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Say the state declared you can only take one turkey call into the woods this year or you are fined if you are found with more than one.

What call do you take, type, brand, model?

My favorite has been a Knight and Hale Ol' Yeller friction call. Nice soft sounds, easy to operate, and just a good tone.

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A personal choice for sure!

I like a diaphram call because I can call with no hand movement and my gun in position to shoot.


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Primos True Double Diaphragm Call. I sound okay....that is, good enough to kill birds. I want to get better by this spring. But like has been said, I'd have to go with a diaphragm call so one doesn't have to move. But, I'll probably have 1/2 dozen calls and an extra caller when I go. I'm hoping to get everything on film!

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Primos Little Heartbreaker would be by my side.Running out of room for new notches for birds called in and taken with that call.Love my mouth calls but this call has worked with a lot won't.

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I would second the Lil Heartbreaker for a box call also. That thing does sound sweet. My go to call is the the Lil Deuce II by HS Strut. Cheap little slate call that I have had tremendous luck with.

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Diaphram call for me. No hand movement! I can control the volume of the call by the amount of air I put thru the call.

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That Lil' Heartbreaker is an easy sell. I'm with 123fish and hoyt, in that this call is about as good as it gets in production box calls. Esp. in wind or open terrain, almost always I'll fire them up with that call, then switch to a diaphragm for in-close. Deadly 1-2 punch.

However, I don't think that would be my only call choice, esp. cause in close you need both hands on your gun/bow.

For a one and only call, I'd have to pick the Primos Diamond Cutter Diaphragm. A close second would be the Jim Pollard signature series Woodhaven diaphragm. They don't make them anymore, but it's a triple with a sharper batwing cut. Plenty of those out there. Something about the latex they use. Takes alot of air is the only downside.

That diamond cutter is actually pretty easy to stay soft with, and is one of the few true triples that doesn't need as much air. It'll cluck/purr with the best of them, yelps great, and you can cutt okay on it too.

Every year I put in last year's diamond cutter for the first time, I just about throw up. Dietz almost did too, just from watching me. \:\) Something about the gangrene on a nicely worked diaphragm that makes it sound sweeter from year to year. \:\)


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If I did not have so much success with the Lil heartbreaker.Secound choice would be Primos deadly double mouth call.This has been a great call for me also.

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If I did not have so much success with the Lil heartbreaker.Secound choice would be Primos deadly double mouth call.This has been a great call for me also.

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Oh, Oh - guess I would be running from the law. \:o

If I was limited to one call, I would either not hunt MN or I would be hiding a few ... and change my call name to bootleg caller \:D

I typically run with one or two box calls, three friction calls and about 3 different diaphram calls. I find that everyday of every season, something different works on each bird...

Try one nothing, try the next - nothing, try a third call - gobble, gobble, gobble.

I have shot 3 nice MN gobblers in the past 4 - 5 years and passed on multiple jakes. All met their demise with a different call.

A couple of years ago I was working a hard gobbling jake (did not know he was a jake until he jumped in my lap).

Anyway if I called on my friction call or diaphram he would gobble, but I could tell he was walking away. If I cut and yelped on my box call he would gobble and start to circle towards me. Well I guess I was a slow learner that morning because I fiddled with all three for the next 30 minutes or so.

Friction or diaphram - walk away, box call here he comes again. Finally figured it out and laid everything aside but the box call. He eventually circled right in - but he turned out to be a jake.

Anyway two years later, I an working a gobbler. Friction and mouth call - he gobbles, but eventually he moves away.

I "follow" him and work around him. He now has a hen with him. I set down and start calling on my box call.

30 minutes later I take a 3 year old Tom with a thick beard and long hooks - he came in to the same box call. Not more than 1/4 mile from where the jake came in.

Same bird, doubt it - but then one wonders....

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Anyway two years later, I an working a gobbler. Friction and mouth call - he gobbles, but eventually he moves away.

I "follow" him and work around him. He now has a hen with him. I set down and start calling on my box call.

30 minutes later I take a 3 year old Tom with a thick beard and long hooks - he came in to the same box call. Not more than 1/4 mile from where the jake came in.

Cool scenario. He may have been coming in because you showed him you were a hen willing to move. My number one tactic for walkaway gobblers is to get as close to where you thought he last gobbled at you, as quickly as possible without spooking him, and call again. He thinks you're a hen responding to his call a little late. Can't tell you the number of toms we've called in that at one point were hard gobbling their way to the next county one minute, and the next, turning around and gobbling their way back to you with marching orders. Refrain from calling again if you can; they just can't take it and end up seek you out.


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • MarkB
      Are minnows available at the Y store?  
    • BWpineisland
      The only thing they would bite on last night was minnows for us. Reef fishing in 30’. Plenty of action, nothing real big. 
    • Wanderer
      The Miss gets tough when the water is high and dirty.  Your entire range you’re considering can be good but I think right now you’re gonna need to fish tight to the bank in the eddys.  Or maybe the downstream ends of islands.  They probably won’t be in the main flow much.   I’ve been tempted to get out there myself but she looks like she needs to settle down a bit first.
    • Fishguy24
      Yes I know, I am wondering about spots from St. Cloud and north, along the Mississippi, I am from Duluth and just thought I’d mention it
    • Dash 1
      Sorry I do not river fish much. I know the Mississippi near Baxter\Brainerd is good as the Linders fish it.  Good luck.
    • fishingstar
      This is a St Cloud forum check out something up near Duluth 
    • Fishguy24
      Anyone here willing to recommend a good launch or town to find some smalie’s next week on the big river? Looking for somewhere preferably closer to Duluth, I’ve fished rivers around here this week and only have a couple 14” fish to show for it and a few skunks  . Only place I’ve found fish up here is right up on creek mouths, nothing else seems to work, really muddy water. Will be fishing out of a shallow hull 14’ boat with a 15 hp tiller, looking at anywhere from Grand Rapids to St. Cloud and trying to narrow it down, pretty inexperienced smallie and river angler but I have some time off next week and wouldn’t mind spending another day on the water, and hopefully end up with some decent fish to show for it (will be released). Thanks for any input 
    • Shulsebus
      Well we will be arriving for the week tomorrow. Fishing mostly east end.  We will be hitting all of our favorite bobber spots.  Going to bring some jumbo leeches. Figure we will be getting smallmouth and walleye.  Staying in Daisy bay.  Is the water temp about 65?  Is there really any point of getting minnows?  
    • Dash 1
      No unfortunately it was the other one in Richmond. I really like them, but this time I guess wasn’t their best.  I ordered the wire on Amazon today. Went to 5 places in St Cloud after work and no one had it. 
    • smurfy
      That wasn't In-tune marine by chance??🤔
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