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American Angler Leagues

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Kolt Ringer, President

American Angler Leagues, INC.

Direct: 612.819.8500

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.fishAAL.com


 Lake Minnetonka Youth Fishing League

Hosting Informational Meeting May 19 - 6:30 PM Lord Fletchers – Season Dates Set - July 7-August 15, 2015


Minnetonka, MN - For the third year in a row, youth anglers will have a chance to fish, compete, and participate in an organized fishing league on Lake Minnetonka. The league is open to kids between the ages of 5-12 years old and absolutely no fishing experience is required. Families may register kids to fish as part of a team with their own boat and friends. Those families that do not have access to a boat, will be placed on a fishing team and a boat will be provided along with an experienced volunteer fishing coach. 

“We are excited to be implementing a model that replicates other youth sports and  gives kids the opportunity to fish as part of a team,” says Kolt Ringer who founded the American Angler League Organization.

Fishing will take place on Tuesday nights from 4:00-7:30PM, starting on July 7th.  At 7:30PM each night all boats will report back to a pre-determined location on the lake to share scores, stories of the big catches, and of the ones that got away.   

At the end of the fishing season, all the fishing scores will be tallied up and the “Lake Minnetonka Cup”, a traveling trophy, will be passed on to the winning team.  Currently, the Insta-Gators from Mound are the defending champions.

There will be an informational meeting on May 19th, 2015 6:30PM at Lord Fletchers and families can register for the league in person at the meeting or online at www.fishaal.com.   




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