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It's killing me to read about the ice breaking up on the Northshore and the spring fishing starting to get wound up. My family and I are in London for a bit and I took a cycle trip through some of the city parks. Ran into a cluster of anglers fishing in Victoria Park in one of the park lakes. Swans, coots, mallards, gallinules, tufted ducks swimming everywhere and vieing with the pigeons for crusts of bread. A fountain shooting up a tower of water was a particularly favored area for the anglers.

They used long rods which they place in metal racks that hold the rods parallel to the water surface. Small hook baited with a "boilie"; a spawn bag sized ball of crab flavored dough. They had all colors. A slip sinker which looked like a tear-dropped shaped purse of dark plastic. They used some sort of styrofoam which they could wrap around their line near the hook and just crunch it on with their fingers. The cast was very serious. A careful placing of the feet and measuring of the distance before letting it fly. They could really launch it. The angler that I saw placed a small sliding sinker on his line,ahead of his rod tip, after he cast to hold the line below the surface and presumably down below where paddling duck feet could intercept it. The rig was complete when he clipped a small sensor on the line in front of his reel which emitted an electronic signal if a fish moved his line. He wore a receiver around his neck so he would be alerted if he were out of hearing range. He said it can get a bit excessive.

This is all for the Queen of the Waters--the carp. Anglers are anglers everywhere and we fish for what's there and the English carp is no slouch. I overheard conversations which I believe I've heard on the Northshore. Just the names of the fish are different.

Hope the ice all goes out for all of you. I'll be there soon for the rainbows and the smelt.

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I seen that on in-fisherman like 10 years ago! They had an english guy (oddly enough) with them fishing with pretty much that same rig. They were fishing from shore on mille lacs of all places! Anyone ever think carp when they think mille lacs?

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Carp are tremendously spooky. They get to great size, are finicky eaters and awesome fighters, fish with great stamina that strip off many yards of line on a run.

It's no surprise they have a huge following in Europe, as well as a growing group of followers here in the U.S.

In-Fisherman was the first to really go in depth into tactics and techniques, featuring European/British methods, which, as you'd expect, work wonderfully over on this side of the Big Pond, too. I've used those tactics fishing with Stu McKay at Lockport, Man., and those were a wild couple of days. One of the noted British carp chasers has fished Lockport several times.

Long rods, light line, baitrunner spinning reels, and tons of muscular carp to 20 pounds and bigger. And then we switched to cats. Wow, what a weekend that was.

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Thats a cool story. When I was a kid and before we had a boat, my dad and I would fish for carp and suckers on the Mississippi. We never kept them, we just wanted the fight, and we weren't nearly as serious as the British guys you described. Those were some of my first memories of fishing, and favorite times with my dad, so carp fishing is kind of special to me.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • fishingstar
      I have heard it's because of the drought. I know in my area ( meeker co.) the sloughs that they trap minnows in have dried up. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Excuse my ignorance, but was is driving the bait prices? Usually the shortage is due to a late ice-out from the swamps and streams. This year should have been much better.
    • CigarGuy
      I should probably learn to use the 6+ containers of lures I have collecting dust in my tackle box. We got on a decent crappie bite the last couple of evenings and I broke out some plastics.  I caught some crappies on them ,just need to build my confidence in using them! I did notice they didn't seem to hold on to them as long as minnows!
    • PSU
      Great news, thank Skunked  
    • jim curlee
      Minnows are 50 cents each, and leeches are $50 a pound.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Absolutely. I get full bars all-along the drive from Cook to The Landing, and out into Head O Lakes bay. I can't say that I've stared much at my phone signal anywhere else besides on my way to Black Bay. We still don't get much for service there because there are a lot of steep slopes with tall trees in the way. That was expected though. The tower is definitely providing better service to the area in general IMO.
    • PSU
      Any updates on this new tower? Has it helped AT and T customers throughout the lake get better service?
    • Jetsky
      Thanks for the heads up. Cigar.
    • monstermoose78
      The price will blow your mind if they get some 
    • CigarGuy
      Went in to Lucky 7 to get some crappie minnows today. All they had were crappie minnows and fatheads. She said to call in advance for the opener, couldn't say for sure if they'd have rainbows, shiners, etc for opener!
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