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Looking for a good Broadhead for a low poundage bow

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I'm looking for a good mechanical broadhead for my wife's bow. Right now she's shooting right around 40-45 pounds, and her draw length is 27", I'm going between the Trophy taker Ulmer edge or the NAP killzone low KE head? what are you thoughts on either of these or some others I should look at?

Thank you,


I'm a big fan of GOOD mechanical heads for bows that can adequately propel them. There are lots of mediocre or not-so-good mechanical heads IMO and there are lots of bows that are not inherently made for mechanical heads. IMO the bow you're describing is a perfect candidate to NOT shoot a mechanical head. I know they make low KE mechanicals, but the two just don't go hand in hand IMO.

For the record, I'm not one of these anti-mechanical guys- I shoot mechanicals for whitetail and muleys. But, lower poundage and mechanicals is a mistake, in spite of what the "low poundage mechanical marketing" stuff tells you.

The set up you're looking at is perfect for a cut on contact head with a cutting diameter that isn't too big. I think the Muzzy Buzzcuts with or without bleeder blades would be perfect for this rig. I'd probably go with bleeder blades given where she's currently at with her bow.

My son will be shooting arrows at deer in the next year or two and he'll likley be using Buzzcuts. If not, I may have a reasonably small diameter three blade as an option, possibly a Snuffer SS.

Good luck!


I'm a big fan of GOOD mechanical heads for bows that can adequately propel them. There are lots of mediocre or not-so-good mechanical heads IMO and there are lots of bows that are not inherently made for mechanical heads. IMO the bow you're describing is a perfect candidate to NOT shoot a mechanical head. I know they make low KE mechanicals, but the two just don't go hand in hand IMO.

For the record, I'm not one of these anti-mechanical guys- I shoot mechanicals for whitetail and muleys. But, lower poundage and mechanicals is a mistake, in spite of what the "low poundage mechanical marketing" stuff tells you.

The set up you're looking at is perfect for a cut on contact head with a cutting diameter that isn't too big. I think the Muzzy Buzzcuts with or without bleeder blades would be perfect for this rig. I'd probably go with bleeder blades given where she's currently at with her bow.

I don't always agree with Scoot shockedblush but believe he is spot-on with his response.

Shooting mechanicals for the sake of shooting mechanicals just doesn't make any sense to me. There are a ton of good smaller diameter cut on contact fixed blade heads available that will be perfect for her set up, Muzzy, NAP, G5 all come to mind.


Thanks Scoot, but the problem I'm facing is that she currently is shooting a fixed blade Muzzy and gets freaked out that she's going to cut her finger on the blade. I tried to show her that it won't be a problem, but it has been causing her to pull her shots. So to make her happy I had her shoot one of my mechanicals and she shot great. What do I do?


If you are going to go with a mechanical, I'd highly recommend the 100 grain Rocket Steelhead. They will penetrate as good or better than most fixed heads on the market and are extremely accurate and durable. The only fixed heads that could hang with or exceed it as far as penetration are the COC heads like the Magnus Stinger/Buzzcut or Muzzy Phantom.


Thanks Scoot, but the problem I'm facing is that she currently is shooting a fixed blade Muzzy and gets freaked out that she's going to cut her finger on the blade. I tried to show her that it won't be a problem, but it has been causing her to pull her shots. So to make her happy I had her shoot one of my mechanicals and she shot great. What do I do?

That's a toughie! Personally, I'd have her shoot fixed blades for a while at a practice target and just get her used to it. After a while, I'd think she'd figure out she's not going to lose a finger.

But... if that failed, I'd probably think about doing exactly what you're doing. I shot the Steelheads SmellEsox mentioned for many years and really liked them. They don't require a ton of KE and might be a decent option. My understanding is that they've outsourced almost all of their work overseas and their quality control has take a significant turn for the worse. Lots of good American made options out there...


Muzzy makes practice (not sharp) blades for the head she is shooting. I'd get a pack of those and keep her practicing. Hopefully she'll come to grips it's completely safe and can switch to the real deal before hunting. If that doesn't work, a low KE mechanical is a good play if it keeps the mental lapse out of the shot sequence. I like the low KE 2 blade NAP KZ head for this situation.


Thanks I'll try to have her shoot the Muzzy's more just to get used to the idea of a fixed blade, and that it won't hurt her. If she gets more comfortable with it then I'll look at one of the heads you mentioned. I really appreciate your help and knowledge about archery, and everything that goes along with it. If she is dead set on a mechanical what one would you recommend? Knowing that the Rocket head has quality issues, is there a different one that I should look at.

Again thank you all for the help.


I've never had issues w/ Rocket heads and I've shot many. I'd avoid the Steelhead for your wife though as it's an "over-the-top" 3 blade design that robs a lot of energy when deployed. If my recommendation above doesn't work, I would recommend a rear-deploying mechanical head, preferably a 2 blade for the best penetration with the given setup your wife is shooting. Good luck!


For low poundage I would not advise anyone to shoot mechanical heads. If you do go with mechanical heads, make sure the shooter understands the issues in the design and holds off for good clear broadside shots.


If you do go with mechanical heads, make sure the shooter understands the issues in the design and holds off for good clear broadside shots.

Good advice right there.

I've never had issues w/ Rocket heads and I've shot many. I'd avoid the Steelhead for your wife though as it's an "over-the-top" 3 blade design that robs a lot of energy when deployed. If my recommendation above doesn't work, I would recommend a rear-deploying mechanical head, preferably a 2 blade for the best penetration with the given setup your wife is shooting. Good luck!
The 100 grain Steelhead will flat out-penetrate any rear deploying head on the market. Have to agree to disagree on that one. Tests have consistently shown it to out-penetrate the majority of fixed heads on the market. All those arrows sticking out of deer on the tv shows? Those are rear deploy heads. Since I've switched to Steelheads, I'm 9 for 9 on pass throughs and I don't shoot heavy pounds. Your wife will be fine with Steelheads.

I looked at the Magnus stinger 4 blade and really like it, I talked to the wife a little more and reassured her that she won't get cut, she said to get what ever will work the best for her bow. I looked at the buzzcut and I saw it has serrated blades, and if I remember correctly, you can't use those kinds of blades in MN. Sounds like Magnus heads are a little better than Muzzy heads, and have a lifetime warranty also. What do you guys think?


Magnus are great heads. I've been shooting the 4 blade Stingers from the recurve for the past 3 years. Razor sharp replaceable main & bleeders are a nice feature and they're tough as nails. If you do break one, mail it in & they'll send you a new one.


You might want to check out VPA broadheads too. I doubt there is anything tougher. Stingers are good though, especially with the lifetime guarantee.


You might want to check out VPA broadheads too. I doubt there is anything tougher. Stingers are good though, especially with the lifetime guarantee.

Two rock solid choices there! VPA's, Stingers, Muzzy's- all good! The Stingers come in straight or buzzcut, so you can use a Stinger that doesn't have the serated blades. Lots of good choices...


I had a similar situation with my son before he grew up, and my daughter now that she has bow hunted for two years. He only had a 24-25" draw length but was up around 40 lbs. And she got a late start so was taller and has a 27" draw and started near 40 but is up around 44 lbs now. I started them both with NAP Hell Razors. Neither had a problem with full pass throughs, and they include a dull practice head for your wife's fear of cutting herself. Just another option for you to consider that is a great performing head - sharp, coc, and flies well. She still uses them.


my son will also be hunting deer this fall, would the buzzcuts be a good choice and what grain would be a good choice?


Icecold, I went with the 4 blade stingers for my wife in 100grain. In MN you can't use the buzzcuts since they have serrated blades, but the stinger is basically the same head without the serrations.


Keep it simple, nice 2 blade broadhead without the mechanics. Lots of options out there.


I think any of the cut on contact "micro" broadheads would be great for this use. I personally would stay away from any mechanical, especially at this poundage.

My personal choices are the Slick Trick Magnums in 100gr or the G5 strikers in 100gr.

As far as getting a shooter past the "fear" of cutting their fingers, I would say leaving the arrows an inch or two longer could help with that. It won't make much difference at that poundage and it will provide piece of mind.


Here is my limited experience, but solely with lower poundage and draw length hunting:

My compound bow is a PSE/Browning (not sure who made it before/after acquisition) Micro Adrenaline. Draw length 28'', 50lb limbs.

I was shooting my bow at 42lbs for the 2012 season and had a complete pass through with a standard 100gr slick trick.

This past season I was still using 100gr slick trick broadheads, maxed out the limbs to 50lbs, but didn't take any shots.

Next season I plan on having a 40lb R/D longbow in my hands and will be trying out a 125gr land shark broadhead. I hope to be able to share the results.


Another good broad head for low poundage is a 85 grain nap thunderhead. My daughter shoots this head at 45 pounds and had a pass through on a big doe last year. We never found the arrow.


Icecold, I went with the 4 blade stingers for my wife in 100grain. In MN you can't use the buzzcuts since they have serrated blades, but the stinger is basically the same head without the serrations.

Where do you see you can't use serrated blades in MN? All I see in the regs is that they have to be of barbless design.


That's all I see in the regs to is they have to be barbless.

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