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26 white bass and 17 crappies that we kept!Releases about the same amount we kept!Fished with white twister tails with blue led head tipped with larger crappie minnows!Tried many colors and seemed today was white and blue!We were on hwy 60 just east of moristown a couple miles!1st hour or so was all small males but when we found a lil deeper hole slower current we landed some very nice crappies!Bring a lot of jigs as the small pike are hungry!
Bring nose plugs if you plan on eating lunch!Dead carp are everywhere from dam down to where we were!
Hope this helps out your wifes mind on whats for lunch!


Hey rapbuster. Were you around the bridge area a couple miles down 60 from morristown? I know a few places down in that area, and went down there last weekend without any success. Maybe the water has warmed up a little bit and the crappie have become more active. I know that they were hammering the crappie in Warsaw a couple weeks ago. Too bad to see all those crappie taken out of there in such a small period of time. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Yes i was just west of the bridge on 60 in the 2nd parking area!Walk up and down the river and find a hole with slower moving water for the crappies!White bass seem to moving up stream at a good pace!Slower the water the bigger the crappies were today!shallow faster water held small 7"-8" crappies! Look on down side of the bends as you'll notice 2 good holes not far from road thats a good place to sit! Try'n to get outa work so maybe i'll be there in afternoon again!2 of us fished the afternoon so i have no idea what the morning bites like!Hope that helped ya out


Thanks for the info rapbuster. I will have to go down there and try it sometime this weekend, if I don't go east for the trout opener...Good luck if you go there again in the next few days!


Rap---I went to check out the river today...I was wondering if you were fishing up stream from the dam? I checked by the camp area and down by the park. Where were you catching most of those fish? Also is the shoreline public or is it private....dont want to get any landowners mad. Well thanks for the info.


There are several parking areas off of highway 60 between Morristown and Warsaw.Most of the river runs through a state wildlife managment area. If you do some exploring on the south side of 60 you will run into the spots that Rap is talking about.


thank you adaylate! I just reread all of what i had typed in this topic and i thought i made it prety clear where i was within a couple hundred yards!Not try'n to be an azz but read and reread all info and tell me you know N.S.E and W and if ya do i shouldn't have to explain anymore without bringing you to the hole!Fishing is a passtime for me so i dont realy care if people are in the holes i was catching fish but if i cant take you by the hand and bring you to the hole myself i thought by what i said was close to bringing you to it without holding your hand!!Sorry i just had a bad day at work..hahaha i couldnt get off work to catch fish so i'm a lil P.O'd! (((((( Fish EAST of moristiown about 2 miles you'll see DNR BROWN signs on south side of hwy 60))))))If you come from moristown 1st brown sign you see and a feild drive-way pull in it and park...go straight south till ya hit river...note..you should be able to see river from parking area but if you cant just go south till your feet get wet...turn right go about 40 yards='s west...or go east southeast till ya hit the 1st bend in river fish that hole!If you need anymore assistance feel free to call me at work i'll take the day off and show ya where the fish are...j/k...hope this clears it all up...i also hope you bring 1st limit to my house cleaned cooked and also would like a thank you for the great time i had....hahahaha...geeesh i better stop while my roll is still rolling...anyways i hope this clears up any misunderstanding as to what peice of grass i was standing on...good luck!


Rap---sorry about asking all those questions...this was my first time to the area. I am a student at MSU Mankato and I am just looking for new areas to fish. But I appreciate all the info.


No problem,i was just giving ya a hard time is all joking around!I'm headed to the river in a lil while! be there about 1pm if your interested in going or anyone else feel free to stop over and honk your horn a couple times i'll put ya on the hole if it's open!


Sounds like that spot is producing better than the Minnesota River is in Mankato. I'm a college student at MSU also. If you ever need someone to show ya around the Mankato area, give me an email Browning. [email protected] There are quiet a few good spots right in Mankato for walleyes, white bass, catfish, and carp. Take a look at the Minnesota River Forum for lots of good info on this area. I'm headed back to the Twin Cities right now, and I think I'll try the spot near Morristown or wherever off hwy 60 on my way there.

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Well boys,
how did it go yesterday?


Hey jp,you need to learn this river a lil more before ya say you were on a wild goose chase! Fish are there and yes the water is low but like i said look for the deeper holes and slower water!Meaning that 99% of the river is fast water and shallow!Might not look like a great hole but remember this the fish travel up here year after year so they gotta be somewhere in what waters left!Fish are not going to stay at the mouth or in the lake cause the waters only a foot deep! I think ya gave up to easy! I walked up and down that river many times and most of the holes i normaly fish are no good being water is so low!Last week i walked over 3 miles of the river and found 2 holes that held fish! Fish that would bite my line that is!Take a walk in this area over the weekend i'm sure people will be flooding to the area knowing it's that time of year!You will get a better understanding of what lil water left will be holding fish!


Hey Rick i never made it yesterday to the river!Been try'n to locate a rig that would pass dot for my class A lic! Just got off phone to a relative who went! He too said the water was to low in area i was in but only fished it 10 minutes and got a couple whitebass! He then went to moristown and fished in cemetary parking area with good luck on white bass with only 2 crappies!Maybe the waters dropping fast i have no idea how much it has dropped in a couple days!Headed thatway in morning so i'll find out myself! Will have a red silver chev truck in the morning so if anyone wants to drop by and see how fish are doing!



I think you should let people believe there are no fish in the river.Less competition for the locals I think you already have given out way too much info.


adaylate, hahaha i know i know but i sure wish i had someone who would have told me where the fish were at in my younger days maybe i would know how and where to get umm @now...j/k..i know what your talking about but hey fish are for everyone to have fun with AS long as when i'm in a hole or a boat and someone i have no clue who they are throws an achor in my front seat and cast over my hat! I know the fish poputation has gone down a lot in the area but it's not from us!From with buckets full of eyes,pike and every other fish thats not open yet!
Just wondering if you ever floated the river off of #60 to Warsaw!Thinking about a float trip if the population is overwelming with the lil shorty's this weekend!

[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 04-18-2004).]

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Hey Rap,
I know for a fact that the crappies do run up the Cannon River out of Cannon Lake and many of them are real bruisers (a number of small ones too).

I was at Warsaw, your spot, another spot, Morristown, Tetonka, Sakatah, Cedar, and Shields. Only a couple of crappies I saw landed, so it was definitely slow all over in the shallows.


I have walked the whole stretch between morristown and warsaw and there are a couple of honey holes that you havn't given the GPS coordinates for yet.I agree with you about the spring invasion ruining the fishing.


Wow I can feel the love rapbuster has for us asian folks. Not all of us are like that and we do speak english. If you can read you should try and read cuffs and collars in the OutdoorNews Weekly. Most of the guys that get ticketed are not asian if ya know what I mean.
I have been down that way once or twice and was confronted by a group of white guys. Told me they didnt like my kind and wanted to kill me. Had to call the cops on them. People like you make it hard for people like me to enjoy the outdoors. I buy my license,pay my taxes, and obey the law. I thinks its my right to fish there.
Anyways, please dont label us black haired people like that. If you see an illegal fish taken give your dnr a call.

Two pound test is the test of skills!!!


Well fishkilla,not say'n all are bad by no means!You gotta know what i'm talking about as far as all wildlife!I hunt fish more then 90% of the people!I have stepped in and called on many things!Guess what,not a whole lot ever happends!1 of the reasons you see most of what you mentioned in outdoor news is how many Asians you see in a boat???How many you see on ice???you go to any river where fish are running in spring and you will see same ole same ole!Not all are bad but the crap left on banks,fires made and left over carp what has not been ate is left to stink up shore!I know a lot of others leave a mess as well but for the short season Asians invade small areas keep every fish they get(make a note not all but most)I have a few Asian friends as well as African Americans and a few spanish as well and they all fish! They do not leave a mess and keep all fish so i know just what your talking about!So do me a favore since you think i'm a bad person now!Next time you see 6.7.8.or 9 in a group on the bank stop back later to the lil camp site made then come back here and tell me you picked up the shore line and all that was left was a 50 gal plastic bag ya filled!Thanks from all my friends too cause we wont need to clean that area up!


From just another anglo fisherman, I'm glad to see there's someone here who might fit the earlier physical description who stood up to the types of things that are said on this site way to often. Well put fishkilla; and I hope you'll excuse our ignorant "friend."


Well if i got the gps out it prolly short'n up a few lines on topics huh...thanks for the advice i'll get that out this weekend...hahaha...Anyways,you headed out in morning?I was thinking on try'n the wader walking song and dance early!Depending on what goes on if needed i might get the canoe out and take a stroll down river later in the day!Being it's the weekend i put some 50 gal trash bags in just incase(make a note they wont be for my garbage)This goes for the rest of ya all,,,pick your crap up...a lot of people i ask on rivers in past are getting upset with the crap people leave on property!Would you like it if everyone went by your house and dropped off a couple pop,beer cans and chip bags threw a couple dead carp on your lawn or in a bush?
Yes it is ok to fish the rivers on private property they do not own water or land under it!You must get in water before ya enter there land and also just ask the person 99% of them will allow you to fish maybe not hunt but better to ask so ya dont start new B.S


I think I was on a wild goose chase. I went where he said, and I didnt find much water that looked like it would hold any crappies at all. Spent about an hour and a half walking up and down the river, only action I had was a sucker I snagged. Unless he is talking about fishing the North side of hwy 60 closer to Cannon Lake, cause south of 60 was all shallow, I didn't find any water deeper than 4 feet or so. On the bright side it was a pretty walk along the river. Saw 2 deer, and a tons of other wildlife. Some geese didn't like my presence, and I thought they were gonna actually attack me. I think I'll be sticking to the MN and Blue Earth rivers.


there are fish there i just caught them 3 days ago along that strech of river my parents land is right next to the state land on the south side of the river. unless they were traveling down river on that day. mostly white bass with the eye mixed in lots of carp snages. one every five or six cast it seemed. i dont think these fish will be there very long the water is already droping to low for most fish comfort.

CPR <(((<

[This message has been edited by troutman72 (edited 04-16-2004).]



I'm headed out to the state park to talk to some turkeys this A.M.


[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 04-18-2004).]


keep race out of it. End of story!!!

[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 04-21-2004).]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Kettle
      Those kidz must learn good
    • Kettle
      It is  pretty shiny piece of equipment. I was able to purchase it on my scab job wages 😆 I don't think I'll update the electronics any time soon, 3 screens is enough?
    • smurfy
      🤣 not near as shiny and spendy as that livescope toy. Thats kinda like bling ain't it? besides i'm on a paultry union pension  🫣
    • Kettle
      I mean to catch pike you just need a shiny object...
    • leech~~
      Just another "Words matter"   Voting on school levy. This was posted on the School "education district" building door.  We had a nice cold walk all the way around the building! The arrow was added, after we educated them! 😒
    • Wanderer
      Nope!  But it’s more funner!
    • smurfy
      I don't need no livescope to catch fish....🤔🤪  It's all in how ya wiggle the worm!😜 Just sayin  🤣
    • Kettle
      Obviously this is more of a hot topic due to forward facing sonar. With that being said, I know people who have pulled crappies out of basins 40+ deep since the fl-8 and zercom flashers came out. That's over 30 years ago. I do think there's a push to ban these in MN and I could see them doing it here. They'll have to pay my livescope from my cold dead hands 😆 on days I can't catch a walleye jigging or rigging it's nice to turn it on and throw corks at individual fish
    • Kettle
      It wasn't just you, I was fishing west of you about an hour on Monday. Fished 8am-4pm, no fish, two keeper walleye and one small one from 4pm-630pm. Marked a lot of fish, they would come up to a jig and swim away. They were skittish to the dead stick too
    • leech~~
      I wonder like divers, if we let them decompress every 10' for 1/2hr. If that would help?  🤔  It would slow the bite down a bit!  🤭
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