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Inside Traders - Behind every great person... are a bunch of other people

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Behind every great person... are a bunch of other people.  Ahh the power of collaboration. We started this social network we call Fishing Minnesota in 1998. We've had our ups and we've had our downs but mostly ups. It's been a great ride so far and I'm sure many of you will agree you have come to know this place as home. We tore down the home in November of 2014 and started building a new place where you love to hangout and talk about the outdoors in Minnesota. The nice thing about this new home is we can add features you want to use easily because it suits more folks for what they are looking for in a community.


insider-snip-blog072415.thumb.JPG.0e9fe2Inside Traders (IT) happens to be your collaboration tool. Right now the framework is still going up and we couldn't wait to put a few finishing touches on it if you want see a bit of it in action. IT has potential for you to grow and gives you the ability to create your own outdoor network to collaborate with. IT is easy.

We work together, on the playing field, at the office, raising children, in the field and on the water. Humans are social animals, and civilization is the result of pooled effort. So it pays to figure out what got us here, and how we can continue to join forces going forward. Inside traders is part of that plan where you are involved in something bigger than ourselves.

We provide the platform and 'you control how your Inside Trader group works once we roll this baby out in full force. The early bird gets the worm.

We have a couple Inside Trader groups started and a third that will launch in the next week or two. The Bluegill and Crappie Inside Traders group is an invite only group. Members are selected and invited based on their posts in the Bluegill & Crappie forum. The same will happen with the Walleye and Sauger Inside Traders and the Walleye forum. This is just one type of collaboration YOU can start. IT can take many forms to fit you.

These two Inside Traders groups will be sharing information among Elite anglers who have already proven they share good information on that topic. Those Inside Traders  will be the only ones who have access to the information in their respective collaboration. Trading/sharing locations, tactics, trips, vacations and more.

The Fishing Reports for Inside Traders is for you who earn a certain Prestige level, because  you share information, based on posts you make and reputation points you earned. Only those of you who have been automatically added, because you share good information in the forums, have liked others posts, and have earned likes in return, will be able to access the collaborations going on in this Prestige Inside Traders group.

Once you have earned your way into an Inside Traders group and we have given staff their chance to roll with an Inside Traders group, it's then  you seize your opportunity to be one of the first to start an Inside Traders group collaboration. The decision you make will be based on your interest and how you want your Inside Traders group to roll.

Again you know the early bird gets the worm because we all know how early adopters get to pick the low hanging fruit. Use Inside Traders to collaborate and 'have more fun'. :)

Available for you soon.


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