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if you have ahouse on clear in waseca you should go check on it over 2 dozen houses were broke in isure would like to catch the SOB


I heard about it on the radio. Sounds like alot of expensive gear was stolen.

I was reading on the Upper Red lake forum that fisherman caught a couple of kids with a pickup full of gear they just stole from fishermans trucks who stopped for lunch.
They held the kids there until the cops arrived. Sounds like everyone kept their cool.

I don't know how I would handle someone breaking in.


kick butt take names and sort it all out later!!!


i agree with you kick ***


That's what everyone would like to do but you can bet your last dime that they will be out of jail stealing before you get to call a lawyer.

Don't forget who the court systems protect it is not You I or Drew.


Most of the break-ins on Clear are due to Meth heads. They are taking propane tanks, batteries, BOTH key ingrediants for making Meth, and anything else they can grab that will help them in their manufacture of Meth. The local authorities know about this and are looking into it.


I will tell you what. My friend had his house out on Washington and his house got broken into and If we find the little B*****ds I will break both there arms and legs. All they did was destroy the thing. He had nothing to take and he even left the window uncovered for them to be able to see in. All they wanted to do was bust it up! Any info on these breakin's let the Sheriff's Department know ASAP. There is alot of upset people that need satisfaction.


Was out today on Clear for the first time. As soon as I drilled my holes a guy came over and asked if I was broken into. He got his poles and tackle stolen which wasn't that bad compared to some guys. I pointed at the truck and camper trailer and said that's the only way to go. Take it with you each day and leave with it.

Let's hope the cops get these meth heads while cooking up a batch. That will put them away for a while!


well i hear they got one of the little punks a guy out by me got hit but he got lucky and got his auger back hope everybody has his luck


If anyone has information there is a $500 reward being offered for arrest and conviction by the Southern Lakes Darkhouse and Anglers Assoc.


take me with you i like to break some bones


That's makes me want to do a little Bounty Hunting on the side...


They did get them. Check out the Ice Fishing Forum, the article from the Trib is on there!!!


I hear they got the guys who did this?

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