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Hows the bite on kandi? Anyone had any success lately? I know it was producing earlier but never had a chance to get out there.


I've been too busy to get up there but after I hack through the lawn I plan on pulling spinners with crawlers and hopefully avoid the bullheads. Maybe I'll just sit on the dock on the island and shoot at Jetski's with the paintball gun.


king canada, Now that sounds like a fun time. do you have it set on high, Bigger welts laugh.gif maybe even knock the meatheads off the ski's. ( NOTE: to self buy new paintball gun.) Maybe CSI guy can get them for us cheaper. wink.gif


I'm sure there's a lake association on Kandi right? Is there such a thing as making it ok to ride jetskis and pull tubers between the hours of 10 A.M. & 6 P.M.???

My inlaws live on a lake in Wis. that has rules such as this. wink.gif


I would go for a rule like that. We fished league out there a few weeks ago and the walleyes were biting fairly decent. My partner and I managed to bring in 3 decent fish at the end of the night. I also saw another boat catch a 27" walleye. Lots of smaller fish under 14" were caught that evening. It seems like every year this lake produces lots of smaller fish. I would like to see some slots implemented on area lakes to increase the average size of the walleyes. This would make fishing for me a lot more enjoyable.


Theres alot of big walleyes in kandi! The one in the my picture is outta Kandi, it was 30" long and weighed almost 11 pounds.


After the lake turned green, so did the bite. I did pull a nice smallmouth out of the lake from grandpas dock on the west side of the lake, about 400ft from the inlet near the shore, but that was it. I was fishing minnows. That was on the 1st of july. Try the area to the west of the point, but had no luck. I spent the rest of the weekend tearing up the lake tubing blush.gif


can I join you? maybe we could get them in a crossfire smile.gif


The lake was green and the fishing was terrible but the residents over on Northern Lights spent a fortune on fireworks so we had that going for us. The 4th of July weekend is always the worst on Big Kandiyohi. I would imagine today there was a total of 3 people on the lake. I really think the traffic has more to do with it than the greenup. I've had great luck pulling walleyes out from under the algae in the middle of the day in July. The water temp was surprisingly only 76-80. Oh well , I've got 3 trips to Canada in August and after Labor Day the rabble clears out. My nephew is into paintball guns and he's researching clear paintballs so they'll leave no trace. I'll let you know more, maybe we can turn it into a contest.


The folks on northern lights that had the fireworks, were they way on the east end? I know they spent at least $700. We did'nt make it out to see the show. Are you on the island? I spoke to someone that works for Riggs Bros. Concrete friday and he said his Dad or relation owns the trailer on the east end of the island. Anyway, it seems like there is more weeds out there this year than I've ever seen. Have you found the same?


Yes, I have the place on the island with the cabin and bunkhouse. It was the Norling's fishcamp built in the late 50's. White bench on the dock. Alot of weeds over by the oulet that seemed to contain a bunch of snotrockets in 4 to 5 feet of water. Marked a lot of fish on and around the sunken island but could not get them to bite.


Hopefully it isnt the one upside down LOL.

SAY??? Has anyone seen were the eagle relocated to. It has been out of the nest for a few years... Have you seen any other nests?


Is my dock upside down? Wouldn't be the first time. My place is second from the west. The eagles are around but I don't think they were successful this year or last. Maybe one of the mating pair died. Over the 4th an adult and an immature one were around the island.

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