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    'we have more fun' I Share On FishingMN

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    Tom Sawyer

    'we have more fun' I Share On FishingMN

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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/11/2015 in Blog Comments

  1. Don't do it! Bed fishing is like shooting a deer over a pile of corn.. it's just not right
    2 points
  2. River smallies are my favorite!
    2 points
  3. Best of Luck wishing for the best for you. As a cancer survivor I know emotionally what your going through. Keep positive even when its hard at times and keep your faith strong. Prayer is a strong thing. Good luck in your fight! Sending prayers your way.
    2 points
  4. I thought it was hook, line, and sinker?
    2 points
  5. That’s last fish is a real beauty, it’s funny cause I’m not much of a bass man!
    1 point
  6. Cool. might have to borrow daughter's kayak and hit it.... She lives in Vadnais...
    1 point
  7. Now, I going to be telling to a secret that you can tell no one. Their is this small pond by white bear lake. It's called lost lake, most people think it's just a kids panfish pond with lots of small pike and great bird watching, But it has massive bass. It doesn't have a lost of bass, but the ones you do find are massive. Like it might take you all day but you'll catch the fish of a life time. I'm not to sure any one reads this anymore, but if you happen to find it, lucky you!
    1 point
  8. Waconia Minnetonka Calhoun Steiger was good once but I don't know if it still is. It's near Waconia. 5's can come from many metro lakes. 6 is much harder to break.
    1 point
  9. Really great to have true friends!! The saying of "a friend in need is a friend indeed" always holds true! Cliff
    1 point
  10. One of the great pleasures of living in Minnesota is getting to drive like I am 16 again. A little snow, a little extra gas, and the back end of the truck slides out. It quickly brings me back to my first car, a 67 Mustang, that I must have driven sideways more than straight in the winter months.
    1 point
  11. You will still be in the Prayers of so many , most of which you have never even met. Stay strong and stay positive. Mike
    1 point
  12. I am sorry to hear this Dan. Prayers are being sent for you. We love your blog and your posts over the years. You have a legacy here and we want more of you. I hope the treatment program goes well for you!!!
    1 point
  13. Need to know what you will be fishing for before we can recommend a bait. For crappies and bluegills use wax worms or small minnows on a small jig or spoon. Walleyes use minnows on a 1/8 oz. to 1/4 oz. jig or spoons. Pike use larger pike suckers or shiners on a size 1/0 hook under a bobber or on a tip-up. Good Luck! Cliff
    1 point
  14. Hooks. Can't fish without 'em.
    1 point
  15. Typically the term first break refers to a sudden change in depth. It can occur in relatively shallow water but more often the first break is referred to as the point where the bottom begins to taper more quickly to the basin. It can also be referred to as the top edge of a drop off or a pivot point. Often the top edge continues to be relatively hard bottom and the base will be a bottom transition from hard to mud or marl. Marl is a sticky clay bottom which often concentrates fish which will feed on emerging insects larvae at certain times of the year. As a general rule walleyes on the top edge of the break will be active fish, there to feed, and fish sitting on the bottom of the break tend to be neutral or negative or not actively feeding. Tunrevir~
    1 point
  16. Cadence can be a killer. We as anglers so often fall into a regular routine when we fish using the same retrieves with the same lures and same jigging strokes that we have for years. If we have caught fish in the past with a certain cadence or retrieve that is what we use and if the fish don't jump on our lure then we explain it away that it was a tough bite or weather affected the bite. In reality, studies have shown that fish can become conditioned to certain lures and avoid them over time. If you are working the same lures in the same spots and using the same retrieves as always, the fish may be there but they may avoid your offering. This is where cadence and retrieve changes can help put more fish in the boat. I mentioned earlier in my last post about using an ultra slow retrieve when the water temps are lower and one reason for this is that a fishes metabolism is slower in cooler water and they tend to move less frequently and in turn do not need to feed as often. Stick an easy target in front of them and they will take advantage of an easy meal. Suspending cranks and jerk baits can be fantastic producers in cooler water. I like to make a long cast and crank the lure down to my target zone and then pause the bait for 3-5 seconds and then work it forward with a series of slight twitches and move into a slow retrieve before pausing the bait. Often the fish will hit on the pause or right when you start to retrieve the bait. For shad style baits I will start with a slow steady retrieve getting the bait into the target depth and add some brief pauses to the lure as I retrieve it. In cold water many times fish will follow the bait and a sudden brief stop is enough to trigger a strike. If you are seeing fish follow your baits but not hit or they are striking at boatside, try using a 1-2 second pause in mid retrieve, often this will lead to more hookups. Good luck out there, next time your on the water try switching up your retrieve speeds and cadence, adding slight pauses to your normal routine. It may well help put more fish in the boat! Tunrevir~
    1 point
  17. parrot with broken beak will succeed in life
    1 point
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