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any info on fishing clubs in the
Owatonna/Faribault areas?


Don't know of any... want to start something?
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Hey Dave & Fishin Rig,
how about a Southern MN LETS League???

Cover From Rochester To Mankato and Lakeville to Iowa?? Lots of Good lakes in that area.

Anyone else have an interest?


Now there is a good thought.... hum.
That is very interesting.
Anyone else think positive on this?
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family


I know I'm very interested even though
i'm not sure how the fishing clubs & leagues
work. Used to be a little too involved in
diff. bar leagues. Need to save the rest of my brain cells and stick a little more to my
healthier interests! Maybe it's that
"next 30 years" song that hit me?


I would be very interested.
Otherwise does anyone know of a league that runs during the morning, for those of us that the morning would work out better for?
Dave and Rick, throw something together and let just see who might be all interested.
If you need any help, I would be willing to do what I can.


Dave that`s the ticket. I`m all in, as long as these tourny`s don`t conflict with my other obligations. I guess I can fish when I can, kinda thing. It would be nice to get some new lake`s to look at. I hope were talking about bass only. Let`s geter done! Flip


Can someone please explain the basics of how a fishing league works?! Do you form teams and fish weakly tournies? How many people per team? Multy species or stick with a certain fish? How's it work? Eager to learn! Are there plaques of recognition for achieving outstanding feats!? ETC. Just wanna know the whole scoop! If you guy's are halfway serious about forming a league I would be honored to be involved!!! Just an avid fisherman who likes to participate!!!!!


Keep us informed.

I would like to hear (read) more about it. I might even have a little time I could put in to it.


I really hope we can have some contests around southern Minnesota. I love fishing tournaments and fishing them on local lakes that I am familar with would be even better.
Lets get this together


LETS sounds pretty good. I really like the multi-species format! I personally get a little bored focusing on one fish day-in and day-out!

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Contact Tom Herman, Dennis Steele, Paul Waldowski, Dan Wood or ChuckN.

All of them will help you set-up a league or leagues in this area. They eat, drink, and breathe these leagues.

Tom Herman's e-mail address is:
[email protected]

After you talk to him let us know how things are going right in by posting it in this topic.

Who else is interested in a league in this area?

[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 03-25-2004).]

[This message has been edited by Tom Herman (edited 03-28-2004).]


I've been thinking about this very subject since I fished the Metro LETS last year. It is a great idea and something I know I'd participate in! Anyone wanting to catch a glimse of how one of these events operates be at Madison Lake near Mankato on June 26th. There is a LETS Metro event being held there that day. I'm sure Dan Woods or any of the other guys would be happy to fill you in.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky

[This message has been edited by LuckyFish (edited 03-25-2004).]


After posting my last message I realized you are probably thinking about getting one going this year yet. All the better just need a president to step forward, appoint some officers, put up a sign up sheet right here. Meet and set up a schedule and pick some lakes. It's as easy as that right Dennis or WWG. grin.gif Maybe one of the league presidents would like to reign in here, and give us a feel on how to set up a league.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky


Golden Boy with 3 accesses (third being Bray Park) I think 15 more boats won't matter that much. There should be plenty of space for the weigh ins at the North landing beach area or Bray Park. I believe there is also an access at The Main Street Landing. I know what your saying though Madison is a busy lake on weekends anyway. Still we had this problem on Waconia last year and got through it ok.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky


i would be very interested in joining the league. many questions to be answered though. what days would tournies be on? fees to get in? maximum number of boats? keep the info coming. all sounds pretty good though.


I had replied to this already this morning - and I see it got "lost".

Count me in as interested - but I'm not sure how many of these I could make. Any need for subs?



Hey Guys
I would be more than happey to get you guys started with a South Central LETS league.
LETS leagues are a lot of fun and you get to meet a lot of guys who are fishing the same area you are.I have made a lot of friends fishing LETS leagues for the past 4 years.

All you need to do is get a few guys to all agree on some dates and a few lakes to fish.Select a couple officers,have them contact one of us and we'll get you off and running.
LETS is going to making some leaps forward in the very near future with sponsors,and championships for the top teams from each league,while still having the neighborhood atmosphere.
Hey Lucky,why don't you get her off the ground?

If anyone has any questions or would like to meet for more information please feel free to contact me.

Minnesota River Guided Fishing
[email protected]
NPAA #863


Well I was kind of waiting for someone to step up. I didn't fish the Metro this year so I could get some much needed remodeling done. If there is enough interest here, and nobody else is willing I'd work around the remodeling. As Dennis stated this is a great opportunity to meet the people that are fishing the same waters as you. The people you share info with on this site everyday! It is a lot of fun, and sounds like it will get even better! I had a blast last year, and this is coming from a guy who finished dead last, lost a partner, and put a hook through his thumb! Still wouldn't trade the experiance for anything.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky


This would be great!!

Since Paul and Dennis live closer, they'd be able to help out with a meeting, but I'm available if you need to call.

Shoot me an email if you have any questions
[email protected]


was just wondering what night theae events will be held, entry fee and times. i may be interested if there on thurs or fri. im going to try to get into the cat league if i can (i hope) any info would be helpfull.


CPR <(((<


Hmmm What Have I got myself into. shocked.gif
Well if WE are going to do this, then WE will need all the help WE can get. I'd be happy to get the ball rolling, but this is going to take some more people to get this league started. We're going to have to have a VP, Treasurer, Someone to take some pics (basically anyone with a decent digital camera, and of course more than just 7 or 8 people to sign up. So 1st order of buisness is to get a show of hands. Who is interested in this league? Who would like to come on board as an officer? My guess is that the format should be the same as the Metro. A one day event maybe 6 times over the summer. Of course any ideas would be welcome and remember there are guidelines already set up for these leagues. Those would have to be strictly followed. Well anybody else interested in signing up? So far I count 7, with most showing a passive interest at this point. We'll need more.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky

[This message has been edited by LuckyFish (edited 03-28-2004).]


Troutman These events will most likely be on Sat. or Sun. Entry fees would run consistant with the Metro and State fees. For more info on this check out the "Lets and FM Gatherings" forum.
Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky

[This message has been edited by LuckyFish (edited 03-28-2004).]


President LuckyFish.... of the Southern Minnesota LETS League,
Thank you for taking the lead in this effort!

I will be proud to take a position if there is no conflect with my tackle company being a sponsor of the State & Metro leagues. I had all ready made that commitment. I will sponsor the Southern LETS League also, if that is not a problem.

Please advise me if there is any problem or conflect with my being on the board.

My contact info is: [email protected]
Dave Hoggard
1035 Robert Pl. Sw
Owatonna, MN
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family


Sounds like a great idea. Lucky, you know how the league works and would be a great person to help organize it. Next year I may seriously be interested in a southern league as well - as I'll be a bit closer to those lakes. This year, I'll try to fish some if you don't fill.

I think you'll want to keep any open spots open for individual registration (same as we are doing in the Metro and Statewide this year). Some of us that are fishing the Statewide or Metro would fish some of these events I'm sure to help fill it up for the first year if needed.


Dave that's the best news I've heard yet! Thanks. Your just what this league needs. With your help maybe we can bring this league together. It sounds like there is interest out there. So far that's 2 committed and 7 or 8 interested. That's not a bad start, but we're going to have to get some more people to get behind this if we are going to get a league going this year. We are starting out well behind the State and Metro leagues. I believe they are pretty close to be filled at this point. Don't know if I can get used to being called president though! LOL I'd like to get enough interest so we can move this to the LETS and FM Events board and get a sign up sheet started. People if you want to find out how LETS works go to that board and check it out! Lots of info there.

Good Luck & Good Fishing. Lucky


"WE" will also be looking for a weighmaster.
If you are interested in serving on S.M. LETS, please contact me.
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family


Not to rush this along, but I'm putting together a LETS poster that will direct people to the site for more information. I need to know if I should include the South division... Sounds like there is some interest. With Hoggie and Lucky, you guys are off to a great start. If you can get 7-8 teams that you think are interested, I think you will be fine. There is nothing saying you need to have 15 teams either. Plus with the individual entrants, you'll have a few more.

As of now, I'm including the South league as "South" division. Dates/lakes will be listed as "To be announced".

This topic is now closed to further replies.

  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • CigarGuy
      My son got paid back for a good deed he did several years ago. He found a couple of expensive items at a boat ramp and called me asking what he should do.   I told him to bring them home because I was afraid if someone else found them, they might keep them. It was winter and nobody was around. This was when Facebook wasn't really popular yet, I was on several sites like this. First thing we did was make a big sign and posted it at the boat launch, then I posted it on all the forums I was on. Long story short, we never found the owner, but we sure tried. I know to this day, if either one of us found something, we'd do our best to get it back to the rightful owner.
    • Brianf.
      Yes, for sure.     A few years back, and unbeknownst to me, a piece of trim came off my sled while traveling over the lake.  A fellow sledder and complete stranger found the piece and followed my tracks all the way back to my cabin to return the lost item.  Couldn't thank him enough.  His kindness will never be forgotten and is something to which I aspire. 
    • Mike89
      I'll bet your son and his buddies did the happy dance!!!  
    • smurfy
      Sweet!!👍 there are still good people out there!
    • CigarGuy
      We got the auger back! The person who found it didn't want me to mention his name, we can't thank him enough! Still good, honest people around. He called Spring Bay Resort and asked if they heard of anyone losing an auger and they sent him a screenshot of my post. So, thanks to Dayis and Steve at Spring Bay Resort for that! Thanks again everyone for getting the auger back to us!
    • smurfy
      Hope your well on the way back to feeling bett5 bud!👍 Been able to avoid all the bugs going around so far 
    • monstermoose78
      Who’s been out? I got hit with the flu and am still recovering. 
    • CigarGuy
      That's what they're going to do. I always read these posts and wondered how people could lose or forget stuff, well it happens!
    • Wanderer
      Dang….  I know it’s your son, so kinda different, but I’d be expecting a replacement from those who lost it.  The group could each put in and wouldn’t hit one or another too bad.   But that’s just an old man’s thoughts….💭    Good luck.
    • CigarGuy
      So my son and buddies were out this morning fishing between Wakemup and H.O.L. Bays (probably between Metza's pt and Schmidt Island), so they had to cross the snowmobile trail to The Landing. Well,  MY Strikemaster 24 volt auger fell off the back of my sled.  They didn't realize it until they got back. If anyone found it, would be nice to get back...please and thank you. Good news is they had the battery in their pocket..... Dip $hits😡
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