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NEW Rush Report(chisago)

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has any one been fishing by crane island im am wandering if there are any walleye or big perch are biting by there.

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Fished East Rush early am yesterday and picked up several walleye early in the hole, then went to West Rush and picked a few crappie, several perch and a walleye by crane. So overall a really good day.

What the heck is the deal with people leaving trash on the ice? There was a an x-mas tree on ice and the lights where still on it!

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Picked up a walmart bag full of trash around my fishing spot on west rush on Sunday,there sure are some slobs out there!

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oh...my yes I have,the past two weekends

He is a good hint=get at least 40-100 yards away from the large house groups and start proking holes and searching....thats what I did and it worked big time 4 me!

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Jacob, We fished out of the truck window because the weather was good and wanted to keep moving until active fish were found. Obviously, though, we were S. of the holes that are on the north side.

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i wounder if any thing is bitting over by cigar island

It depends on the time of day, what you are looking for, and/or which day you go out. You will always find the crappies over there and perch during the day.

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My advise would be to stay away from cigar,except on early ice.Its not even worth going over there this time of year.

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Its not worth going out the cause theres no where to set up.lol Pretty much anywhere you'd want to be out there has a permy on top of it.I have mine out there a little bit away from the crowd and I havent even bothered going over there in a week and a half,its been real slow.We've had real good luck just moving around in the portable,gettin away from crowds.

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I was out away from the crowds by cigar island yesterday and caught crappies and sunnies in about 20 feet of water. Tried shallower but did not seem to find as many active fish. As everyone else has said STAY AWAY FROM THE CROWDS and you will catch fish.


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Crappies from west Rush on Saturday. 10 inch fish are not huge fish but are excellent eaters, and fun on 2 lb test. Many were smaller. I hit four spots before finding my own school. I managed a keeper limit of 10 - ten inch, and released 60 or more.

Fisherman that hit the lake using the community fish houses as one of their locators might go fishless. But then again while I enjoyed rather great success saturday,and have this winter weekends on other lakes, getting them hooked is the next objective. If they are hitting hard its easy. but if they are sniffing; it's detecting the lite biters.

Drill a hole and ....always fish the hole before thinking nothing is there. Some crappie fisherman will know what I mean. Just because the VEX didn't show fish right at that moment. does not mean they are not 5 feet off your right. draw them to youby dropping down a jig.

Two points : find your own hole. That goes for any lake. And when others move in on you. don't be afraid to give them your hole.. unless you have just arrived. Stand and watch them NOT catch fish. Because fishing is more than finding them, its feeding them what gets them to grab the hook.

After you watch them be frustrated.... go find another hole. The lakes are filled with spots. Though I will admit finding your own hole and having others move in can be frustration, I am more apt to move on any ways after finding one school. I don't sit on one spot more than 90 minutes. And even less. and thats when the fish are biting good.

Finding fish is not always easy, but its rewarding.

Rush lake is not the only lake the crappies are bitting on.

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Looks like two different photos...one of group, one of the two.

Nice catch...remember postion includes what is in yer freezer.


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i whent out saterday and i did prity good i got my limit on sunfish , got some perch ,then at night whent and got my crappie.

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i didnt get a chance to go up this weekend but i have been finding the crappies hugging the bottom alot and i havent found the sunnies at all this year i was wondering where you went jacob not like excatly the spot just a area and i havent had alot of luck with the walleyes either

jacob you can email me at sgs1919 at yahoo dot com if you want and maybe we could meet up on rush if ya want



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Where ever you go out there, be careful. A fishhouse was absolutly demolished by somebody out there last night, their vehicle went right through it! Hopefully nobody was injured....

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it was probably the same idiot that drove by me at 55mph.where on the lake did that happen?

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The house was located just off of the West side of Wilson island. Hope nobody on here had a house in that location!

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