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NEW Rush Report(chisago)

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Exactly, Only one access on West Rush but there are 3 acesses on East Rush, 1 public landing and 2 resorts that allow access for a fee.

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Theres a solid 9 inches out off cigar.A buick drove by me today right after I got set up!Scared me little.

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bapperpimp. I got there at 4pm and left at 7:30pm and what work for me was to have just have 2 bobber poles out set up for a very light bite, all the fish I got barely pulled the bobber down and I got them, but you have to bring the fish in so you would have to do big 3 foot pumps off the bottom and then let is sit, and a jiggle it a little bit for 5 minutes or so and then if you don't see no fish then start pumping it again.

Your depth was right in the area, there should be no reason not to catch fish there

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was out there fri. 4 of us limited out on 10-12" crappies in 31' of water between 11 & 3. went back to same spot sat. 4:30 to 9 and only got 12 keepers between 3 of us. time for a new lake to many people out there us

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Thanks for the info guys. Maybe I was just fishing too aggressively or something. Oh well, that's why they call it fishing.

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I was out in the crowd Sat and caught quite a few 9 inch crappies. No walleye, I was surprised that most of my fish hit midafternoon. Usually it is later up there. I was also using a much bigger rattle spoon and fathead.

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Has anyone fished out in front of Flickabirds yet? If so any luck? I am heading up this coming monday and am gonna give it a shot. The spot i'm refering to is straight out from the landing where a road is eventually plowed. Thanks

MN Angler

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Flickabirds is on the west south central side of east rush. Big time crappie bite still going strong in first basin out of west rush public access in the afternoon/evening. 30 fow.

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On another note: If you go out and catch those crappies in that 30 foot of water don't throw them back! Their going to die anyway if you drag them up from that depth. Every notice how stunned they are when you put them back in the hole? In the spring there are dead crappies everywhere.

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a little trick to bringing fish up from deeper water is to bring them up slow . even pause for a second or two every 10 feet it seems to work good for me. has anybody been on west lately? we usually fish the west side of wilson and do pretty well just wondering if anybody has been there in the last day or two.

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im heading up saturday with my newly bought sled going to be moving all over now grin its a artic cat jag older one but still works and ill be in a frabill and vexilar jacket if you see me come by and say hi

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Has anyone seen trucks or permanents out lately. Ive got my wheelhouse on the shore of east rush across the street from the bait store. I would be very happy if I could get it out before christmas. I would probably put it in between the bait store and Flicka Flicka Flickabirds. Any news?

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yup. a lot of permanents out and several vehicles all over the west side. didnt get a chance to check out the east side

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Were going up there tonight to tow 3 permanents out on east. I cant remember getting the perms out before christmas ever. This year rocks! "Fish on"

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New to site. Have a buddy in town just for the weekend and wants to get on the ice. I don't get out of the woods much till after the 1st... any advice to what biting on and when and where lately??? Thanks!

*have map; fished lake a few times*

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I hear they are gettin crappies in the 40 foot hole off to the right of the landing.And Ive been gettin walleyes off of cigar with a few crappies mixed in and the perch as usual.But its been a zoo latley.

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Hopefully, the zoo will be moved to the malls today, and my son and I will have the lake to ourselves. Otherwise, see you out there, blue 2 man strike zone, in its final year.

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Get used to fishing the zoo on Rush because all the citiots go there to trash the lake,ride sled, and drink. It's to bad because it's a good lake to FISH, but not worth dealing with the types of people that go out there and ruin it for everyone else.

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Do you suppose the # of posts on this thread has anything to do with it becoming a zoo? I mean really, everytime you catch a limit of crappies do you have to post it? This lake is pretty self explanitory, you really don't need help to fish it.

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Do you suppose the # of posts on this thread has anything to do with it becoming a zoo?


Rush has been this way for many years, way before the internet.

My Great-Grandparents had a place on west rush from the early seventies, to the late eighties. I remember some years in the eighties it was busier then it is now.

Actually, I think West and East Rush is producing bigger and better fish now, than it did in the late eighties. At least cleaner fish wink

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