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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass's fishing hole

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MOST OF THE time I have a hard time starting an opening paragraph for a update here at Lake Iwanttobethere, that is not the case here this past 4th of July as I have many. So I am just going to throw some out there in random order.   4th of July is of course is a time for celebration but it is also a time for bright lights and fireworks and also the time for blowing things up under the cover of fireworks. I received a call from the wife there is one less woodchuck in the garden at the

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

good n bad

COOL, CLOUDY BUT not raining out this morning. The forecasted storm pretty much missed us here at Hidden Bay but we did get enough rain that the gardens did not need to get watered. Last night a light rain fell that was not forecasted but was welcomed. Most of the garden has been planted with seed so watering is important till things pop up. Early strawberries are appearing but we have a problem there as the last few days when the wife has gone out to pick them she has found a woodchuck already

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Change of plans

CHANGE OF PLANS Sunshine Ray is forecasting heavy rains and thunder a lot like what we had last Sunday to start again tonight. He has been right two times in a row so maybe he is on a roll! That and Stormy Clearweather is forecasting the same thing. So I think I am going to wait till Saturday to head on up to the RESORT. Grandson number two is here for the day and I have been working on keeping him busy. So far he has been in the garden picking strawberries which I of course helped him eat. Weed

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Just a nice day

A NICE GARDEN rain fell after dark last night so for once Sunshine Ray hit a forecast. This morning my sister who was in town from California came to visit and we caught up. My older sister shares the same date for her birthday as I do and my younger sister was born one day earlier. With a title better timing my mother would have had three kids born on the same date. Two days I is not too uncommon but three I wood say is unusual. After she left I took a nap on the couch because I can, having the

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SLEPT IN LATE but it is after all my 756th birthday today. I was still in bed at noon just getting ready to roll over and start an afternoon nap when the kitchen door open and Duncan who was already comfortable in my bed jumped up and left to check out the visitor. The mother in law was soon standing in my doorway cake and card in hand. I open one eye and just said "You are a tad early.put the card on the night stand and give me a fork for the cake" She laughed at me and told me if I wanted eith

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


I JUST HAD a box of Cracker Jack’s without a single peanut in it ! What is this world coming to? I know this is a fact because I bought the box just for the peanuts. Cracker Jacks has always brought back fond memories of when I was a kid and would go to the minor league baseball games, that and nickel hot dogs and dime cokes ice cold pulled out from a cooler filled with ice water that a guy would carry right up to your seat and pop the top off with a flourish and hand to you in exchange for your

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


TWELVE HOURS LATER and the lake is almost calm again. Last night I did make it up to the RESORT where I pulled up an easy chair and tried to watch the game seven NBA final game. Of course about every minute or so a weather warning scrolled across the top of the screen and a weather box open up showing us the advancing weather system. We did not really need it as all we had to do was look out at the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere and the trees bending downward under the force of the gusts of wind.

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Fathers Day

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY normally this time of year is always busy but with my current health issues it seems that I need an extra six hours added to every day. It was pointed out to me that I have not written for over a week. I have been meaning to but something comes up and I never make it to the desk and put words down. Several storms have hit us here at Lake Iwanttobethere and just as many have missed us. Lawn has been mowed a few times and number two grandson has declared that it is his job, I boug

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Barney,been a year

IT’S BEGINNING TO look a lot like summer, all the birds are flying about, there are bunnies in the bushes and boats are trolling about. Sounds more like a winter song but it is true. Getting some good sleeping weather as long as you have a quilt on when you leave the bedroom window open all night. Got a real good nights sleep here the other night after working on a lot of projects that day. Now last night I was not tired so I did not sleep that well but hope tonight to be back sleeping and not w

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


WHEN WILL WE get two nice days in a row? That is what the guys at the Lodge are betting on this week. Yesterday was decent out till out of no where a big time thunderstorm appeared. Hail, strong winds and rain fell like it had been dumped from a bucket. I was out in the yard and did not have time to make it to cover but we did have a tarp close at hand. We stood in the middle of the yard and the grand kids held onto the tarp and my head acted as the center pole of a makeshift teepee. We were at

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Swing Nap

WELL SUMMER IS here, maybe not on the calendar but after June first we count it as having started. I was in town today, ran some errands and made small talk as I sat in the Tahoe. The wife did all the driving and I did all the sitting. Grandsons will be here for the weekend so I have bunch of projects for them to do but I needed to pick up things. Garden is not all in but we will take care of that this weekend as long as the weather holds out. I think tomorrow is going to be a rain day so I will

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Hol;iday Dusk

DUSK TWILIGHT, BLUE light, sunset they all appear at the same time here on Lake Iwanttobethere. Last night I was sitting on the deck when they arrived. Grand kids and parents had all gone home, school the next day for them and work for their parents. Some smoke was drifting up from the fire pit and I was down wind. Just enough to keep the skeeters away if there were any. The wife was letting me smoke a cigar but I had to wait till the kids were gone. She was inside washing dishes and putting awa

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


THE UNDER TWO foot granddaughters are here at the cabin while there parents are out looking at some houses. Duncan is busy watching them so they don’t get in trouble at least his version of trouble. He is right along side of them as they search through the toy box and empty the contents on the floor. Some rain falling here once again but most of it is staying to the West of us, the other day it was all streaming by on the East. Some may call us lucky I am just saying Lake Iwanttobethere is doing

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Surprise Rain Day

DRYING OUT HERE yesterday we got rained on pretty good as a big storm fell on the other side of Lake Iwanttobethere and the lake did act as a buffer but still we got pretty wet here. High winds blew here but from my vantage point on the deck it does not look like we lost any branches. Good thing the rain barrels were put out as they are over flowing and two of the three new garden beds are filled with dirt so they are ready to be planted in. This coming weekend I will get the last bed filled wit

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

I'm Back

MYSTERY RIVER IS giving up fish to old guys and kids who ride their bikes to the shore and toss out into the water from shore. Not many boats working the river as with the season open everyone is fishing their favorite little lake. I spent the last week in the hospital once again and I am not going to spend the time writing about it as there are other things to write about. I am back at home and I am trying to get through another set back but it seems that is all I am doing. Before I went into t

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Cookies n Beer

YESTERDAY, ANOTHER RAIN day so it was not a fishing day so I have yet to lose a day. I should note here that I am referring to the far side of the lake where the season open last weekend. This side of the lake is still a few days away. I am moving around better and spending more time back in the den and surfing the web. I have noticed that when I leave the den chair and head to the living room that the old couch and chairs are not very comfortable. I broached the idea with the wife that perhaps

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

good n bad

GOOD NEWS, BAD news It has been a couple of weeks since I have written but things have not been quiet here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I have spent most of my time in bed and for some reason my laptop will let me read what is going on but not let me post. I have in my mind written at least a dozen stories but they did not get posted. So here is some of the topics I did kind of write about and I will now show in a very very brief format.   About a month ago I started feeling a heaviness in

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


WHY DO WIFE'S have to change the location of furniture in the house come spring? Last night I went to go to bed and as usual I did not turn on the bedroom light. I put my hand up against the wall, took one step backwards and sat down on where the bed has been for twenty years, it was not there last night. I missed the bed by maybe six inches but planted myself firmly into the floor on my behind. Being very fall concern I fell as good as I could have hoped for. This of course brought up a heated

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Cheeseburger Basket

MERLE HAGGARD PASSED away the other the day and I can’t say I was really a fan but I have heard of him. Pretty sure we don’t have any of his music in the jukebox at the Lodge but I am also pretty sure we do have a couple of eight tracks of his music hidden away somewhere. Back in the seventies when my buddy Chuck and I drove all over Fish County in my ¾ Chevy pickup with the bed rack that carried the 12’ Jon Boat and the 7.5 hp Clinton outboard we would stop at resorts and his music always seeme

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

On the Edge

RIGHT ON THE edge here at Lake Iwanttobethere as the bass on the thermometer hanging on the wall of the cabin is pointing at forty-one degrees and it is snowing. There is a new base of snow a couple of inches deep for the snow to land on but the stuff on the roof is melting and water coming off the eves outside of the den is audible as it hits the deck. Granddaughter is coming over for a visit which means we will be watching wrastling and playing Yahatze and of course we will be served Pizza rol

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Ground Hog Week

GROUND HOG WEEK here at Lake Iwanttobethere at least it sure felt that way. I had some problems heath wise in the beginning of the week and the DOC asked if I would like to take a week off from treatment as I am doing very good. I jumped at the chance and went home with a smile on my face but not till I got a bag and a half of IV fluid pumped into me. The week was spent grazing when I ate as I have no appetite and a lot of time in bed sleeping and dozing. I don’t hurt when I am sleeping as I am

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Junk Drawer

THE OTHER DAY I found myself polishing the hardware on my den desk and last night since I stayed up all night I found myself cleaning out the junk drawer which is the middle drawer. A little background on the desk here as it is well over a hundred years old. It belonged to a long time lawyer in town who was an uncle to a friend of mine. When the uncle died he willed it to my buddy who held on to it for a few years but when he moved he just didn’t have a place for it. I volunteered to give the de

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Wayne Walk

WELL I OVER did it the past few days working on my to do list and today I am paying for it. Both knees are stiff and sore and I had to take my time getting out of bed. Duncan was not too happy with my progress as he ran to the back door and back to me a few times trying to get me to move faster. With Duncan outside I took a look at the newly painted door and it looks good in the light of day, guess I didn’t miss any spots. Some sunshine coming through the cabin window’s and that is a surprise as

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


JUST CAN’T GET warm here at the cabin today, it could be that the wind has been blowing what seems like a steady thirty to forty miles an hour right at the deck door that I was painting inside. I have brass kick plate on the bottom of the door and more brass along the side of the wood deck door that is mostly glass. The brass plates protect the door from the dogs as over the years they would stretch out on it when wanting to go outside and scratch the wood deep. So a lot of tape was used to make

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Tap Beer

NAPS ARE NO longer a dirty word around the cabin here on Hidden Bay. I spent two days staying awake and then have been doing some serious nap time to catch up. If I could I would walk down to Lake Iwanttobethere and give her broad back a coupe of pats, she kept the Spring snow storm away from us who live on her shores. We did get a lot of rain almost, three inches last I heard. But that was better then the 6-8 icy inches of snow that fell away from the lake and then another 4 inches of snow that

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

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