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Cold water cranking

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Basin tactics 2, leadcore

One tactic this time of year that tends to excel in larger rivers and lakes is trolling leadcore line for walleyes.  Basic tackle is a large capacity level wind reel and a 7-9' medium action trolling rod.  I recommend a trolling rod as the taper is made to troll nonstretch lines like leadcore or superbraids.  A line counter reel can be very helpful to replicate your presentation when targeting suspended fish but leadcore line is colored every 30' and you can get by with letting out line by how m



basin tactics for summer walleyes

In earlier sections I spoke about weed walleye tactics and some of the things to look for and crankbait tactics for early season fishing.  As the water temps continue to climb into the upper seventies and low eighties the fish will seek the cover of the weeds and the relative cool deeper water by sliding slightly deeper and moving to offshore humps and deeper breaklines where they bottom out into the basin.  This time of year I switch my search to these areas and will cruise the breaks with my e



Weedline walleyes part 2

Last week I spoke briefly about some things to look for when targeting weed walleyes and getting to know the types of weeds to better understand the clues and tips they can give you as to what the bottom substrate would be like.  This week I will talk about specific tactics to use to pull fish out of the weeds.  First of all live bait rigs like lindy rigs and spinners can be fished along the edges of prominent weedlines that have distinct and defined edges.  Trolling is an option with longer wee



weed walleyes

Bass fishermen have known for years that weedlines and weed line transitions concentrate and hold fish but mention weeds to a walleye fishermen and many of them will shy away from fishing in and around the weeds opting for easier, more familiar presentations like pulling live bait rigs or spinners away from the salad.  To catch walleyes among the weeds you need to know the types of weeds and the habitat in which they grow.  Often you can rule out lily pads and cattails as they tend to grow over



Burning down the house

Last entry I talked about using cadence changes to trigger fish and using the sweep method to trigger neutral fish.  Today, I will talk about another similar method which is burning baits across flats and ripping.  As summer water temps continue to rise many walleyes will begin to transition from post spawn staging areas on shallow weed edges to the deeper edge of the weedline near the first break into the basin. In many lakes this will put you into the 12 to 15' range.  This is prime habitat fo



Cadence kills

In my last entry I talked about changing up the retrieves and adding pauses to trigger neutral fish in cooler water.  Today I am going to talk about speeding up the cadence to trigger bites.  As previously mentioned, many of us fall into the same retrieve we have always used when working crank baits because we are creatures of habit and will try to use patterns that have worked for us in the past.  Water temps at the surface are in the mid seventies at this time and this is a great time to begin



Cold cranking

Well a couple weeks into the season and the water temps are coming up into the 65 degree range in my neck of the woods.  It has been a great season so far with a lot of fish boated.  Starting on the opener and the proceeding weeks I worked shallow sand flat areas in 5-7' using crankibaits.  The water temps were in the low 50's.  This scenario begs for live bait rigs and jigs and minnows and these baits do have a time and a place but for me there is nothing better then casting for open water eyes



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