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Anyone have any updates on the ice condition on Shagawa? Might be heading up in a few weeks but it is dependent on being able to drive out to one of the islands with a pickup to a cabin.

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No way would I drive a vehicle out there. I drilled some spots on Shagawa last week that had less than 10" of ice. The ice that we do have is not very good stuff and there is still some double ice out there.


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Hemi, if you're three weeks out it's possible. We had three days of strong melt to knock down the snow and remove insulation, and if we get the usual spate of cold January weather it'll all tighten up and get thicker.

Check back in a couple weeks, I'd say, and we'll see how she goes.

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Thanks for the info guys....and the compliment on the pup!!

I will wait to hear from the guy who owns the cabin and see what they are thinking in a weeks. Hopefully this cold front coming in will build some good ice up there!

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