to the bar "got my buck", etc.

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It wasn't that long ago that you could only harvest one deer a year per person. Has everyone already forgot those days? They may be back!

Just leave the seasons were they are and be happy that we have the right to hunt! Is that not enough?

Worry more about urban sprawl, the biggest problem facing hunters is an 80 getting divided into a bunch of 5 acre and smaller lots. This is displacing a lot of hunters look at Hugo for an example.

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Right on boozehound, I saw 4 yearling bucks this muzzleloader season at 30 yards or less. I enjoyed watching them, but I have taken 6 yearlings, but none since 1994. You should just kinda outgrow the need to drill a yearling unless you actually need the meat and the guys I know that need the meat can't afford to deer hunt. If we can still cross tag what will moving the season back do ? It won't stop the wolves or poachers and it won't stop the deer from being more nocturnal or cross tagging. It would lead to a more fit society of deer hunters here because driving deer would become a big part of the hunt. Listen to the bellyaching already of people not seeing deer during the rut, imagine what 2 more weeks of nocturnalism would do. Boozehound is right, putting the season a couple weeks later is like a bandaid on a cut jugular.

You may have outgrown the need to shoot yearling bucks but what about the next new hunter? You say yourself that you have shot 6 yearlings plus how many others that would not have been large enough for an antler restriction possibly? Does everyone get to shoot 6 of them before you have to start shooting larger ones? Sounds good to change the rules now after some have already gone through their growing pains, but remember there will always be new hunters. My son will be one of them.

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Fair enough trigger, All I want to know though is what is wrong with the guy in the second scenario? He is doing nothing illegal so why do you hate him so much?

Last one, nothing is wrong with those guys. If that is there idea of hunting than so be it. Right now it is legal. I know plenty of those guys. All the talk about passing on small bucks will never effect those guys. I think that is why some people want it legislated by the DNR. Maybe if more of those guys would get on board, and pass up some of the small ones, we wouldn't need to be asking for legislation and having these discussions. Again BigDave, I never said that I hated anyone, I think some of the terminology you use, really makes it seem like you are putting words in our mouths. I just have fundamental differences from "those" guys, thats all. Its not right or wrong.


Please believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for upsetting you. I was just trying to argue the points in your post but probably was not doing a good job of wording my replies. I think that you and I can certainly agree to disagree on this matter. I just don't want to leave you upset with me. I'm not really too bad of a guy once you get to know me, I just like to argue sometimes when I feel passionately about something.


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Right on boozehound, I saw 4 yearling bucks this muzzleloader season at 30 yards or less. I enjoyed watching them, but I have taken 6 yearlings, but none since 1994. You should just kinda outgrow the need to drill a yearling unless you actually need the meat and the guys I know that need the meat can't afford to deer hunt. If we can still cross tag what will moving the season back do ? It won't stop the wolves or poachers and it won't stop the deer from being more nocturnal or cross tagging. It would lead to a more fit society of deer hunters here because driving deer would become a big part of the hunt. Listen to the bellyaching already of people not seeing deer during the rut, imagine what 2 more weeks of nocturnalism would do. Boozehound is right, putting the season a couple weeks later is like a bandaid on a cut jugular.

It doesn't have to cost much to deer hunt. The first time I ever went I borrowed a shotgun from a neighbor and all I bought was 2 boxes of rifled slugs at $5.99 each and a blaze orange vest and hat.

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True, but many did you get a bad deal on those rifled slugs, unless you really meant sabots. Just kidding you a little, not really picking you apart.

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True, but many did you get a bad deal on those rifled slugs, unless you really meant sabots. Just kidding you a little, not really picking you apart.

I never get a good deal!

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Originally Posted By: Musky Buck
Cross tagging is bad, yes the illegals will still get the wife with 10 inch fingernails a tag or whatever but it has to end with the buck population. That has eliminated thousands of bucks over the years and lots of guys not shooting a buck they are willing to tag, but shooting it for whoever else. I think if we don't curb this one first, moving the rifle date later won't do much other than freeze out the elderly hunters and some younger hunters will be turned off.

I agree, hunting the rut keeps the youngsters entertained and gets them hooked which is what we need. The future always lies within the younger generation so keep 'em intrested and keep them in the woods. I see the same inexperienced 1.5 year olds running around the woods the whole season before the rut so why would it be any different two weeks after the rut? Many things would need to be done other than just setting the season back two weeks.

That is a fair enough point. I think many of us are just open to any kind of change that could help. To me it doesn't matter what that change is as long as some younger bucks make it to the next season.

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Please believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for upsetting you. I was just trying to argue the points in your post but probably was not doing a good job of wording my replies. I think that you and I can certainly agree to disagree on this matter. I just don't want to leave you upset with me. I'm not really too bad of a guy once you get to know me, I just like to argue sometimes when I feel passionately about something.


No harm, no foul BigDave. We can debate on the next topic. We are all adults here and feel strongly about our beliefs and hunting as many of us are very passionate about it.

Bruldrifter, we are not that far off in our thinking. I don't like the people that look down on others for shooting what they want. However, we are going to differ in that I do believe in places where it is not that difficult to take a deer, like Intensive harvest areas, that we can do some to help out the little guys a little. I think that many people are now following their own set of guidelines and are letting the little ones go. I strongly encourage anybody that has the ability to do it. My whole point for even supporting AR is that if I had the choice of moving the season, EAB, or AR, I would take AR in a heartbeat. I don't want to come off as pushy in those beliefs, I am kind of a recent convert to that thinking. Even with the way things are now, I get a shot or at least, a close encounter with a trophy, and I mean trophy whitetail every year. Which is more than what most guys get, however, I spend a lot of time in the stand the last week in October and 1st week in November, moving and removing stands, working areas that I have seen the bucks going from previous sits. They are not easy to get and you have to be whiley, and lucky all at the same time to be successful. Even if we had more around, I'm sure people might still complain, because as they get older, they get smarter, and are a very worthy adversary. This year, the bucks got the best of me, but you can bet that next year, I'll be trying to even the score.

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The point that a lot of people are missing when looking at the other midwestern states with later gun seasons, that Minnesoata absolutely pales in comparison to when talking about mature buck sightings and natural rut movement, is this. Bowhunters are allowed to hunt during the rut and see great bucks, harvest great bucks, and see more natural movement. However, gun hunters still also shoot plenty of deer, and plenty of big, mature bucks (more and bigger than by archery), and they get to shoot their little bucks too. Their herds are in better health, with a better ratio, and the gun season not being in the peak of the rut is a big reason for it.

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Propster, for one, the gun hunters way way out number the bow hunters so of course they are going to shoot more and biggger deer than archery hunters, thats just a statistical fact. More sets of eyes out in the woods to be looking out for that old mossy rack. What I was really wondering is, what's the diffference between a young buck shot during the rut or two weeks after the rut? It's still dead. How does that promote better herd health and adult buck to doe ratio? I'm not ranting, just curious on your thoughts.

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Hunting is what each individual makes of it. If you only value a deer for its horns then so be it. That is your choice. I personally put the same value on EVERY deer, not just big ones or ones with large racks.

Right on Big Dave!!!!

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That is why everything should just be left alone!

The best weapon the QDM'rs have is EDUCATION! The more evidence you have that this theory is the best possible way to manage our deer, the more ammo you have for those of us who question the real objective of QDM. And presented properly, you could be very convincing. However, in these post a lot of you lack that kind of tact.

I have learned a lot reading and arguing in these posts. I am FULLY against changing anything and forcing anything on anyone else. I fully believe that hunting should be left up to the individual that pulls the trigger or releases the string.

I may come off like the type that shoots anything and everything. And when it comes to where I hunt during the rifle season, I more then likely will knock it down if it's brown if I don't have a deer yet. But I bow hunt and early season I let little guys walk and wait for something bigger. But like HE!! do I want to be denied a deer just because a special interest group passed a law telling us that it has to be so big to shoot at it. To me that crosses a line!

If I want that particular deer, then by all means I should be entitled to take what ever I want, as long as it's with in the law!

As this wheel goes round and round, something to think about is we are all pretty much on the same page. Where the argument comes from is passing laws and regs. We have enough of those, and in reality, no law or reg is really going to change anything. It all boils down to edumacation! wink

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That is why everything should just be left alone!

The best weapon the QDM'rs have is EDUCATION! The more evidence you have that this theory is the best possible way to manage our deer, the more ammo you have for those of us who question the real objective of QDM. And presented properly, you could be very convincing. However, in these post a lot of you lack that kind of tact.

I think QDM has been proven to work over and over all across the country. As far as managing the heard it all depends on what you want, I want a well balanced herd with a good age structure, if all you want is to shoot a small buck every year then our state is heaven. All the education and proof is out there but the hard part is actually getting someone to pass that young bucks, I still remember the first one I let go, it was a great experience.

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I hear ya Dave new hunters hammer away, just hopefully after 1/2 dozen or so little bucks they outgrow that and start to pass on some, 1st year I passed on a little buck seemed tough to do because I had 2 days to hunt and we had a blizzard the year before and i didn't get to rifle hunt, was it 1987 I think so letting the runt go following a doe I was thankful 10 min. later as a large 11 pointer was also trailing the same doe, I learned more letting them go rather than 20 min. into the season I'm done and down gutting. That's all.

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What people spend in fuel, shells, scents, licenses, processing, etc. I'm not saying it cost a lot, but a couple hundred dollars usually covers it for most, couple hundred toward beef would get ya quite a bit and Dave.....hunt however you wish. It is just my wish for the better of all that we let small bucks go, especially if you've hammered a bunch of yearlings in the past, stop the cross tagging, and we'd all benefit. I agree leave it up to yourself or your hunting parties wishes. It is what it is and we can all hunt how we wish during our open seasons.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • gimruis
      The guys in that tourney aren't permitted to use live bait though.  That makes a substantial difference.  Clear water and pressure with nothing but artificial lures makes for a difficult bite.   I don't have a theory as to why the average size of smallmouth on Vermilion is declining.  The common explanation would be too many smaller fish are gobbling up resources and there isn't enough for bigger ones, but that doesn't seem like a plausible answer in a big lake like Vermilion.  Certainly people aren't keeping plus sized smallmouth either.  That far north, it takes a bass about 10 years to reach 5 pounds/20 inches in size.
    • Rick G
      St Cloud has a good access at Wilson park,  Sartell has a nice access off NE River Rd,  another access above Blanchard dam on East side off Hilton Rd  and at Lindbergh state park...Little Falls  has a access right above the dam.   Water is pretty high and dirty.  Crayfish colors have been good again this week.  Smallies have been using anything available that breaks the current so finding them most days has been pretty easy
    • Brianf.
      Interesting...   You're doing better than most.  The biggest bass weighed-in during the recent MN Bass Federation tourney was only 4.33lbs.   The winning bag was less then 20lbs.  To have several over 5lbs during your trip is pretty special.   Congrats!  
    • Jetsky
      Question.  I have guests coming who may want to fish for muskies.  I've cast for them in August along shorelines and at rock piles.   Do I fish for them that way in June?   Should I troll shorelines or drop offs for them?  Thanks.
    • partyonpine
      Yeah was up for a week.   As other alluded to the weather was brutal.  Did catch some larger walleyes on slip bobbers on windy points in under 5 feet of water.  As for minnows they were at Lucky seven in Virginia and Grubens has some nice minnows as well.  Smallmouth fishing was terrific given the circumstances.  
    • partyonpine
      Brian   That is funny and shows how things are anecdotal.  Just got back from a week we caught as many fish as we wanted, however our average size was 16.5-17 inches.  While no 6 pounders we did score several 5 pounders.  We did not catch any or very few fish under 14  inches all week.  I was just commenting that the average size has increased substantially.  We were throwing larger artificial and live bait but again did not really catch any small smallmouth.  Fished smallies for 5-6 hours each day and walleyes at night.  Overall was slow but the weather was horrendous.  Did go home with enough walleye to satisfy me.  
    • Brianf.
      I haven't been up to fish smallmouth  in a couple weeks.  My partner and I caught about 300 over the  course of those two days.  That sounds great - and it is if you like numbers. However, few of those fish were over 3 pounds and even fewer were over 4 pounds.  Most of our catch comprised fish between one and a half to 2 1/2 pounds.   I've been fishing the lake for 20+ years and feel that the size structure of the smallmouth in the lake has changed quite a bit during that time.  When I first started targeting smallmouth 20 years ago, half our bag seemed to be comprised of four pounders - and five pounders were in the mix with an occasional six pounder here and there. I haven't caught a 5 pound smallmouth bass in five years on Lake Vermilion!   They are a daily occurrence on places like Mille Lacs and in Door Co.   What has changed on Lake Vermilion?     I have some theories about why the size structure has changed, though curious what others are seeing.  Anyone have thoughts about the state of the smallmouth fishery on Lake V? 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Don't forget about the times that they unwittingly fly into your fishing line.   Normally I would say that ebbs and flows in food source would be a good sign. However, even with this bountiful mosquito population available there just really aren't enough bats around for the natural cycle to capitalize on it to any noticeable degree. The DNR says that roughly 90% of the bat population in the Soudan mine has died off. If that 90% is representative of the entire area, even a mosquito all-you-can-eat-buffet will not bring the bats back for many years.   Hopefully the little guys can make a comeback.
    • Dash 1
      Made it back to the chain today. Sunfish are spawning but finding them in the thick weeds is nearly impossible. My main reason to get out was to test my minnkota after rewiring it. It definitely made the difference. Never shut down once and I ran it for several hours.  Now I just need to relearn how to catch fish.😂
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   A good week of walleye fishing with some big fish caught along with good eaters.  All of that despite some fronts that came through and lots of wind.  Being in a charter boat a few days this week was an advantage for sure.     Wherever you fish, there are days the wind will blow.  Here are some good options for anglers when the wind blows on LOW.   -Fish on a big charter boat -Fish the 42 miles of navigable Rainy River -Bays such as Four Mile, Bostic and Zippel Bay -Slide behind one of the thousands of islands that being up at the NW Angle -Trailer your boat to a leeward boat ramp and fish that shoreline A jig and frozen emerald shiner was the go to presentation for walleyes.  Most boats are anchored up and vertically jigging.  Some are starting to use spinners and minnows or crawlers with success.  This pattern will pick up steam as the walleyes are starting to transition with warming waters. Walleyes have been caught this week in various depths.  As a rule, 21 - 32 feet of water was still the range.  Again, various areas across the lake are holding fish.   Various rock reefs have been good.  Fish are transitioning to mud as the season progresses. On the Rainy River...  The river is flowing strong right now as water is being released from the dam which controls its flow.  With the heavier current, fish are being found in areas with a current break.  Even a slight break that still has current is a fish attractor when the water is moving.   Jigging with a minnow, pulling spinners and trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water is producing a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, smallmouth bass and an occasional crappie.   Casting to shoreline structure and even docks is also an effective method.   For those who like fishing for dinosaurs, the sturgeon season opens July 1st. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing amongst the island area of Lake of the Woods.  Guides fishing the Canada side of LOW reported big numbers of walleyes along with a mixed bag.   Minnesota waters also produced good fish.  Many of the walleyes are being found in deeper than normal water for this time of year, in that 22 - 28 feet.  As hatches begin and shiners begin to spawn, there will be some shallow water opportunities as well. The goto presentation continues to be a jig and minnow.  Pulling spinners with shiners or crawlers and trolling crankbaits also putting walleyes in the fry pan.     As is common in these parts, a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch, crappies, pike and smallmouth bass being caught.   Muskie anglers, the season opens on both sides of the lake Saturday, June 15th.  A glorious day for those who target the almighty predators!  
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