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Ground Hog Week

Bobby Bass


GROUND HOG WEEK here at Lake Iwanttobethere at least it sure felt that way. I had some problems heath wise in the beginning of the week and the DOC asked if I would like to take a week off from treatment as I am doing very good. I jumped at the chance and went home with a smile on my face but not till I got a bag and a half of IV fluid pumped into me. The week was spent grazing when I ate as I have no appetite and a lot of time in bed sleeping and dozing. I don’t hurt when I am sleeping as I am able to find a "Sweet Spot" and the aches and pains go awhile for awhile.


I bring up Ground Hog week as the entire last week was just blur of lite snow, wind and a few glimpses of sunshine. Wall thermometer never got over forty and it was cool enough at night that the furnace would kick on and cycle some. Small fire in the fireplace during the day and I would find myself looking into the red coals and nodding off. Duncan would lay on the couch next to me and drop a chuck of Birch on my foot when the fire would get to low. Sunday in the matter of a few hours all seven of the grand kids came to the cabin for a visit. By the time they were gone the cookie jar was empty, the snack hiding space empty and no juice boxes left in the fridge. I was given report cards to review and told of the tooth fairy making her rounds. Deck was shoveled of snow and then the push broom was taken out to finish the job.


Duncan was not alone during this as the city dogs were also here and the three of them ran the property and didn’t leave a square foot of mud or snow without a dog foot print in the center of it. Needless to say the dog biscuit box was also reduced by the time the city dogs were back on their way. Son in laws looked over the To Do List and picked a few projects to do and the daughters help their ma bake some cookies to replace the ones eaten from the cookie jar. When the cabin return to quiet I made my way out to the kitchen figuring I would sample some of the newly baked cookies only to find an empty jar. The wife had sent the daughters home with the cookies saying that she could just go ahead and bake some more when she got around to it.


Had the cabin appraised on Thursday, been many years since we have had that done and I was not to impressed. Lady came up from the cites and did it and she walked around the place and took a lot of pictures but did not ask to many questions. I gave her a fact sheet with all the updates and when I got the paper less appraisal not a single one was mentioned. Cabin description was not even close and since she didn’t bother measuring anything, her guesses were off by feet. Still came in higher then what the county is taxing me at but lower then what I think it is worth. Not going to contest it as I don’t want the taxes to go up. As I said earlier I was feeling pretty good on Wednesday and did a lot on the Do List that was in reach, not going to make that mistake this week and I am going to lay low. Hardest thing I am going to do is water my seedlings and maybe touch base with people on the phone here at Lake Iwanttobethere

><> 38 <><


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