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Howdy-I am a student at MSU Mankato and am an avid flyfisherman/trout fisherman. I was wondering if there are any local/public areas to fish for trout. Thanks


Hey Browning, I'm from Mankato and am currently going to school over in St.Peter. There's a couple ponds that they stock a mile or two outside of St. Peter. It's kinda rinky dink but if you're looking for trout its your closest bet. Otherwise southeastern MN down by Rochester is known well. I hear some guys actually fly fish for carp in these areas. You won't have any problems finding them... Other than that I'm interested myself if there's anything productive in the area.


Are those ponds considered to be streams or lakes? Just wondering when the opening is - if it's in May or 17-APR-04.


Hey Kato-
Where abouts are these trout ponds near St. Peter? If these are your "secret spots" I understand. If not maybe I'll see you out there. Thanks for the info...thanks.
PS Any good spots on the MN river for any type of fish?


Take 99 out of St. Peter, head towards Ottawa--which is left. The ponds are on your left.....Good luck.


There are three “little” ponds if you even want to call them ponds. Second pond is a deep hole maybe 60 yards long by 30 yards wide, the First one is a little bigger but you can really only fish it from two of the sides (never very good fishing but get surprised once in awhile with a bigger trout), the Third one is a 75 yard long ditch that’s probably 15 feet deep in the middle, if that. The whole thing is surrounded by a swamp so you feel kind of funny fishing there for trout. There must be a lot of springs in the area because on the other side of the road is a big cliff. Water runs into the first pond from the swamp. Then that drains into the second and third pond. The “ditch” 3rd pond gets shallow on the back end and drains out into the swamp. The 2nd pond has a drain tube in it on the backside that drains water into the swamp. This little area, and it is little, gets pretty busy when the season opens. I just learned about this area a couple years ago because I didn’t want to drive all the way to White water every few weeks to go trout fishing. If you really want to do some fly fishing I would suggest a trip out to the White Water state part. The DNR site has a lot of good information for you on trout fishing in MN. If you venture out to White Water make sure you know what stream your fishing and the special regulations required on it. Rules continually change out there. Yahoo maps says it takes 2 hours and 30 minutes from Mankato but realistically it would probably take you 2 hours or less to get there (driving the speed limit). I drive from Belle Plaine and get there in around 2 hours.
Good like scouting.


Hey guys---thanks for all the info...greatly appreciate it. These ponds are public....correct? Also what kind of trout am I looking at if I give this a try this spring? Can I fish this in April or do I have to wait til may? Thanks again...good luck fishin this year

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