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What size drift sock or should I get a trolling plate?



I have a 16 1/2' aluminium boat with a 70 horse on it. I also have a 36 lb. thrust electric that is to small when the wind picks up. I dont know if I should be looking at a trolling plate or a drift sock and am open to opinions.

I am looking for something that will I can troll at about 1 to 1 1/2 mph for my spinner rigs but when the wind comes up to say 15 mph or more when my elec. doesnt cut it. The figures I have found suggest a 38" to 48", maybe you guys can help suggest a size for my need's.

Thanks in advance


9 answers to this question

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I have not used a trolling plate, my 40 merc trolls down to about 1.5 mph, and I have a 55 lb thrust transom mount that will pull me backtrollong at .1 mph if I want to go that slow. I do have a 36" drift sock that I have used when forward trolling with my 40 and also with a buddy's 115 works great.

Most guy's have a couple of sizes of drift socks, I have been thinking about picking up one of the 48" with the dump line on the small end. I think that there is more versatility with a sock then trolling plate.

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I agree with Walleyewild. I would get a drift sock. That way you can use it for trolling or drifting in high winds. I hardly ever fish without mine in the water. My 50 pound thrust is a bit fast for my old alumacraft so I toss out the sock and it works awesome. It also helps keep the boat straight when going with or across the wind. Not much money either....

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Any other suggestions on sizes?

Thanks for the replies

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Most people recommend using at least the next size larger than your boat calls for. Most manufacturers have charts of drift sock diameter based on boat length.

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Cabelas large the black one with a blue strap, that is what I use to troll with my 17' with a 115 to get down to 1 mph

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I take it thats trolling in reverse? On a calm day? How does it perform in the wind when trolling?

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Did you get the cabelas drift sock harness too?

That is actually the drift sock I was thinking about getting.

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Nope, going foword with the sock off the starboard front cleat. I just tied a 8' 3/8 blue rope from Gander on with a 1/4" rope on the end to bring it in with. works great. I use it trolling at night. Just have to watch it when you stop just know it is there.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Kettle
      Those kidz must learn good
    • Kettle
      It is  pretty shiny piece of equipment. I was able to purchase it on my scab job wages 😆 I don't think I'll update the electronics any time soon, 3 screens is enough?
    • smurfy
      🤣 not near as shiny and spendy as that livescope toy. Thats kinda like bling ain't it? besides i'm on a paultry union pension  🫣
    • Kettle
      I mean to catch pike you just need a shiny object...
    • leech~~
      Just another "Words matter"   Voting on school levy. This was posted on the School "education district" building door.  We had a nice cold walk all the way around the building! The arrow was added, after we educated them! 😒
    • Wanderer
      Nope!  But it’s more funner!
    • smurfy
      I don't need no livescope to catch fish....🤔🤪  It's all in how ya wiggle the worm!😜 Just sayin  🤣
    • Kettle
      Obviously this is more of a hot topic due to forward facing sonar. With that being said, I know people who have pulled crappies out of basins 40+ deep since the fl-8 and zercom flashers came out. That's over 30 years ago. I do think there's a push to ban these in MN and I could see them doing it here. They'll have to pay my livescope from my cold dead hands 😆 on days I can't catch a walleye jigging or rigging it's nice to turn it on and throw corks at individual fish
    • Kettle
      It wasn't just you, I was fishing west of you about an hour on Monday. Fished 8am-4pm, no fish, two keeper walleye and one small one from 4pm-630pm. Marked a lot of fish, they would come up to a jig and swim away. They were skittish to the dead stick too
    • leech~~
      I wonder like divers, if we let them decompress every 10' for 1/2hr. If that would help?  🤔  It would slow the bite down a bit!  🤭
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