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Smaller SLOT.... Use smaller bait ????


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Interesting isn't it? All my life it has been learning how to catch LARGER fish. Now that the slot has moved to 14 - 16, one wonders how to catch SMALLER fish !! Use smaller bait?? Switch to medium size leeches from Jumbo? What?

Also wondering if barbless hooks were in the rules for ML, would the catch not be approaching a shut down of the lake?

Thinking too much I guess eh?

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No Barbless has nothing to do with the decreased slot limit. I has everything to do with how well the first part of the year was. As for smaller fish, there are different areas that you want to target and different techniques that produce smaller fish. Pulling spinners and crankbaits may not be the best way to get your 4 eaters. You might want to hit some rock reefs with bobbers or lindy rig some of the flats. Personally I am going to continue fishing the way I always would....for the big girls and if some slot fish make it on my line all the better. I can buy a fillet at the store but you cannot buy a trophy.

As for bait size. I wouldn't change. If a 14" fish has the oportunity they will eat a jumbo leech. At the most I would go to Large leeches. Technique and area are what are going to get the eaters. This makes tournament fishing interesting for the rest of the year though.

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