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Scented/Impregnated lure storage.

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I was wondering about the ability to store certain scented plastics out of the bag and in a box. I have accumulated a crap load of bags of scented baits of various types and its getting to be a bit of a pain to store. I use the following-

Exude plastics.

Power minnows.

Gulp minnow grubs.

Various Powerbait worms and other plastics.

Will these baits retain their effectiveness throughout the season if they are removed from the bag and stored in a box? The Gulps kinda look like they need to stay in the bag, but I'm not sure. Anybody?

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The exudes and Gulp need to stay in a bag and kept dry, with the gulp try and take as much air out of the bag as possible, with the exude just make sure its dry, water activates it and after awhile it will be a gooey mess. The other pastics can be kept in a box, as long as theres no 3x stretchy crap in there, that stuff has to be stored seperate, it will eat "normal" plastisol. In storing any plastic Make sure they are DRY thats the main thing, otherwise they bloat, and they look like me right now after a long winter and a fat Easter Ham blush.gifgrin.gif

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Th power minnows should be fine as well as the rest of your power bait collection.

The Exude is fine as long as you keep it dry. Water is what activates it. I have Exude from 5 years ago that is still perfect. I store all my exude in Plano boxes, and as long as its dry,its fine.

Gulp is a different being all togethether, its air activated. Keep it in the original package!!! Try and squeeze out all the air you can and store it out of the sun!

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Thanks RR. I always keep my stuff nice, neat, and dry. I'm a stickler for organization when it comes to my tackle boxes/tool boxes.

I'll try to come up with a decent way to organize all my baggies. I have a few plano trays I keep in a waterproof backpack....thats my soft tackle solution for now, until I out grow it. I ended up putting all my floats and tools and alot of other non-tackle fishing gear in my ol' Over and Under. It's a nice combo imo. I can carry the box, and wear the backpack if I'm hoofing it for some reason.

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Thank you as well, Mr. Dittrich!

This was my first post here at the forums and its nice to get such quick responses!


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When I buy baits I package them four baits to a package and use my vacuum packer as soon as I get home from the store. This way they stay fresh and sealed until I need them. If 4" power grub is working I grab a pack off the shelf along with some others I want to try in the fishing room and leave the rest inside out of the sun and heat.

The packages they come in never seal back up well and always seem to explode out of the tackle box when you open it, this way they are somewhat under control, and my tackle stow doesn't smell like garlic and fish goo.

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i keep all my plastics in zip-loc snack bags. ( they can be folded/rolled up nice and tight) then i can place these in my plano boxes. keeps the moister/scent locked in, and no mess.

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LanceJ- Welcome to fishingminnesota!... great to have you with us... Glad I was able to help.

JP- Only 4 to a bag?.. you are paying more for your own packaging than the bags are worth?

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No silly bass boy , when hooked correctly one plastic will last me many fish and four two a pack works well since I can only keep two walleye on red if I'm guiding four guys I bring five packs of whats working. The price of plastic bags does not matter when you figure in what you have saved when all the baits end up the same color, the botom of the Plano is destroyed, the boat smells like garlic, anything even close to a plastic has been disolved by the plastic bait and you have drove 9 miles onto Red Lake to open up your plastics and find the incredible but not edible ball of plastics that has consumed the baggies and fused into one big slimy mess. I will package then four to a pack and stack them by size/color/type safe and sound... and you can just go away silly bass boy. smirk.gif

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LOL @ JP... alrighty.. I go through so many plastics in a day that packaging them 4 to a package would be silly... It is however a great idea that I may try for off season packaging...

Jon, on a more serious note. Have you ever had a problem when shrink wrapping your plastics like that that you kink your plastic? I can see if you didn' thave them layed flat, they could kink if they got warm?

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