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This isn’t St Croix specific but this is the group I feel most comfortable with asking questions since I have been on this site for a bunch of years now. Lucky for You Guys ! Before I begin I want to start by saying a few things about Myself. I am Just a normal guy in my mid 40’s. I am Not a stalker. I have many friends and a really great wife and Kids that I love very much. I have a good job with a decent income. I have no abnormalities in general that come to mind. Now to my point and I’m being serious here. I was packing up my truck up to head out fishing last Saturday afternoon. My Mother stops over to pick up my youngest for a movie and mom says to me “ oh, you are going Fishing ? Nice ,have fun and be safe. Who are you going with ? I responded by telling my Mother I was heading out by myself for the night . She said Oh really ? by yourself ? Do you really love fishing that much ? . I responded by saying Yes I do and headed out. The following day we went to over there for Dinner and my Mother, Father and siblings started to have what was like an intervention to me and started asking me all these strange questions to try to get me to admit that I was very depressed and I should go talk to a professional because I’ve been fishing by myself for most of this season so far. I almost fell over when they started in. As I said, I have many good friends. The friends I have Like to go fishing from 11:00 am to whenever they run out of beer. They are the Type of friends that when I invite them to take them fishing up to Mille lacs or the Croix for the Day in the summer they Back out when I tell them what time I would pick them up at , if it has a chance to rain or if it’s a bit windy. My point is that I love to fish and hunt and I have no friends that like to hunt or fish Like I do. I’d Rather go by myself then be stuck with someone that complains when we are fishing in 3 foot rollers on Mille lacs or an all day 20 mph South wind on the Croix. I took my kids everywhere with me but now they are teenagers and have their own activities to do. How do I get my family to realize there are not a lot of guys like us around and if I can’t find a partner to go with I’m going by myself. And that alone doesn’t make me strange and doesn’t mean Im depressed. Feed back welcome !


Tell them, that's awesome, I'll pick you up at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Then I won't have to fish alone. grin See what they have to say about that.

Actually I'm in the same boat as you. (except for the 3 foot rollers on Mille Lac, that's just nuts eek ) Love to hunt and fish, but love to get there early to do it. Not many are willing to get out of bed to join me, and I'm okay with that.


I hate to break it to you but there is something wrong with you. What are you thinking? No one in their right mind would sit through an intervention like that when there are fish to be caught.

I don't get out much these days with work, a baby at home, and all the other normal stuff I have to find time to get done. But with most of my friends in a similar situation with their own jobs, kids, and whatnot its really hard to get our schedules to work out.

Because of that I end up going out alone as well. I enjoy fishing with a friend or two as its nice to have someone to talk with when the fishing is poor. But its also nice to go out alone because you get to fish when and where you want. You don't have another person telling you what they think you should be doing.


LOL! I don't know if I would of been able to sit through that "intervention" without bursting out in laughter. Although its nice that they worry about you. I'm kinda the same, buddies always flake out. They just aren't "hardcore" enough to hang with the big boys. I think a lot of guys/maybe girls here fish alone. There's something about just being out here by yourself, but it's also fun to share those moments with someone. I'd be glad to meet any FM member out on the ice. You can always use that. But that would sound kind of weird too. my wife thought it was weird that I met a "guy online and we went fishing together" one time. Completely normal to me though....thats just me smile


You are not alone!!! In a way, I think hunting and fishing alone is therapeutic, a way to recharge the internal battery so to speak.


Nope, not strange....I don't hardly get to fish in the summer, but winter it's game on. My friends are kind of like yours, good guys but just not that into it. Was planning 3 days on Red by myself and last second a nephew asked if he could go, so I'm taking him with. I'll probably try to go up 3 or 4 more times and maybe a run out to Devils. Good luck, you're not weird and keep fishing. If you want someone to go PM me, I'm game


Haha,I get the same thing.if it means you're depressed because you hunt and fish solo well,I need some meds too!


Tell them, that's awesome, I'll pick you up at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Then I won't have to fish alone. grin See what they have to say about that.

DonBo nailed it wink

I'm sure someday, I too will get surrounded by loved ones with concerned looks on their faces.......

When it happens...... I'm gonna run like a criminal and jump in the truck and hit the water grin


I fish alone a lot. Learned along time ago that either many of my buddies did not want to fish as much as me or their wife would not let them go. While I do not always want to fish alone, I often enjoy being able to stay as long or as short of time as I want.

Unless you have the right fishing buddy, driving around looking at structure or mostly scouting is not very popular. So I tend to do that alone.


I do all my hunting and fishing with my dog. I have lots of fishing buddies but opt to go with my dog cuz she won't tell anyone anything! My problem is I'm to greedy. Those are my fish to catch and my birds to shoot. Its actually kind of sad


Used to fish alone a lot, especially at night, both open and hard water. It was the only time you could have some assemblence of peace and quiet in this crazy life. Loved not hearing all of the unnatural sounds that we just have become accustomed to nowadays. Listening to the howling wind is awesome. The hum of the insects, the waves, the night critters like owls and yotes…..even the sounds of birds and bats wings….while you can't see them, you can hear them. Everyone should spend a night alone on early ice on a big lake when she is booming. It can be downright unnerving, but you will have a different sense of being alive; or to ride out a slow moving storm and a huge clipper afterwards, to where you be stuck till at least the next evening till you can get plowed out and will be only you to rely on to exist until then. Similarly, to play captain dan on a boat in a non lightening down pouring rain, when the fish are biting like crazy is kinda stoopid …but really kinda fun smile


As long as you aren't having issues with depression, laugh away and go fish! Depression is highly under-diagnosed and really isn't funny if there is something going on, just be glad you have people who care smile

My family knows I go hunting/fishing by myself because they (almost) always decline my invitations to tag along. Of course when I'm lucky enough to be in the same state as my dad, it's a rare day for either of us to be alone while fishing.


Just wait until you meet up with guys from this forum to fish with. Then you will get the third degree about meeting up with "Internet" people. Haha


I dont know you and have probly never read anything youve posted,but I enjoy being out by myself hunting and fishing.I have friends that come along,but they just are not into it like me,even on a slow day I will stay until well past dark thinking if I dont I could miss out on just that one more bite,or find that next sweet spot.Alot of times when I do have a buddy with its like you said"its to windy,or theyre not biting that great lets get outa here" they will want to leave a half an hour before prime time,or pheasant hunting and a guy drives a couple hundred miles and theres 2 hours left of the weekend"ugh lets go,nothings gonna happen".What they dont fully understand is thats when that one monster fish bites or that last rooster takes flight.Its hard to explain to people that dont think like we all do.I absolutey live for it,the woods and waters are just so intriguing and awesome,something new allways arises and you never know whats around the next corner in the trail or bend in the river.The one I allways get from relatives/grandparents/aunts/uncles is its dangerous being out alone,I tell them so is a car ride to work,or a walk thru the park,you never know what could happen,but if something ever does happen while Im out alone I do know for myself I was having the time of my life.Keep on catchin my friend I know I will.



I was smiling when I read your post. Perfect. SM


let me know if you ever need anyone to help put their concern to rest. I have a certified PTSD dog and have been through what they think you are going through. Yes the time alone is great. I have been like that for years. Buddies are all amped to go until you show up at the landing at 4 and wait on them for a hour and then get the phone call "oh man Im sorry I uh uh Yea the alarm must not have went off". Hit me up if you ever want a die hard to go with. but only if there is no wind we can meet at noon and you have craft beer and good cigars



People fear what they can't understand and/or are not "in control" of. When I was an airline pilot, people would ask me about turbulence all the time with great fear. When I would ask them if they'd ever been on a boat (yes, of course) and then if they got scared when the boat hit a wave (no), then I'd ask "then why are you concerned when an airplane hits turbulence? It's just waves in the sky". Suddenly, they'd smile and be comforted.

I grew up being my dad's fishing/hunting buddy and thought waking up at midnight to drive 4 hrs to get on the water in time to get decoys set before sunrise or getting up at 330 for a day trip ice fishing on ML was just the "norm". Now I understand, it's more of the exception.

There's nothing wrong with sportsman like us, we're just wired a little different and aren't willing to accept mediocrity without giving 100%. I actually think we're the ones who should be hosting interventions for the average Joe's and those who don't "get it".

Life is short! Why wouldn't you get out of bed a little earlier to enjoy God's creation and the type of serenity that can only come from being alone on the ice for a sunrise and then having your rod suddenly double over??

Fish on my friend and know you are not alone. Far from it!


well put RCN! Next time just say "YOLO" LOL! I'd love to see the look on your kids faces


Eyesonly - you've got your head screwed on straight. I wouldn't worry to much about your families "intervention". When I was your age all I ever wanted was to be able to retire as soon as possible so I could enjoy my family and fish more. I had a good job and I worked hard and a lot of hours and time away from family, it was a good career. My wife and I have been married 45 years and she is my best friend and we do everything together. My two sons are remarkable young men that I am proud of and they have wonderful families and given me 3 beautiful grandkids. I have lived the American dream.

My family would have an "intervention" with me if I wasn't fishing all the time now that I am retired. I fish 4 to 5 nights a week and usually spend 2 days a week swimming and tubing with the grandkids on the St Croix in the summer. I usually fish from about 1800 to 2400 from Sunday night to Thursday night. I sometimes fish Friday and Saturday nights but not too often - it is usually crazy on the St Croix on those nights so I let the weekenders have the river. 95% of the time I am all by myself - not many people like to fish in the dark. I don't mind fishing alone and am not intimidated at all running in the dark. I'm careful - take my time and very safety conscious. To be honest it is actually safer when all the Go Fast people go home and go to bed. The St Croix turns into heaven as the sun goes down. It is the most serene, beautiful place on the planet.

I'm chasing BIG fish and I get skunked a lot but every so often it all comes together and a big beautiful trophy fish is flopping on the back deck. I don't need anybody else along to share that moment with - doing it all alone is part of the adventure and challenge. I take good pictures and I always embellish my fish stories to make them even better. So my advice to you is keep doing what makes you feel good and keeps you grounded - having some alone time is not a bad thing.



Fish alone most of the time. Daughter use to fish with me but she's married now. Also turkey and deer hunt alone most of the time. Usually fish and hunt pretty hard and that's not for everyone. And when the fishing is best well after dark, that's also not for everyone. It's all Ok with me. Or maybe I do need an intervention................... laugh


Steve forgot to mention that he likes to grab the phone and and rub it in a bit after that all happens. grin

I LOVE getting those calls and when I look and it says SteveD, I know a picture of a hog was just captured.

Livin the dream is right!


I hate to break it to you but there is something wrong with you. What are you thinking? No one in their right mind would sit through an intervention like that when there are fish to be caught.

laughlaughlaugh Well said! I actually prefer fishing and hunting alone. I don't mind going with people, but it almost a religious experience, zen-like if you will, to go solo. Really puts you in touch with the whole experience without all the chatter to distract you from it.


Nope nothing wrong with you - I too am a loner and a majority of the time it's by choice, well that and I usually fish odd hours or some short trips. I get to go where I want and do/try what I want, sometimes (more often then not) I fail, nothing ventured nothing gained, but every once in awhile it comes together.

This past fall I had the day time hours off work and sometime to kill before some evening activities, hit the water alone and had a staple day on the water a 50" and 48" Muskies in the bag for the afternoon, I was doing something a little different then the norm and it payed off, actually paid off the rest of the year, for me and my buddies. Last night I hit a local lake in search of new crappie spot, I think I found it, end up with a half dozen keepers including a beast that measured in at 14inches and a lost eye at the hole, yes I was alone, the lake cleared at sundown and it sure was peaceful.

Get me wrong a have a network of guys that I fish with and we are all pretty hardcore BUT fishing alone has it's "therapeutic" advantages, I'm a family man with 2 young kids so sometimes it's just what the Dr. ordered. My wife hates my being out there alone day or night for safety reasons. I still get to take the kids fishing and horsing around on the boat or ice, but sometimes it's Dad's time.

Nothing strange going on there, in fact I'm all about meeting new people shoot a PM my way sometime if you'd like to get out and give her a go.


Sounds like you have gotten some great feedback!

Being in the outdoors has always been very calming to me.

That in it self is worth it to me.

Good luck and enjoy your time outdoors!

  • 2 weeks later...

My wife and kids like it when I go fishing alone. (They do not have to go then). You are normal I go fishing and hunting alone a lot so don't worry about it.


If a person does not understand then they might not ever. You are just fine.

This came to mind though,hehe, with the family...

"NORMAL people don't act like this" lol

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