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How do I get to Madison Lake off of I 35? I can't find it on any maps. Thanks for your help.

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  • Team Otter


  • james_walleye


  • seamonster1


  • FishManDan



You can just take State Hwy 60 west from faribault. The highway runs right through the town of madison lake.

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Madison lake is just south of HWY 60 when you get to the town of Madison lake - You can see it.


Super! Thanks so much for your help. Any idea what we should use for bait... we (my husband, 6 yr. old son and 3 yr. old daughter) enjoy catching anything. The more hits the better w/the two little ones along. Thanks again. smile.gif



I was out Monday and last night and caught plenty of walleyes. (I'll probably be out again tonight)

The fish I am concentrating on are holding in 2 - 5' of water over the tops of weeds. I have put fish in the boat casting cranks and pitching jigs and plastics.

The fish have ranged from 13" all the way up to 24". Anything over 20" I have released but I have also kept a few for the pan.

Good Luck.


Hey when you are pitching jigs with plastics, what kind of plastics are you using? Also what kind of cranks were you using?


First of all welcome to FM fisherlady. When you get to Madison Lake go to the bait shop right on hwy 60 in the middle of town. It's called Reel Fishing and Tackle. They can set you up with the info and bait you'll need.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky


Okay guys... we didn't do so well today. frown.gif But it was a gorgeous day to be out on the water and the kids were more interested in the snacks I packed anyway. smile.gif ha.

The fish were jumping like crazy but we didn't get so much as a nibble. Our family is pretty new to the boat fishing scene and I have to say I am doubting our skills. smile.gif We keep trying though.

I thank you all for your responses. I will let you know if I need more information. We live the only county in MN that doesn't have a lake (not man made anyway) so we are always looking for a good place to go.

We didn't realize how shallow Madison would be... I guess when we know better we'll do better.

Thanks again.


Team Otter, what time of night do you go out? I tried from sunset till about 11 p.m. two times last year with no luck. Do I need to be out later? Thanks.


For pitching plastics, I use a 1/16 oz standard lead head in a variety of colors and 4" ring worms in blue, purple, or white.

For casting cranks, I am using shallow running #5 shad raps in a variety of colors.

Good luck.


Zappy, I generally fish from 5:00 - 9:00 pm but I've also had some of my best fishing in the middle of the day.

I kept three 18"ers last night and 3 nice crappies. I also released a 26 1/2".

The fish were staging off the edge of the weed last night in about 5 - 7' of water. No fish on plastics. They all came on cranks in crawdad color.

Good luck.


Wow i was out there last weekend and fished all the spots i have fished all season and i couldnt find a standing weed anywhere in the lake. If i let my kalin tail sink too far i picked up dead weeds but thats all the weeds i found.


I fished on Friday night.

Not as good. I caught two 15" walleyes and a handful of slimers.

As time allows, I will be fishing this week as hard as I can.


I fished last night. Terrible bite. It seems as though the fish have vanished from my "hot spot" for awhile. All I caught last night was 1 northern.

Maybe that slight cold front has something to do with the bite? Hard to say.


Much better last night.

I got 7 'eyes between 13 - 16" and 1 'eye at 23.5". All fish were released.

The fish wanted the cranks that I have been typically casting long-lined last night. I was running a #5 shallow running shad straight behind the boat with 65 - 75 feet of line out.

Good luck and always keep that tip up.


Team Otter
Some folks catch all the fish! Hmmmmm
wonder why Madison was Jam packed this weekend and nobody cathcing anything!
some people tell great fish tales!


got the same vib monster was out lastnight and not even a bite. went out to german yesterday had a lot of follows and managed top boat a 2.5# northern. Saw once the size of a fence post right beside the boat but just a boil in the water. cuoldn't get them to bite just follower's.

light tackle always works best!!!!


Your not going too catch fish on Madison if you fish where everyone else does Seamonster. The bite has been good out there and Otters reports are very similar too my trips out there. Fish away from the crowds. 90% of the people never do get into the eyes out there any time of year so dont listen too people when they say there not hitting.

Seamonster I see you really got around this weekend. In another forum i see you had back luck on Lake Pepin too.

[This message has been edited by james_walleye (edited 07-18-2004).]


Yes- my faith in these forums is in question.
Friday tried pepin without success- Sat madison with no success. I am not a crowd follower and consider myself somewhat knowledgable when it comes to the walleye.
I am a HS teacher and have my summers off- so do alot of fishing- I use these forums to decide where to go on my little trips. Madison is not a huge lake- and the narrows do get pounded- we tried many other places, But it not a huge lake!
I quess I should consider myself lucky- getting to fish 3-4 times a week. The catching hasn't been the best this month but oh well- Still have alot to learn.
Here's a true story- take what you want from it and apply here
A few years ago on a small lake by Bemidji we watched a gentleman boat a limit of walleyes in 1/2hr. The guy was using a 5-6ft lindy rig with a crawler( watched him with binoculars).He was fishing a sunken island edge. When he left we fished it for an hour without a bite, yes with a crawler on a 5-6 ft rig. The next evening, same guy same situation, but this time I asked. Red bead before the hook- tied one on and bam- had our limits in same amount of time.


Thats weird, those are the only 2 bodies of water i have fished this year and have had good success on both. One thing i know about Madison is the eyes can be in crazy places and most people dont get on them because of this. When i fish Pepin i never troll. I always live bait rig the breaks and always have good luck. Sometimes have too search a while. Sometimes its the first break off shore, sometimes its the secondary break into the main channel. And yeah you have too deal with a lot of sheephead too when draggin a crawler around, but i get my eyes too. This time of year if i had the choice i'd go to Pepin over Madison.

The red bead trick i've also found too be good. Whether lindy riggin or slip bobber fishing i always go with a red hook and a red bed with it.

[This message has been edited by james_walleye (edited 07-18-2004).]


Seamonster, don't get to frustrated. Keep after it. That's why it's called "fishing" and not "catching".

I can assure you, as I have indicated on previous posts, that I am not catching fish every time I go out either.

I got into some 'eyes this past weekend on Washington doing the same things that I have also described in previous posts.

The trolling bite behind boards and longlining has definitely taken off for me. The casting cranks and pitching plastics is still a close second.

Keep your tip up!


Hey seamonster, I thought you were all fished out after our trip to Pepin!? On Saturday I was out on Washinton with some friends getting towed in because my battery was dead! So I went out and got some new chargers so it won't happen again!! Live and learn huh? smile.gif It's not going to work out for the concert this weekend. We are going to be in Iowa. Have fun!



Outboard issues again? I know where you can get a rowboat cheap! So did the Tyes give ya a tow?


I fished yesterday from 3:30 - 8:30 on Madison.

I caught 10 'eyes. 6 of them were between 13 - 15" and 4 of the them were between 22 - 25.5".

I was running #7 wally divers, 150' back behind a board.

All the fish were suspended 18' down over 28 - 35' of water.


Never question your faith in the forums, question who delivers the message and the content of the message!lol

Pepin is a **** shoot on most days! You either bang'em or go home scratching your head!

Jim W


We fished on Madison on Sunday from 12:30 until about 8 and only caught two crappies, one walleye about 14 inches and two northerns about 2 to 3 lbs. Fishing in about 6 to 8 foot of water. Lots of sheephead. Marked lots of fish in about 18 foot of water but they wouldnt bite. Have fun and be safe.


Team Otter where are you seeing the thermocline at? I've noticed it around 15 to 18 foot. Just curious.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky


Based on where the fish were staging yesterday, I would say the thermocline is somewhere between 20 - 25'. Those suspended fish like to sit right above that "line" and chomp when they are feeling aggressive.

Last night the fish that bit between 6:30 - 7:30 were absolutely fierce. What a blast.

Also, I forgot to mention in my previous post this morning, that all fish last night were released.

I'm headed out again tonight.


Team Otter, First off I am not doubting you. But I fished Madison Sunday from 8am til noon and again from 2 until 1930. Two BIG bullheads, one sheephead and a couple small Crappies.

I was anchored on Point Pleasent 4awhile and watched a huge northern landed while trolling a board. Otherwise most of the stationary fisherman were very slow.

I am thinking about buying a board but I am not sure how to rig or run one. If you have any tips or info please drop me a line.
[email protected]

I will probably head out to Madison and try again one night this week if the weather holds out.

Thanks for the posts, I am ready to try anything !


Not a good bite last night.

I caught one 16' 'eye and a couple of northerns. Same tactic as my previous post but the water temperature decrease was significant. Sunday's water surface temp on my Lowrance X71 was 83.0 and last night it was 76.0. I have a feeling this impacted the bite.

Planer boards are very simply to use. Off Shore is the brand to buy. They even come with instructions!!

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