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Ice Reports 2007-2008

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I just drove by Buffalo at 6 and there was a guy fishing 30 yards from open water! What ever happened to common sense?

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I just drove by Buffalo at 6 and there was a guy fishing 30 yards from open water! What ever happened to common sense?

this is crazy if you ask me

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Orono Lake in Elk River is totally frozen over,although there is thin ice along shore in the SW corner of the bay where the dam is.

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They gotta be nuts if they are buy corthouse. That whole aera was half ice and half open water Thursday afternoon.

They better be checking the ice every few feet, cause it's going to be all different thicknesses there...

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I just drove by Buffalo at 6 and there was a guy fishing 30 yards from open water! What ever happened to common sense?

Thats how mother nature (sp) kills off the stupid ones. If those guy die I would not feel too back for them because they are so (Contact Us Please) stupid. I know it sounds mean but its the turth.

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The guy I saw on Buffalo was by the courthouse and he was a ways out there.

I noticed two hard sides on Pelican this morning. I checked the ice a few yards from shore two nights ago and my ice chisel went through only when I really hit it hard which told me there was better than two inches- it usually goes through two inches of ice on the first light hit.

I hope the wind blows all the snow to shore tomorrow.

Be safe out there!

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Just drove by Big Lake an hour ago and still some open spots here and there.

If anyone hits Orono in ER, be careful around bridge area. The current going hwy ten keeps this open and thin. More so on the down stream south side. Besides that, its iceing over very nice.

Good luck.

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nuts. when it started getting cold I was hoping that Big would be hard enough to walk on by sometime this weekend, not looking to good now.

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I saw that guy too. What the heck is he thinking? Still alot of open water out there. you wont see me on the ice any time soon. I would like to see my kids grow old. cool.gif

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All I can say is Old Man Winter sure knows how to make ice. The lakes that have been froze over since thanksgiving had 2.5" on tuesday. Today, as of 5:30, there was 6.5". This is not the same for all lakes. These ice reports are from smaller, wind sheltered lakes.

Have a fun and safe weekend everyone and get those shovels out. cool.gif

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be very careful on orono, there was open water at the narrows straight out from the park.

big lake is about 90 percent capped, and mitchell just opened back up on the west central part of the lake due to the wind.

on my 10 acre pond just east of mitchell, I was able to ride the wheeler out a little, but walked out plenty. this pond is a good indicator on ice thickness on area lakes.

with cold weather tonight, we should make another ice or so of ice, but them winds may keep the open spots iffy. and now with 6-12 inches of snow coming in, the ice will be very bad after satuaday, untill the slush can freeze.

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Kdawg, If your going to give Ice reports, You should give them for specific lakes , People coming into the area may not know which lakes are wind protected.

Just my input


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I would if I could. These lakes (as far as I know) don't have names.

I'll try to get some more reports this weekend.

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Was on a area lake tonight and had a good 6" of ice all the way out and open water 100 yards away. grin.gif Oh ya and a limit of crappies.

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Fished on Julia this AM 7- noon. 5 inches of ice, couple small crappies, a bass, couple of perch. Did not move around much after snow levels picked up. It was nice to get out.

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Drove by Ida, Eagle and Birch last night but didn't anybody fishing, snowmobiling etc. Does anyone know how thick the ice maybe on those lakes?

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When I checked Birch on Friday there was ~5 inches on the West side with open water on the east side of the lake. Bunch of Trumpeter Swans were keeping things open. Not sure what the snow did to the area lakes.....can't be good.

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I was out on Buffalo on Friday and Saturday.

On friday there were still patches of open water on the north shore by the court house and a large area that surrounded the north access was also open so these areas are going to have less ice early this year. Be careful of that. The open water by the court house must have had some decent ice around it as there were two portables out in that area. Again use caution in these areas as this is not typical for buffalo to freeze this way.

I was fishing the south side. The whole south side as far as I could see was frozen. Every hole I made had 4 inches on friday. I was out about .25 Mi from the south access in 11fow. there were 3 portables that made it out to the 30 foot hole or there abouts on friday. I may have a bit too much belly to feel safe out that far. There was another few guys about .25 mi east of me. From what I gathered the ice was about 4 inches for them as well. I only caught 1 walleye due to my own stupidity(I forgot the lights)I had to leave just as the action was starting. Another guy I talked to the next day said he caught 10 on Friday.

On Saturday I was surprized to see how much ice was made overnight. There was a solid 5.5 inches and a bunch of snow drifts. Boy I need a lighter portable. I did not catch anything but a lot of lookers that were apparently not in the mood. I'd say it's fourwheeler time this comming weekend depending on the snow situation and again steer clear of the north access and the areas in front of the court house for a while until there is plenty of ice so the patches that were open are thick enough or you may be taking an untimely swim.

Good luck


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Thanks for the GREAT Buffalo post. Five inches sounds pretty good to me. I am anxious to fish the Courthouse aera as I usually do good over there eairly ice. But I think I'll wait a few days yet and then check the ice every few feet for a while...

Where was the 10 fish guy fishing ???

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The 10 fish guy was not far from me on the south side. He may have been telling a fish story on the quantity?? I think he was deeper than me. I usually do better early ice by the courthouse though. I wanted to be on the safer side so I went south.

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pulaski is completely skimmed over tonight. now lets hope that snow doesn't wreck it!

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A guy I work with lives on Buffalo Lake. He said a 4-wheeler went down somewhere on the south end of Buffalo Lake and someone walking fell thru on the North End.

He said some spots have 5" of ice and some spots only 1".

Be careful!

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I love ice fishing but its just alittle to early for me to get out there, and thats the exact reason i wait. When i see more then 5 or 6 houses on the lake ill go. The fish will still be there waiting tongue.gif

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okay, the snow wrecked what little ice was on pulaski. now there is a ton of open water in the middle but this cold weather should freeze it back up.

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That doesn't supprise me at all. Buffalo is going to be really DANGEROUS for a while yet. With all the open spots just a few days ago and now with all the snow on top and more on the way things don't look very good.

Hope the guys out there are checking things every few yards !!!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Hookmaster
      Talk about pucker factor!! Glad you made it back safely!!!
    • Mike89
      hope it's an easy fix!!!!
    • smurfy
      well that suxs!!!!!!!!!!🥴
    • Rivergroup
      We easily had 20 fish (kept a couple here and there) in the boat by 7am most days this past week. Evening bite was just as good.
    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
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