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Not looking to start a debate of good vs bad or right vs wrong, but does anybody know what the current status of this project is?

When is it happening? What is the timeline? that kind of stuff...

we were at the Frostbite Tourney yesterday and had a blast with tons of people on the lake (and not just at the tourney) the whole lake was loaded with people enjoying a nice day on the ice. We were discussing the whole debate and nobody knew for sure the timeline or the exact plan of what they were doing... I thought that was so funny/sad that people were polarizing their opinions without the true picture of what and when it was happening, so I was hoping someone would help me out here.

AGAIN if you want argue for or against use facts and be civil.

For the record, I am against draining the lake.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

not gonna happen is my guess


I put this on the other draining thread this past fall. I talked to Fred Bengston about some dates. He is the main guy on this project and his name and number is listed on the DNR website, along with project info such as lake levels and vague dates.

He said they were still working on the downstream projects and mentioned a few of them. He said their hopes are to begin construction of the outlet late summer 2014. I'm not sure when water will actually come out of the lake. Anyone can call him and discuss the project details.


The draining was never supposed to start before 2015 or later. If you look the DNR has the timelines available and you can read all about it. The lake has been a designated wildlife lake for many years, as such it is managed that way. Lots of info and opinions on the other threads already. Bottom line is that they're going to manage it as a wildlife lake, there's many other lakes in the area that are managed for fish.


The lake has been a designated wildlife lake for many years, as such it is managed that way. Bottom line is that they're going to manage it as a wildlife lake, there's many other lakes in the area that are managed for fish.

Yep,, Even if there are more Minnesotans enjoying the great outdoors on this lake than all the others in the county combined lets take it away. Leave it to the government to take something that is perfectly good as it is and spend a ton of resources making it something else. Makes perfect sense... Spend a Saturday out there this winter and anyone can see its a good lake for fishing that a lot, lot, of people enjoy.. and the money it brings to the area must be substantial. I bet the bait shop up the road will be out of business soon after. What a shame.


Why don't the citizen get a chance to vote on wether or not something like this happens to one of our lakes? Typical corrupt government, doesn't give a rip what the citizens want. Common sense here people, what is going to serve the citizens the most for this lake, destroy the fishing opportunity that takes place 365 days a year for a smaller group of hunters that can only use it 60 days a year? Economically, to the communities surrounding the lake, this is a no brainer, but no. They don't care what the people want. How's Heron lake doing for waterfowl these days? Or Christina? This is why I don't hunt or fish minnesota anymore.


They had a comment period and town meeting on it back in 2008 during the planning stages. It was in Albertville and open to the public.

Here is some more info on the plan off of the DNR website for those that have never seen it:


Not sure if there is something more updated as far as progress goes, as that pdf seems a little dated.

Another link of info. This one might be at the boat launch. Use to be there anyways.



It is, and has always been, a designated wildlife mgmt lake. It is to be managed for wildlife. Not people. This includes fisherman and hunters. I fall into both categories and live 3 miles away from the lake. The hunting is marginal and over crowded. Don't care to fish it since it became so popular and a lot of the big bass and panfish were harvested. I don't get the fascination over what is left of the fishery? I drive right by on my way to better panfish lakes every spring.

Back on subject. As to when and if it is drawn down. The lake is listed as infested with eurasion milfoil. This will be a significant obstacle in getting it drained. How can the state knowingly infest other waters by draining Pelican through those water bodies? Oh, but make sure you pull your drain plug when you pull your boat out of this lake so you don't spread invasives!


Exactly SuperDuty!! The milfoli thing is the one that really gets me upset.

I would agree that there isnt much left for fish. Whats left of Pelican is the exact reason we should lower our panfish limits and have a protected slot if you ask me. The lake went from outstanding to a dud in no time.


It may be a dud for you guys but I have been doing very well out there this ice season for both quantity and size of fish. It isn't what it was where you could just go out and catch a ton of massive panfish but it can still be very good fishing. I hunt out there a bit too but as was stated it turns into quite the circus and I am surprised people haven't been killed out there yet. I am a fish and a duck guy so I am torn on the issue like many others are. Regardless of what happens there should be more of a presence from the DNR on what goes on out there. I have never seen them out there myself and have spent hundreds of hours on that lake.


Here's a crazy thought. How about instead of destroying a great fishing lake to make a swamp, you just create a swamp?


The awesome thing to me about it is its the biggest body of water in the area and not every inch of shoreline developed! It obviously can sustain and grow good fish. Imagine if the powers that be put some legacy funds into it via. stocking, aerators, invasives treatment etc. and put good slot and limit restrictions like a much larger thus better mink and somers that are just down the road. we would have something special.


The awesome thing to me about it is its the biggest body of water in the area and not every inch of shoreline developed!

Maybe because it is a designated wildlife management lake?


this thread is way to much humor laughlaughlaugh


Maybe because it is a designated wildlife management lake?

Yea, so? Does that mean it cant be fished? That it couldnt ever be managed for fish too? Does anyone ever hunt waterfowl on non wildlife management/stocked lakes? Ever been to western mn? I know how to make smart a$$ questions too wink


Here's a crazy thought. How about instead of destroying a great fishing lake to make a swamp, you just create a swamp?

Pelican is 2,793 acres.

2,793 acres times $5,500 per acre of land (extremely cheap) equals $15,361,500. In order to dig out a 2,793 acres would cost what? I have no idea, but I would think $20,000,000 would probably be ridiculously cheap.

Honestly, my opinion on the lake is it is a duck slough that happens to have fish in it. Drain it, make it great duck habitat, and make at least half the lake a refuge. Otherwise the hunting pressure on the lake will cause the birds to bypass the lake on their way south.

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

well, I guess it turned into a debate... kinda... lol


In my opinion, there arent enough ducks left in this part of the state to justify destroying a great fishery. Leave it how it is and put the money towards other duck habitat


well, I guess it turned into a debate... kinda... lol

Yea,just like the multi-page thread in this forum, some time ago, on the exact same issue(s). Imagine that. Let the dead horse beating continue... whistle


In my opinion, there arent enough ducks left in this part of the state to justify destroying a great fishery. Leave it how it is and put the money towards other duck habitat

Maybe there aren't enough ducks in this part of the state because they don't have enough breeding habitat and migratory resting areas?


Drain Baby Drain

Pelican has been raped of big panfish and bass by the very people who oppose the draining.

It still has lots of upper 20s to mid 30s Pike in it. Lots of great pike spawning habitat in the lake.

I still say drain it, and make the entire lake a refuge. No human disturbance allowed.

The hunting is mediocre at best and the fishing is below average at best for Panfish and bass.

The Pike will be decimated this year since they are completely suicidal and will rat anything put down a hole.


What happened to URL? When the walleye were gone, did they just throw in the towel? No, it is a special body of water that can be awesome and has proven that in the past. So they rebuilt it and manage it. Pelican just has so much more potential to benefit fisherman than duck hunters. Any lake that has large fish of any species is immediately flagged and the special restrictions are put on them because it has been proven they flourish need to be protected. This is what should have been done on Pelican instead of draining it for better waterfowl habitat or at least something that could benefit both. If it's drained and waterfowl do come there to nest, what is going to happen when the first guns go off in August or is it July now? They are going to leave. My guess is if they do restore the lake, they will make it a refuge and you won't be able to hunt it anyways.


Here's a link to an old photo of the lake in 91. I think it is close to the final level of 950.7ft. The pic is from April, so it doesn't show as much weeds out there as there was.


950.7ft is the depth that the DNR says the lake will be at for the initial drawdown and what it will be brought up to after the drought simulated drawdown of 944ft. At this level it isn't gonna be a shallow muddy swamp like some people think. It should bring the islands back out which would be cool. If you read the stuff, it does says that some fish will be stocked again.

As far as milfoil goes, what is the status of the crow and Missisippi. Do they have milfoil in them? Isn't the crow connected to Deer and Buffalo which already have milfoil? Maybe it doesn't grow in rivers very well, not sure I guess.


if you cant find nice pannies in pelican, sorry to hear that. there are a couple holes on that lake that keep 11-13 inch crappies and dam nice sunnies. not to mention the pike that keep your tip ups busy. so lets drain it. makes sense


It is my understanding that the last public hearing or determination was done in 2008? is this correct? I emailed the DNR to find out how often this is re evaluated or if it is re evaluated at all? I find it hard to obtain what options there are? Like everything we do not agree with, there should be a process to try to change it... So what would someone need to do to get it changed? Petition? Lawsuit? Our system is built on checks and balances... I can live with their decisions if I cannot obtain enough support to change something, majority rules... but just saying this is better because in 1991 it looked like this... is not what I consider enough. Does everybody realize the change in the landscape since 1991... Houses grew everywhere, there are exponentially more people in the fly way... Since 2008 Pelican has become arguably the most notable winter fishery in the area. Count houses on a sat in Jan... All I am saying is, Can we re evaluate this decision? What would it take to look at it again? Once this is destroyed there is no guaranty you can get it back...


Whoa, my pic was just trying give an idea of what it might look like again(and also to show it won't just be a swamp), not the reason they want to lower it or saying that 91 was a great year for ducks and the lake. Guess I was just trying to get out some info like you requested, not just emotional opinions like usually happens on this topic and already has again.

Call up Fred, his number is in the info. I'm sure he has heard an earful already on this.


It is my understanding that the last public hearing or determination was done in 2008? is this correct? I emailed the DNR to find out how often this is re evaluated or if it is re evaluated at all? I find it hard to obtain what options there are? Like everything we do not agree with, there should be a process to try to change it... So what would someone need to do to get it changed? Petition? Lawsuit? Our system is built on checks and balances... I can live with their decisions if I cannot obtain enough support to change something, majority rules... but just saying this is better because in 1991 it looked like this... is not what I consider enough. Does everybody realize the change in the landscape since 1991... Houses grew everywhere, there are exponentially more people in the fly way... Since 2008 Pelican has become arguably the most notable winter fishery in the area. Count houses on a sat in Jan... All I am saying is, Can we re evaluate this decision? What would it take to look at it again? Once this is destroyed there is no guaranty you can get it back...

Stopping the project now would mean millions of dollars spent by ducks unlimited and the state of MN for nothing. This was set up to be a 15 year project, they had meetings at the beginning to hear public input. didn't have much opposition, so they decided to go on with the plan. Trying to stop it now is like changing the rules in the middle of the game in my opinion.

Its nice to see you care enough to try to stop this project, just wish you cared as much before millions were spent.


Yep,, Even if there are more Minnesotans enjoying the great outdoors on this lake than all the others in the county combined lets take it away.



U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is heavily involved in this project because of the amount of land they have jurisdiction over, around the lake. With a federal agency involved as well, the plan is not going to be stopped, or reversed. It's way beyond the point of no return now. Folks just need to accept it, and move on.



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