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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/11/2015 in Event Comments

  1. Did stop buy Clam / Ice Team booth yesterday at the fair. They have a nice layout just south of the Great Sing Along and across the street from North Woods Timber show area on Cooper St. They have a good display of their various ice shelters and will demo their 6x12 aluminum wheelhouse, hydraulic wheel lift, 8 holes, no bunks, with door on the V starboard side, lots of fishing room and a small cabinet across from the door. The one configured at the fair sells for $13k. It's my kind of wheelhouse as I no longer sleep on the ice as we can rent a cabin for $30 to $35 per person per night, have a big kitchen, shower, nice bed. Also got a demo of their new redesigned auger drill plate, the one you keep the drill chuck on. Really nice set-up. Rep. stated can drill about 700 inches of ice with 6" auger on one of the 20 volt drills. I asked about my 18V DeWalt he said it also works well but may not get a full 700 inches, about 600. But with two sets of batteries, that's 1200 inches so will be good to go. Just need to keep the batteries warm. I Learned something new, ask the rep. how to lock the chuck on our drill. Always pays to talk to the guru's. Also you can pick up the 2015/2016 Ice Team Ice Annual as was stated they no longer mail these out.
    1 point
  2. I'll stop by Saturday 8/29
    1 point
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