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I was fishing on Pelican and hooked something repectable which turned out to be a medium sized pike. Not a bragger but not a hammer handle either. 5-6pounds ? I get it out of the water and immediately something is strange. My spoon had come off the leader. Yet it was hooked to the leader. Just not clipped on. It had somehow come off and the split ring had reattached itself to the leader above the clip. Yes thats right my spoon is now attached to the leader above the clip and no longer clipped at all.


Along that line and actually the next day, we were at the dead sea and catching some jumbos when all of a sudden it felt like I was pulling some weight. It turns out to be a perch alright. I had foul hooked it. And I mean that in the literal sense. I had hooked it right up its aaah lets call it its butt, bung hole, anus you name it, it hit the bulls eye. Talk about humiliating ! The poor guy!


This didn't happen to me, but I witnessed it. My buddy was reeling in a fish, he gets it up to shore and it turns out to be about a 2 pound channel cat. The fish takes a run... He reels the fish up to shore. the catfish is gone and now there is a northern on the line also about 2 pounds confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif... I can't even begin to understand how this happened. His line never went limp. So I have no idea how the catfish came off the hook and the northern picked it up without us noticing it. Has to be the weirdest thing thats happened to me while fishing.


I was out trolling for norts a few years ago and thought I had a biggun on the line. Reeled it in and found the spoon never hooked into the fish at any point. The spoon/leader was wrapped around the fish with one of the trebles hooked around the leader which pulled in tight. Basically the fish was lassoed. Fought like the b$$tard, pretty weird.


cat u sure the snake did not eat the cat???


Yep, I lasooed a small northern a couple years ago too, dangdest thing I ever saw. He must have hit it hard then let go and it wrapped back around him...

On another note, jigging for walleyes the other night, I thought I had hooked some weeds. Pulled up and here I had caught someone else's jig and line... They funny pary is that I hooked the jig right square through the eye of the hook! What are the odds of that?? (Apparently pretty good that night I guess... grin.gif )


I had two similar things happen.

Last year my wife was fishing with me and had a unweighted Texas rigged Senko that was attached by a swivel to the line. She hooked a 4.5 lb bass and the fight was on. On the second jump the line went slack and you could see the hook and worm go flying out of its mouth. It was real close to the boat so we both saw it fly out. She started to reel in her line and the fight was back on. Somehow when the snap opened it hooked through the fish's lip and she landed the biggest bass of her life. grin.gif Big smile in that photo.

The other thing was a hammer handle pike that I caught on a Rapala. When the fish came in there was not one single hook in the fish. I still had to use a plier to get him off! He was one hungery little pike that did not want to let go of his meal.


A few years ago fishing up on Rainy River in the fall time we were catching a few "eyes" and putting them into a fish basket that was tied to the side of the boat. My dad was the basket man that day and was in charge of putting the fish in. The line on the basket was about 4' long. Everytime someone caught a fish he had to pull in the basket. Dad being the smart guy he is figured he would shorten the rope and make life easier. Dad not being the best with knots thought he had it all figured out. Well someone catches a fish and hands it to pops and no basket. Not a happy group of guys. A few minutes later I set the hook on a dandy fish. 10 lber finally coming my way HEE HAA. Turns out not to be a ten pounder but bigger "A basket with six walleyes. Hard to believe that with the current on the river it wasn't long gone. Sure felt good reeling in though. Sorry to say I'm still in search of my ten pounder, But will always have a story of how I caught my limit in one cast.


about 20 years ago (boy thought I would never start a story out like that grin.gif) I was down at Nakomis (I think), any way my dad was playing in a police softball tournament and I was fishing off the peir. casted out and thought I snagged a ton of weeds. Reel it up and turns out to be a closed faced Diawa rod and reel. so I get untangled and then there is a pull on that line. So I reel in hand over hand and there is a little hammer handle on the end. that was so funny. Cleaned up the rod and just last year passed it down to my 7 year old daughter to fish with now.



I have a rather odd story about catching something. My father and uncle both own cabins on Lake Vermilion. For opener we have a pretty large group of guys up there. One our group hooks into what he thinks is a fish. He would reel up, it would strip off line and head back to the bottom. Well, after a few minutes he finally realizes it is not a fish. Turns out to be a rock that is very smooth and round. He managed to hook it in a very small crack in the rock. This is in about 16 feet of water. Next year, same guy hooks the SAME rock and catches it the same way again. One of the oddest things I have ever seen. We fish a number of different areas - what are the odds of a guy catching a smooth rock out of 16 feet of water twice, a year apart? We still give him a hard time about it.


Ya shoulda kept the rock and had it "mounted" laugh.gif


No. I don't think that was possible the channel was just as big if not bigger than the northern.


when i was about 7 and my lil bro five we were sunfishing on silver lake in North st paul. My bro reels in this sunny and there was a huge swirl from out of the weeds and a fight was on!!!!! The northern ate the sunny and they were both on the line!!!!!!! the norhtenr got off in about seven seconds but not wiht out half of a now dead sunfish. what a sight!!!!! shocked.gifshocked.gif


We were fishing on my father in laws private lake and there is a big log coming off the beaver dam. I happen to look down and see a HUGE LMB (8+)laying under the log so I go through tossing everything i could at her to get her to bite - Nada! So my daughter is fishing right beside my and catches a nice gill and starts to reel it in. The gill is on the top of the water now and all of a sudden WHAM, big ole bass comes from out of the log and eats the bluegill. She had it on for about 5 seconds but the barbie pole couldn't handle her and snapped the line. So I run and get another pole and rig it with a bluegill (we can use bluegills for bait in NE as long as they are used in the same body of water they are caught in - great flathead bait)toss it out and glide it right over the log and Wham again. i fight it or a minute or 2 and just as I am about to bring her to shore she spits out the bluegill and hits my daughter right upside the head. We got a good laugh after we checked for cuts but could get her to bite again after that.


About ten years ago I was fishing off a dock on Lake owasso and I hooked a really nice crappie. As I am working on getting the Crappie in, suddenly a huge Muskie shoots out from under the dock right between my legs. Now that was scary. She inhales my crappie and just sits there nawing on the crappie as though to say what ya going to do about it. I am literally standing there for 10 minutes. Ok maybe it felt like 10 minutes ! the whole time the fish doesn't evenacknowledge that I've got my pole bent with as much pressure on the crappie as I can muster. Some weird hope that I could somehow end up snagging the Muskie I guess. All of a sudden with the slightest shake of its head the line pops and she just ever so slowly swims away as though to say "thanks chump"


My son had the same thing happen one evening when we were out fishing...he had a little largemouth bass on the line, about a pound or so...the little bugger dives under the boat and somehow turns into a northern?

We both seen the bass? How this happened without slack in the line is a mystery!


few year ago me n my bro went out sunnies fishing around weed edge my bro set the hook and he say its small one as he was reeling in fast till big northern took the sunny and made the rod bend like it wld had snap any second as the northern got to the boatside as i took the northern out of water the bluegill popped out of the mouth... stubborn fish that dont want to give up a meal!


Northerns are known to follow fish with food in their mouths just in case the fish accidentally drops the food. They're quick to snatch it up.


two years ago on a private lake in wisconsin a guy caught a 30+" northern ice-fishing and when he got it right to the top of the ice a muskie takes off the lower 15" of the fish funny thing is, that has been the only sighting of of a muskie on that lake ever, now that is odd


I went bass fishing on Lake Guntersville in Alabama. We were throwing frogs on top of the mats when out of the corner of my eye I see this huge bass floating. I thought it was dead! We trolled over to it and noticed that its fins were still moving. As we got closer I finally realized what was going on. The bass had tried to eat a gill that was to big. The gill was lodged in the fish's mouth. The gill's dorsal fin was sticking out behind the bass's lip. After seeing this we removed the gill and both fish swam off.


This one wasnt too weird but was so funny that i just have to share it. Memorial Day was out on the pontoon catching crappies with my g/f and my brother, we were getting them 1 foot under the water in 15 feet of water. Well we are catching quite a few of them when i hear the g/f scream and then i hear a really loud thud on the side of one of the pontoons, i look down and there is a northern laying on it's side, it had swiped at a crappie she was reeling in, missed, and knocked itself silly on the pontoon.


Are you sure it wasn't a shark? Muskies and pike have teeth that are made for grabbing, piercing and holding, kinda angled backward so whatever they catch can't get away while in the process of being swallowed.

Sure, they can open up your finger, or cut your line, but for the most part they do not have shearing teeth, like a shark, or a piranha....maybe it was the Lochsconsin Monster that halved that 30 incher? grin.gif


Grebe....Norhtern don't have shearing type teeth, but I've had them pull hard enough to rip the body of a 16" walleye off the stringer and just leave the head. Actually my weirdest fish story involves a monster Northern in the BWCA that ended up taking 4 walleyes off the stringer in the course of an hour as I fished some fast water in my canoe. The thing was like a big dog. It kept coming in and stealing off my stringer, but it wouldn't bite any bait I had. I don't know if it could actually eat that many walleye, but the fish was an absolute beast. I could see it's head and tail on either side of the middle of my grumman canoe at the same time.


Hub...I could see that happening, once they lock on and turn, it's all over with the flick of the tail.

The fish on the stringer are in a fixed position, no give on one end and the snap rips it's way through when the fish gets pulled on...same thing happens sometimes if you leave the stringer in the water when you fire up the motor.

But can you imagine what it would take to actually shear a big fish in half, backbone and all? What was the head end doing, when the tailend went missing? grin.gif



Are you sure it wasn't a shark? Muskies and pike have teeth that are made for grabbing, piercing and holding, kinda angled backward so whatever they catch can't get away while in the process of being swallowed.

Sure, they can open up your finger, or cut your line, but for the most part they do not have shearing teeth, like a shark, or a piranha....maybe it was the Lochsconsin Monster that halved that 30 incher?

Last fall I had a 2# walleye on and a musky hit it and cut it right in half! shocked.gif



Quite a few years ago a friend and I were fishing with slip bobbers on Opening Day of the walleye season. My buddy hooked what appeared to be a big fish abd reeled in a chain stringer that had 6 nice walleyes on it, all of them alive yet! grin.gif

That was his claim of catching his limit with only one cast! wink.gif



Three years ago a bunch of buddies and I rented a 12-man sleeper on Mille Lacs. Somehow I caught my buddies line on the other side of the shack. When I noticed it my buddies rattle reel started chiming. He went over and fought "the world's largest fish" for about three minutes. He thought he had snagged a car, but he knew it was "a fish" because it was fighting back. Everyone in the shack was circled around my buddy cheering him on to landing "the fish". I got a good cut on my finger from yanking so hard, but it was totally worth it. For the next two years he talked about the one that got away and I'd just listen and smile.


that would be quite the thingyou should have yanked him in the water


I would have totally told him it was me doing it. If you don't tell him you miss out on the look on his face.

I did something similar to that on Mille LAcs last year. My line got tangled around a rattle reel line across the shack and when I pulled on it the reel made noise. My buddy jumped out of bed and grabbed the line super fast and was so ticked off that it was just me messing with him.


Here is one for ya.......Northern snaps a buddys line the next day he is casting the same area when he starts reeling in the thern he hears a rattlin sound sure enough he catches the pike with his lure from the previous day in its mouth.

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    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  Ice fishing remains strong across the south shore of Lake of the Woods out on Big Traverse Bay.  Resorts and outfitters on some parts of the lake have ice roads extending over 16 miles staying on nice schools of walleyes and saugers.  Many fish houses are over deep mud.  Some are on structure.  It is always fishing of course, but overall, February has been very productive for most anglers.   Extensions are being used on ice augers as the ice continues to thicken.  The thick ice this year will be good for the extended ice fishing season Lake of the Woods enjoys with fish houses out through March 31st, walleyes and saugers open through April 14th and a pike season that never closes. Most fishing activity is taking place in 26-32 feet of water.  Anglers are finding a healthy mix of walleyes and saugers, with a good number of jumbo perch in the mix this year.  Some big eelpout are also showing up.  Anglers are reporting plenty of fish for fresh fish frys and usually extra fish to bring home.   The one-two punch of a jigging line and deadstick is the way to go.  On the jigging line, jigging spoons with rattles tipped with a minnow head have been consistent.  Lipless crankbaits and jigging rap style lures also doing well.     Lures with a light have been working well in the stained water.  Please remember, in MN, lures with a light or water activated light can be used as long as the battery is mercury free and the hook is attached directly to the lure and not as a dropper line.     On the deadstick, a plain hook or a small jig with a live minnow 6 inches to a foot off of the bottom.    Some days, mornings are better, other days, it's the afternoons.  There is no distinct pattern, they could come through at any time. On the Rainy River...  The start of the day and end of the day have been best for those targeting walleyes on the river. A jig and minnow or a jigging spoon tipped with a minnow head is also producing some fish. Some big sturgeon being iced by ice anglers targeting them.  It is a catch-and-release sturgeon season currently.   Although ice conditions on the river are good, they can vary significantly due to the current, so anglers should always consult local resorts or outfitters for the most up-to-date safety information and fishing advice. Up at the NW Angle...  Ice fishing has been strong in the islands area of Lake of the Woods. Resorts continue to move their fish houses around, staying on the best schools of walleyes.     Anglers are catching a nice mix of walleyes, saugers, and jumbo perch with an occasional pike or tullibee as well.     Big crappies are still being caught just over the border.  Fish houses are available, check with a NW Angle resort for info on crappie fishing.   Lake of the Woods enjoys an extended ice fishing season with fish houses on the ice through March 31st and walleye and sauger seasons open through April 14th. Perch, crappie, and pike seasons remain open year-round.    
    • leech~~
      Maybe you should put rattle wheels down, if your going to sleep for 6hrs! 🤭 😆
    • JerkinLips
      Monday was my worst day of winter fishing on Vermilion in the last 4 years.  Caught only one 14" walleye in nearly 8 hours of fishing.  Missed two other bites and was marking very few fish.  Maybe the fish were taking Monday off after a big weekend.   No more water came up on the ice under my house.  Think it was because I haven't banked snow around it for a couple of weeks so the bare ice around the house is getting very thick.  I measured 38" of ice under my house and the Ion barely made it through even with the extension installed.  Needless to say I banked around the house this time.  Another lesson I learned today is don't drill holes if ice is frozen on your blades.  I did that on one hole and it didn't center properly and drilled at an angle on the edge of the opening.  Hope I can correct the location and angle on my next trip up.   Not much change in the surface lake surface conditions.  The drifts may be a little higher and are definitely harder.  There are still a few bare ice spots on the lake.  Very little activity on the lake today.  There are about 3 dozen houses from McKinley Park out to Birch Island.  Another person pulled there house off today, and I am sure many more will pull theirs off this coming weekend.  Only 13 days left of walleye season.    
    • leech~~
      A good start for never picking up a bow!   IMG_1910.mp4
    • leech~~
      Um, #metoo   leech~~ Author 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders Posted January 26 My whole goal for the rest of this season.  Is to watch KC lose and Taylor cry!  🥳
    • smurfy
    • Wanderer
      Smurfy is happy.
    • Dash 1
      Great looking food. So far not much of a game and I thought the halftime show was worse I've seen. 
    • leech~~
      Oh is there a Superbowl game? 😋😋
    • Kettle
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