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Hi Hawkeye, We were up yesterday to check on the camper. The Lake looks like it won't be to long before it opens up. Was it you that said last year you have a record of dates that it froze and opened? We plan to be up to spend the weekend in a couple of weeks weather permitting of course. If you have them records what was the earliest it opened up? Take care and stop by and say Hi


Hi Mary, I been out fishing on the ice, Friday I got wet up to knees tring to get on. My son was giving me a bad time cause if had put on my waders i wouldnt be wet. Later i found out he got wet too. Nice perch and crappies are biting. I dont think the ice will be going out soon, allot has to do with if we get rain and warm weather. the early dates was 3-14-87 3-20-95 3-29-98 3-29-99 3-7-00 4-15-01 3-30-02 3-27-03 I thinking it may be 4-9 this year, still some nice gills to try in find, its nice when you can drill holes and they stay open for days. I better get to work ,so I can get home and caught supper. upper 40"s to day, upper 50"s tomorrow I think I am feeling ill !!!!

[This message has been edited by hawkeye43 (edited 03-23-2004).]


Thanks Hawkeye for the info. I was thinking it would be open this coming weekend with the weather being so nice this week. Just as well I guess. The first couple of weekends that we come up there we are planning on doing some remodeling in our camper. I'm sure it will get done a lot faster if we aren't stairing at the Lake thinking about the fish we could be catching instead. LOL! Your fresh fish for supper sounds great. I have one bag of frozen fish left in the freezer. That doesn't sound half as good as your fresh fish. Nothing better then that first fresh fish meal of the year. I can't hardly wait.
Thanks Again <><Mary><>


patience mary! patience. i've been fishing open bays near here for over a week. the crappies sure do taste great! del


you need to try a spot not far from your camper, dont tell


Hawkeye, Shhhhhhh! I know them spots well. They have my name on them. LOL!! Best fish in the Lake live there. Well some times any way. I bet they are out there calling my name right now.


THAT IS WHAT KEEPS WAKING ME UP!!!!!!fISH CALLING, I better not tell my wife cause she was very understanding this winter letting me fish as much as I did


Hawkeye, Is there really that much ice left on Tetonka to last until the 6th? Clear Lake in Iowa open up today. Last year there was only a couple days difference between them opening. I was thinking by Monday Tetonka would be open. Either way it won't be long now. Have you seen Jerry or Linda yet? They should be returning any day now. If the weather is nice next weekend we are planning on coming up.
Maybe you should try wearing ear plugs to bed and them fish might not wake you so easy. LOL


Mary, the ice on the north side is about 25 ft from shore this morning. the rain and warm weather on thursday made the ice black , with more rain tonight and sunday and the wind is going to blow hard like 30 to 40 mph. who knows what will happen!!! i will keep you posted. you have to understand its a sad day around here when the ice goes, its the end of fishing and the start of workkkkkk!!!!!!yuk!!! I must be getting old.


Mary, ITS Almost GONE... the ice is off over half the lake. most of it blew down to the east end. the wind has alot push to bust it up. there are some big piles of ice along the shoreline. must be time to get the dock in and the boat out.


Hawkeye, Thanks for the info. Weather sounds kind of cold this week.

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