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dnr deer management (or lack there of)

Tyler D

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96 I put in a lot of time myself and I do agree it depends where you hunt. Most of my time is spend on public land or small areas of private land. In the last 10 years I have really tried to take my bowhunting to the next level, as far as scent elimination I do it all, I take the bike or canoe to get well away from the crouds, I scout year round pretty much any chance I get. Now I run into 2 and 3 year old bucks from time to time but I have yet to even see or get a game cam pic of a really nice 4.5 buck. Now there may be a few of them around but I am not sure how much more I can do without quitting my job and spending every day in the woods. Now don't get me wrong you do have to put in a lot of time to get a nice buck, but if you don't hunt a location where these big mature bucks exist it doesn't matter how much time you put in.

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You are right, I know that some areas just don't have the population or the cover for deer to get big. Around here, a buck only gets shot at once. If it isn't dead, you won't see it again until next year. the only thing that really sucks around here is the number of small bucks that get wiped out when there are so many does around. However, some of them obviously make it through. Again, I think that is why the DNR basis its management on getting a large population. When the population base is there, then people can start getting pickier about the kind of bucks they shoot. When someone hunts all week and only sees a small buck, I'm betting most people would shoot it.

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I guess what I don't understand from the non QDM people is why not give it a shot? The state has been managed the same way forever, why not try something new that is proven to work. After just one year of letting the spikes and forks go you could be shooting them as 8 pointers the next year. That also gives us mature buck hunters some hope and the little guys get a free pass the first year and only have to avoid 1 rifle season to reach a solid age of 3.5.

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I think the point from the Non-QDM'ers ( better put QBM'ers)has been completely missed!

Why not give it a shot?

Because the folks that are opposed to QDM don't care about antlers. They want to shoot a deer and not have to worry about another regulation or law telling them what to do!

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So if a spiker and 10 pointer were to step out in front of you opening morning which one do you shoot if you don't care about antlers? (please be honest) Or if you have the tags why not shoot a doe instead of a young buck?

The regulation book is full of laws, is one more going to make all the difference in the world? It might even save some lives because the shooters will have to be much more sure of there target, which they should be doing anyway but terrible accidents happen every year.

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So if a spiker and 10 pointer were to step out in front of you opening morning which one do you shoot if you don't care about antlers? (please be honest) Or if you have the tags why not shoot a doe instead of a young buck?

The regulation book is full of laws, is one more going to make all the difference in the world? It might even save some lives because the shooters will have to be much more sure of there target, which they should be doing anyway but terrible accidents happen every year.

Ya know, I've asked myself that question many times. I'm sure I would shoot the 10 pointer, but that's because I haven't shot a buck yet. But I know that the spike will make for better table fare.

Another point missed is that a lot of people don't have the option of picking and choosing what they shoot. Like i've posted before, I'm lucky to see 1 deer(i've gone 2 seasons empty, BTW) I'm going to take what I can, whether it be a doe, spike or 10 points. To me they will all be a trophy and Mission Accomplished!

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Just to refresh memories...Here is where I stand!

I'm going to add this to the conversation....

I am on a different page then the majority on the QDM stuff. It is a wonderful concept, and it would be nice if it could be a reality....HOWEVER....

I hunt up in the big woods in NE MN. There are miles of woods with little to no pressure. Sure, now days there are a lot of deer, but they also have a lot of land to hide in and no one to get them up and moving.

There is no guarantee a guy will even see a deer during the whole 16 day season, aside from maybe a few flags from deer you bump moving through the thick stuff.

It would be great if I could shoot a doe and wait out for a big guy, and I would if that were to happen. But I really like having meat in my freezer and I spend a lot of time and money hunting ( I bow hunt and rifle...I get out a lot, but not as much as I'd like). If by chance a little buck walks past me..It's toast! I've hunted too many years up there and came home empty, I don't have the luxury to pick and choose what deer I shoot, unlike what most of you claim to have.

I feel this is the case with the majority of hunters out there. And is it their fault if they are "weekend warriors"? Most people don't have cush jobs that allow for multiple vacay's to be taken strictly for deer hunting. A lot of people have families to think about and other commitments. A lot of people have to travel a great distance to hunt and if they only have a few days, then they should be able to take what they want.

In a perfect world it would be great if we could get up on opener and have a doe standing under a tree waiting for us so we could get that for meat and hunt for the big guys, but it isn't a perfect world!

I remember not too long ago there was no such thing as a bonus tag in MN, the whole state was a lottery for a doe tag. And if we get a couple "real" MN winters, we'll be right back to that.

I say we all enjoy these bumper years of deer and just enjoy what the hunt TRUELY is about, and not worry about how big the buck scores and look down on people that do shoot a small buck ( that is probably the biggest turn off, IMO.... The smug attitudes people who worship QDM have towards those that just shoot a deer for the sake of the hunt).

I whole-heartedly agree though that if there is a buck and a doe under your tree and they are about the same size, let the buck go and whack the doe. But I sure am not going to look down on someone if they choose to shoot the buck. It's their choice and if that's what satisfies them and makes their hunt complete, then Right On!

No need to fight and divide ourselves over something like this...If it's w/in the law then let it be.

Educate and practice it all you like, but stay off the soap boxes and don't look down at those that choose to not do it your way.

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I'm all for younger or newer hunters being able to shoot anything and gain some valuable experience. I have said before I'm not sure about antler restrictions but now I'm kind of on the fence since it may be the only thing to get this state to turn a corner so to speak. Its very hard to say which is the best path but I am in favor of some form of QDM.

My main issues are the experienced hunters shooting mutiple young bucks (party hunting) and passing up does to shoot a young buck when they have doe tags in the pocket. I see it every year, yet these same guys get all fired up when they see a big buck either in the woods or on the pole but for some reason they just can't hold back when that little buck walks by. Then they wonder where all the big bucks are.

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I also wouldn't say we are fighting or dividing ourselves, it just a health debate among a passionate bunch of deer hunters.

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I think the point from the Non-QDM'ers ( better put QBM'ers)has been completely missed!

Why not give it a shot?

Because the folks that are opposed to QDM don't care about antlers. They want to shoot a deer and not have to worry about another regulation or law telling them what to do!

It doesn't have to be another "reg". Believe me, your thinking would change with one mature buck encounter. Just shoot a doe if you don't care about antlers then.

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I'll shoot whatever presents a clean ethical shot first, Thank you very much!

And no I don't think it matters how many big bucks I shoot, I will not support a agenda to tell people that they can only shoot a certain sized buck so to appease the horny crowd!

And if someday I change my tune and I want to only shoot big bucks, I'll go out of my way to find them and do what ever I can to get one, all the while, not looking down on people if they shoot a deer I passed on in my pursuit of my "trophy" or try to pass laws telling people "NO you can't shoot that buck because it decreases my chance at getting my P&Y!" That's [PoorWordUsage] and not how I roll!

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The reason I started this thread was to see if anyone could answer my question as to why they dropped the limit from 5 to 1 in 246. I dont think there are that many less deer, one of our neighbors on the other hand says there are no deer and that he is not even hunting this year.

The deer definatley changed there pattern this year with a huge red acorn crop. But I've got pictures of 10 diferent bucks in the last week 3 of which are solid 2 1/2 yr old eight pointers, 1 giant 10 and one really giant 8. also have seen two nice bucks that i dont have pictures of. Looks like QDM is working for us and our neighboring properties. I am pretty pumped for this weekend.

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So if a spiker and 10 pointer were to step out in front of you opening morning which one do you shoot if you don't care about antlers? (please be honest) Or if you have the tags why not shoot a doe instead of a young buck?

The regulation book is full of laws, is one more going to make all the difference in the world? It might even save some lives because the shooters will have to be much more sure of there target, which they should be doing anyway but terrible accidents happen every year.

I can honestly say the spike.better eating.
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I'll shoot whatever presents a clean ethical shot first, Thank you very much!

And no I don't think it matters how many big bucks I shoot, I will not support a agenda to tell people that they can only shoot a certain sized buck so to appease the horny crowd!

And if someday I change my tune and I want to only shoot big bucks, I'll go out of my way to find them and do what ever I can to get one, all the while, not looking down on people if they shoot a deer I passed on in my pursuit of my "trophy" or try to pass laws telling people "NO you can't shoot that buck because it decreases my chance at getting my P&Y!" That's [PoorWordUsage] and not how I roll!

Easy there, I understand why you feel this way, you've never been exposed to phenomenal deer hunting so you don't know any better.....I just feel bad for you that you'll never know what it's like to hunt an area with multiple mature bucks running around. Blast away, enjoy yourself this weekend.

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For those who seem to PUSH and make statements to others that may be borderline derogatory as above.The argument may be made that a knowledged Good hunter can get big bucks,So spend more time in the woods it cant be learned online or in books! But hands on experience with a knowledged deer hunter can and will improve your odds.

AGAIN BIG deer are out there! We dont need to artifically grow them,The bigger the buck the smarter! The lazier the hunter the less chance.

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I just feel bad for you that you'll never know what it's like to hunt an area with multiple mature bucks running around.

Actually, where I hunt there are multiple mature deer running around...The problem is is there is so much thick cover and space for them to hide, top that off with minimal hunting pressure a guy can't really pattern where they we'll be day after day.

Go ahead and look down on me, I really could care less. If that's what you need to do to make yourself feel better then go right ahead! Afterall, you are a much better person then me!

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My frustration comes from watching guys pass up multiple does in order to shoot anything with antlers. Seriously, if you're in it for the meat take a doe.

For some unknown reason, even though I've stated this in previous posts, you all think I'm one of those guys! I am not! I gladly would shoot a doe over a small buck....

My freekin point is A LOT of people don't have the luxury to pick and choose! And in no way should we be forced to pass on deer only to appease people who only care about shooting a "world class buck"! Hunting is WAY more to me then a game to win a high score in! I cannot stress that enough!

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I also will shoot the first deer I see. I will also eat every once of venison I shoot!! I feel people who only care about size of rack have a freezer full of freezer burnt venison.

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Brule, If you read my post more closely you'll see that I'm not directing this at you. There is a lot of different habitat around the state. We've all got different perspectives on what deer hunting is or should be, based soley on our own experiences. I have never had the good fortune to hunt the Big woods of the arrowhead. If you're telling me you'll probably only get a crack at one deer this year I would say [PoorWordUsage] ya take it. If you venture my way into a mix of cedar swamp, hardwood forest, regen aspen and alfalfa fields you're going to have multiple opportunities in a day. I also have the advantage of knowing if there are big bucks around. It's a heck of a lot easier to pass on the little guys when you've glassed or trailcammed big deer.

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The reason people dont have the opportunity to harvest large deer and choose to take the first one is because the lack of QDM on their propert. try not shooting small ones for a year and let me know how your next hunting season goes. i guarantee that you will see more deer the following year and even bigger dear with one year of QDM

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I also will shoot the first deer I see. I will also eat every once of venison I shoot!! I feel people who only care about size of rack have a freezer full of freezer burnt venison.

Pretty big reach there dude. I'd say just the opposite. Most of the guys that target mature deer are your more dedicated sportsmen. They probably have a deeper commitment to the sport and resource than the majority of the orange mob which has already started arriving in my neck of the woods. Pretty tough to fill the freezer with just big bucks anyway...but I'd love to have the problem.

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Pretty big reach there dude. I'd say just the opposite. Most of the guys that target mature deer are your more dedicated sportsmen.

Oh, get off your high horse! You have no clue the respect and love for the natural world I have!

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if you have respect for the animal you should let it pass to see its full potential

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Forget it........

I'm talking to a brick wall here... I'm done!

I'm glad all of you QDM'ers are much better people then I am. I guess I should just quit hunting because I have absolutely no respect for the deer. Shame on me!

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Forget it........

I'm talking to a brick wall here... I'm done!

I'm glad all of you QDM'ers are much better people then I am. I guess I should just quit hunting because I have absolutely no respect for the deer. Shame on me!

I agree 100% with all that you are saying. Saying that people who don't pratice QBM are disrespectfull to the deer or are less dedicated sportsman is just ignorance. This is why I normally stay out of these kinds of topics, they always turn into [PoorWordUsage] matches and no one repects eachothers opinion.

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I usually try not to get involved in these debates, but i have been following this one. Please stop with the personal attacks. There are some strong willed people on both sides of this arguement that have valid points/concerns. This has changed from a semi heated discussion to personal attacks. Stop, take a deep breath, and move on.

Personally I am kind of on the fence, I like some of the ideas of QDM, but i am against forcing it. This may be taken a bit out of context, but the idea is there:

They probably have a deeper commitment to the sport and resource

They may also have deeper pockets. If you are talking about the people on the shows that preach QDM, they have way more money/time than I do. You guys get the picture, this point has been talked about earlier in this thread.

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Good point UMD, everyone go raid your kids trick or treat candy and cool off a mite.

There are plenty of dedicated people on both sides. As I brought up earlier, there needs to be a little compromise on everyone's part and good progress can be made. get rid of party hunting. That wont hurt anyone too bad and it will help some bucks survive. that is pretty painless and pretty easy. My group has done this pretty much anyway (and we have a bunch of old curmudeon's, so anyone can do it). Second, mebbe move the season back a week or so. Again, no big pain involved for anyone and a few more bucks survive. Do those two, simple things for a couple of years, work on some education and evaluate where we are at. Prolly someone smarter than me can come up with another few simple ideas. Implement those. See how it works. Maybe you improve it by X% and everyone is happy and you leave it like that. Maybe you tweak it a little more in some areas.

One group that I would like to see.....hmmm, looking for the right word here.....controlled is those groups that shoot everything that moves, including songbirds, rabbits, and everything else that they come upon. Most of the time they are not out for the meat, they just wanna kill and shoot. Everyone knows a group like them. They dont do anyone any favors.

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Jeez you're defensive Brule. I get it, you have crappy deer hunting...you live somewhere where you'll only see one deer per season (if you're lucky), You're going to shoot it regardless of size and be completely satisfied. Awesome. It's your perspective. It sounds like you don't have the population or the habitat that would be conducive to qdm. I would hope the DNR would take that into account when considering management plans.

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    • CigarGuy
      When I left there last Thursday, I had my boat as high as it would go on the boatlift. When boats would go by too close it would rock a little bit, so I tied the 4 cleats to the lift.  I might have to pull the darn thing off and park it around the corner at the neighbors dock while I'm there. With my rocky shoreline, I can't leave it tied to mine, it gets the crap beat out of it from boat waves. I'll have to pull it when I head home....that means removing the canopy on the lift, what a bummer. Who would of thought this could happen when the water was so low this spring!!!
    • SkunkedAgain
      On the FB page, people are reporting more than 5" of rain from today's storm.
    • SkunkedAgain
      I saw the rain forecast and then zip-tied all of my dock pallets to the steel dock. Of course, I only do one side so that if the waves start popping the pallets up, they will just lift and fall back down instead of floating the entire dock up and down.
    • PSU
      Nice fish! Any rain total updates so far? Getting a bit nervous about our dock boards
    • Hookmaster
      Shaweeeeeet Brian!!
    • Brianf.
      Mother Nature gave me quite a thrill on Father's Day. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   The walleyes are biting!  A great week of fishing with a combination of jigging and pulling spinners the go to methods.     Most walleye fishing is taking place between 21 - 24' of water.  When you locate fish on your electronics, either anchor up and jig or simply drift with spinners and crawlers (or troll if there is no wind) through the schools.   When jigging, gold combined with a bright color such as glow white, pink, orange or chartreuse is a hard combo to beat.  Use a fathead minnow, rainbow or a frozen emerald shiner.     When hooking the minnow, it is helpful to hook the minnow through the mouth and out the gills, pushing the minnow all the way up the hook to the jig head.  Re-hook the minnow as far back as possible.  This will catch the short biting fish.    Use a two ounce bottom bouncer with a two or three hook snelled spinner and a nightcrawler.  Some good blade colors are gold or gold combined with gold, orange, glow red or pink.   As happens most years in June, another good walleye bite fired up in various areas of the south shore in 5 - 10 feet of water.  Oftentimes, minnows spawning pulls in hungry walleyes creating some excellent fishing.     Some big walleyes over 30 inches being caught, along with the eaters, smalls and slot fish between 19.5 - 28 inches that must be released.   Anglers can keep a combined limit of 6 walleyes and saugers.  Up to 4 can be walleyes.  All walleyes 19.5 - 28.0 inches must be released.  One fish over 28 inches may be kept. On the Rainy River...  The river is flowing with a strong current.  Consequently, fish are being found in areas just out of the current.     Jigging with a minnow is effective when you are on fish.  Otherwise, pulling spinners and trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water is producing a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, smallmouth bass and an occasional crappie.   The Lake Sturgeon season opens July 1st.     The river is a great summer option with 42 miles of navigable river and many nice boat ramps.   Up at the NW Angle...  The fish are snapping up at the Angle.  Another great week of fishing amongst the 14,552 islands in these parts.     Minnesota waters are producing nice walleyes. Some fish being found off of deeper structure.  Some nice opportunities are shallow based on forage, hatches, minnows spawning, etc. Pulling spinners with shiners or crawlers has been effective.  When you are on "a spot on a spot", jigging is the best technique.     Trolling crankbaits is working well and is a nice way to cover water and put your lure in front of a lot of fish.     In addition to walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch, crappies, pike and smallmouth bass are also in the mix.   Muskie anglers caught some nice fish this past week.  No specific pattern as the cold spring has fish still settling into summer.  The lake boasts a healthy population of fish, many in excess of 50 inches.
    • Jetsky
      I'm catching them on bobbers and leeches.  Try fishing smaller side bays on the edge of some rocks but not in the rocks.  Fish in about 6 - 10 feet of water.  The bite starts about 7:30 pm till 9:00 pm.  I also noticed a few may flys hatching in the areas I'm getting success.  I think they're coming into the bays in the evening to feed on the mayflies.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Generally I agree with your assessment Gimruis. Nobody likes a nanny state, but the harsh reality is that without rules and regulations far too many people take advantage of limited natural resources. There are those that will never follow the rules regardless, as well as those that don't recognize that as more people catch more fish, we all need to keep less.   I've eaten a few SM in my life, and they taste just as good as a walleye or northern. However, I would bet that 80% or closer to 90% of all people catching SM practice catch-and-release. Therefore I am not sure what a slot is going to do in this specific situation. Maybe the DNR has some good theories but I doubt the main culprit is the number of large SM being kept for food. I assume that it is a contributing factor but not the main one.
    • gimruis
      Honestly the only way you are going to catch more muskies is to put more time in targeting them.  If they aren't willing to bite, you aren't going to catch any.  Its not like walleye or bass or panfishing where if a fish is in a neutral mood you can still maybe get one to bite.  The bite window is shorter and briefer with muskies and there isn't nearly as many of them either.  You could fish for a week straight without a mere sign of one and then when a bite window opens you might catch several quickly.   I would focus on weedy areas with good cabbage.  Target periods of higher potential like sunrise, sunset, cloudy/rainy days, and at night time if you are able to.  I wouldn't use really big lures yet either.  Downsize a little until late summer and then you can beef it up with bigger lures.
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