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Bowtech, Hoyt, Diamond or Mathews

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I am looking at getting a parallel limb bow, does anyone have any review on these. I know the Diamond is a lower priced bow but it would be great to see a review on it.

does anyone know where to get a good deal on these?

Thanks for the help


Diamond is kinda the stepchild of Bowtech. Their models are very similar. Hoyt has the same thing in Reflex bows.

Each of these bows is very different, but very much the same. YOu really can't go wrong with any of them. Price reflects nothing in the way they shoot or their craftsmanship. Go to a qualified archery shop and shoot all of them. Find which bow feels best to you and go from there.

You're never really gonna find a deal on these. They are pretty much sold at the minimum price set by the maufacturer. Kinda like buying a Vexilar. They are the same price from year to year because they aren't allowed to go lower.

Don't shy away from the Diamond bows just because they are somewhat of an "off-brand". They are made by the guys at Bowtech and they are great bows. My friends bro-in-law has a Diamond because it was one of the only bows that fit his unusual dimensions. It shoots great and he really likes it.


I would agree with powerstroke 100%.Go and shoot the bows and see which one does you the best.


Diamond is made by Bowtech, As far I know Diamond does any solo-cam or dual-cam bows. Bowtech only does the Binary Cams. At least that's my understanding of the relationship. Mathews is a solo-cam bow. All of them will be fine bows and you won't have regrets either way. Like always, you just have to shoot them and pick one for yourself. Nobody can tell you how they fit you but you. FYI, I'm a Mathews guy. grin.gif I guess I left out mentioning Hoyt... I'm not as up to date on my Hoyts as the rest but I do know that they are very popular and very nice as well. I think they mostly do Cam and a half systems. When you talk to a rep from each manufacturer they can each put a spin on things saying that their cam design is the best. Really they ALL work well. Just shoot and pick what you feel works best.



Give Jeff a call at Cabin Fever sporting goods.He is the sponsor of the archery page and you can access his info from there.They are a very knowledgeable pro shop and he will give you the time you need.He also sells used bow.



I tried all of those mention above and also try Ross. It all came down to 2 bows, mathew switchback and Ross 331. I picked the Ross over the Mathew because of the price difference and it fits me quite well. I didn't get that 10-15fps with the Ross but the Ross is smokingly accurrate, shockless, and very quiet. The Ross CR331 is about the same price as the Diamond Justice. You should Try out the Ross line, you might like it. I know I did.


I've shot the Mathews switchback xt and the bowtech tribute extensively and can tell you they are both awesome bows. Go test shoot each bow if you can then you'll have a tough decision to make. I chose the switchback xt but it was a coinflip between that and the tribute.


I agree, good feedback guys, all are great bows and I have shot all the bows mentioned thus far and several more. I went with the Bowtech Tribute simply because it offered a little more speed than the rest mentioned and it has the binary cam system which is one of the best product developments in archery design in many years. Whatever you decide, you will get a great bow! Good luck!


That tribute is a (Contact Us Please) nice bow!


I just bought a Bowtech Tomkat on Friday. I went to a local shop that a friend had told me to go to because they are real good about helping you out without having to get worried about getting screwed on a price.

I walked in and told him I knew nothing about bowhunting, because I don't, and he showed me a few lower priced bows and then asked what I wanted to spend. I told him and he grabbed the Tomkat and showed it to me. He took me out to their range and I shot it and it was awesome. Like I said I don't know anything about bows but it was really quite and had no kick or vibration after the shot whatsoever. The second set of six arrows I shot at 20 yards he was able to pull out with one hand. This is without having adjusting the sites for me shooting it. I am really happy with it so far the few times I have shot it.

I would do like everyone else says and go and shoot them to see what you like. I went off of this guys opinion because I have heard only good things about their store with helping people pick out a bow and follow up service. They check it over every year for you for free and if you have any trouble with it you can take it back and he will fix it for you.

The name of the place is Owl Sports in Glenwood, MN.

I would definetly recommend going there for a bow. No pressure to buy anything only help with any questions you have.



AR-32 all the way... I love that thing.. I just want to let you know my buddy shoots a switchback and during a 3D shoot this weekend his limb broke almost taking out his eye... 16 stiches to get him closed.


Perchking, trying to stirr the pot are we?????? There is enough bow bashing on other Archery related forums. Please leave it there. But if you want I'll dredge up dirt on any of the afore mentioned bow companies to show you. Even your PSE cough er AR....



Not trying to stir the pot at all... Yooper just wanted some advise and I gave it to him. Wouldnt you want to know the GOOD/BAD experiences shotters are having with the companies he mentioned? If not I guess he would have never asked for some feedback. I am not bashing Mathews by any means, they are a great company and so are his other choices, I was just stating what happend over the weekend.

By the way I thought it was public knowledge that PSE owned AR to my knowledge they never tried to hide it... tongue.gif


Perchking, I was probably a bit harsh. I'm not sure if you read many other more archery specific forums but a lot of them are just chock full of bow bashing. For every limb crack of one manufacture you can find equally as many for another. It gets very old very quick. I didn't mean anything personal by it and I should not have drug my feelings from other places in here.

  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the Diamond Triumph and am very happy with it. Compact and accuarate, it has the ability to really fling some arrows, clocked it at 275 fps the other day with an average 28 inch draw at 70 lbs, not too bad I'd say. I believe someone mentioned that Diamond makes dual cams earlier, but I'd like to say that that was only an option on the 2005 victory, they no longer offer that. So basically Diamond is just Bowtech's solo cam line, with the limbs and risers pretty much identical with the Bowtech's. If you compare you can see the similarities, minus the cams.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey BigYooper all the bows are good quality. I have a Bowtech and I love it. I had a Matthews before and it was a good bow also. But here in Duluth there are a couple of guys that sell bowtech and they know thier stuff and are great setting them up. So for customer service wise I would talk to them. Thier business name is Archers Obsession. And they have bows you can shoot too to see what feels good. If you are interested in talking to them I can get you thier number.


Can some one explain to me what the advantage of BowTech's Binary Cam is? What are the advantages of it as compared to a bow like Mathew's Solo cam? Does it make if fast have more let off or what?


Hoyt all the way. Why pay for all the advertising of a Mathews or Reflex. Get yourself a Hoyt and be happy.


Is'nt Reflex made by Hoyt?


Reflex is part of the Hoyt line

I've got the Switchback XT and I've shot the Bowtech Tribute quite a bit both are excellent bows. Though I haven't shot an actual Hoyt I've heard a lot of good things about the Trykon.

I have shot the Reflex Highlander and the Fred Bear line-up of bows and I feel the Bear is far better than the Reflex. Much smoother and quieter. The Bear bows are somewhat under-rated in my opinion. For the price I think it's an exceptional bow.

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