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The white bass are bitin' in Waterville area waters. Stop in bait shop for details.


we sold out to of our Vu's jigs yesterday and just got a new shipment in today. these work great for white bass.


where on watersville are the white bass biting?


where at waterville are the white bass biting? need direction? and the bait shop? thank you!



If you plan on eating them forget it!Had a couple the other day that i hooked bad!MUD MUD MUD!Where ya live can give ya easy directions depending on what kinda fishing ya want...shore or boat?


you talking about the little bridge on county 12? or somewhere else?i probably be doing shore fishing.coming from chaska.


Hey, bait shop is right on Hwy 13 next to Casey's. The river off of Cty 12 is a good spot, especially the deeper holes. We've had some great "Vu" jigs and we sold out, more are on the way though. Just can't keep 'em in stock.


where excactly is the bait shop?is that place by cty 12 the only spot for white bass, cause you cant go into the forest.


water isn't really muddy at all it has cleared up since the heavy rain and in fact is very clean. The white bass are really in full force in the cannon river. we have more VU jigs, we have sold about half already. The white bass are also biting on crappie/ fathead minnows.


the farmer that owns the land on both sides of county 12 is hot. the land is posted and people are driving down to the river on the north. YOU CANT DO THAT.


hows the water right now, is it still muddy?


Yes he is 1 pizzed off man...Been able to fish on his land for years and he told me get the heeeelllllllllll out and dont come back...Tells me 1 thing...not to many people ask now days!Thankz fellow fisherman...Anyone have a canoe for sale cheap? yet another good spot down the drain...Spent 5 hours searching for the big bite...plenty of eyes but not the big bite...not 1 eye over 12 inches outa about 50 eyes..GRRRRRRRRRR @ the 3 guys keeping those same size fish next to me!Think i'm going to buy about a 100 knife sharpeners to all the people who keep those extra small fish!Maybe i need 1 too..NOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT


yeah, i wish everybody would know how to respect his property!but thanks for the info.


we got more VU jigs in again. The white bass have been biting in the little stretch on the cannon river between sakatah bay, and tetonka, went there today and hammered them. Also caught tons of walleys out in front of the cannon river where it runs into Tetonka. It's on the NW side of the lake. try it sometime!! Stop here for all your sports needs. GOOD LUCK TO YA'LL!!

Waterville Sports



You open till 8pm or?


ya were open till 8 monday - saturday and 4 on sunday



You the 15 year old that fishes with dad and brother a lot down in narrows????? If so wondering where ya been hiding out at!Stopped down last nite and tonight pretty slow compared to last couple weeks!Mean GREEN has set in...long summer by the smell already! Hows the bite going behind the shop or should i say any over 16 ??


no thats not me but i work with him. a guy told me there gettin huge sunfish down at the narrows but i havent been down there yet.the water on tetonka is gettin really green too.


there gettin lots of stripers (white bass) in the river between tetonka and sakata. i went down there a fue nights ago and got one every cast. there fun to catch but ive never ate them.


there gettin lots of stripers (white bass) in the river between tetonka and sakata. i went down there a fue nights ago and got one every cast. there fun to catch but ive never ate them.


what hours are they catching them(white bass)? cause i was there saturday and no bites.


The white bass are also biting on number 8 huskey jerks suspending and rattling raps. I went out at 7 yesturday and then were all sitting in the weeds, I sat there for awhile before I casted so I didn't spook them. after about 5 mins I casted out reeled it down so it was right above the weeds and I just jigged it and they were all over it. I work at Waterville Sports so come in and get one or other things if you get the chance or are in the area stop by. so this is what I have to say for today got luck and get fishin.


ya i work at waterville sports and we wont be closing so early on sundays anymore. sorry about the inconvenience.


I seen 3 northerns caught on the sakatah side of the Hwy 13 bridge. I might go over there and cast out a sucker and let him run around for awhile I'm thinging I should get at least one because knowone was fishing for them and caught them. good luck and keep fishing.


Was everywhere last night, Waterville, Cannon Falls, Red Wing, Hastings.

Did not find a constant bite anywhere for any fish. But then again could've been all the moving around I did.

I was by Tetonka and Sakatah and didn't catch a thing! I tried just about every accessable area by foot and all the smaller cannon streams in between. I got skunked. Even stopped by the Waterville Bait shop and it was closed!

Did catch a few decent eyes down in hastings by Rebecca though on Rapala. All an all it was a slow day for fishing for me.

[This message has been edited by fisherman-andy (edited 06-07-2004).]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • CigarGuy
      My son got paid back for a good deed he did several years ago. He found a couple of expensive items at a boat ramp and called me asking what he should do.   I told him to bring them home because I was afraid if someone else found them, they might keep them. It was winter and nobody was around. This was when Facebook wasn't really popular yet, I was on several sites like this. First thing we did was make a big sign and posted it at the boat launch, then I posted it on all the forums I was on. Long story short, we never found the owner, but we sure tried. I know to this day, if either one of us found something, we'd do our best to get it back to the rightful owner.
    • Brianf.
      Yes, for sure.     A few years back, and unbeknownst to me, a piece of trim came off my sled while traveling over the lake.  A fellow sledder and complete stranger found the piece and followed my tracks all the way back to my cabin to return the lost item.  Couldn't thank him enough.  His kindness will never be forgotten and is something to which I aspire. 
    • Mike89
      I'll bet your son and his buddies did the happy dance!!!  
    • smurfy
      Sweet!!👍 there are still good people out there!
    • CigarGuy
      We got the auger back! The person who found it didn't want me to mention his name, we can't thank him enough! Still good, honest people around. He called Spring Bay Resort and asked if they heard of anyone losing an auger and they sent him a screenshot of my post. So, thanks to Dayis and Steve at Spring Bay Resort for that! Thanks again everyone for getting the auger back to us!
    • smurfy
      Hope your well on the way back to feeling bett5 bud!👍 Been able to avoid all the bugs going around so far 
    • monstermoose78
      Who’s been out? I got hit with the flu and am still recovering. 
    • CigarGuy
      That's what they're going to do. I always read these posts and wondered how people could lose or forget stuff, well it happens!
    • Wanderer
      Dang….  I know it’s your son, so kinda different, but I’d be expecting a replacement from those who lost it.  The group could each put in and wouldn’t hit one or another too bad.   But that’s just an old man’s thoughts….💭    Good luck.
    • CigarGuy
      So my son and buddies were out this morning fishing between Wakemup and H.O.L. Bays (probably between Metza's pt and Schmidt Island), so they had to cross the snowmobile trail to The Landing. Well,  MY Strikemaster 24 volt auger fell off the back of my sled.  They didn't realize it until they got back. If anyone found it, would be nice to get back...please and thank you. Good news is they had the battery in their pocket..... Dip $hits😡
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