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Is anyone here familiar with Lake George? I caught a 1 1/2 lb. largemouth bass there Sunday afternoon, 10 ft. deep, on a glow hook with crappie minnow. Ice was 16-18" where I was, but I didn't drive around on it. I only saw one other person out there in a portable.

[This message has been edited by crabby (edited 01-14-2004).]


About 2-3 years back this lake froze out so i dont' really know how its doing. I would imagine they stocked it by now. I might try there sometime this season.


Yes the lake did freeze out 3 years ago, best thing that could have happened to it as it was littered with very stunted panfish. Bass population wasn't really hurt by it. Ive caught a few nice 3-5 lbers there both before freeze and after and now the crappies are coming back very nice, almost like it was6-7 years ago. Still have to sort some but not as bad as last few years, hold on to your poll as there are a lot of northerns there also some can get to 5-6 lbs but that is about it. About 15 years ago we used to go out at night with tip-ups and catch alot of nice 2-5 lb eyes but that stopped and at the end were just catching bullheads.
P.S. If you want a state record bullhead try it at night I know we had some that were 3-4 lbs


Thanks, HWW
I'll probably try again in deeper water this weekend.

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